Write Sen. Bogdanoff NOW! - Support Florida Open Carry

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Dec 6, 2005
Restore Common Sense to Carry Laws,
Support Florida Open Carry.

"I think [the open carry bill] is a little bit overkill," said Florida state Sen. Ellyn Bogdanoff (R) to the Sun-Sentinel.

"There's a way to solve [the accidental exposure issue] without allowing people to openly carry,"

Accidental exposure of a concealed firearm is only one of the problems we face in Florida as one of only 7 states that generally ban open carry.

Our lawmakers need to understand that in 43 states have open carry and repealing Florida’s highly unusual ban will save lives.

Open Carry was banned in Florida based on the same "wild west" and "blood in the streets" lies used to fight against Concealed Carry 24 years ago. These arguments have been proven absolutely false in the 43 Open Carry and 48 Concealed Carry States, including Florida. The Fact is that crime is reduced when law abiding citizens are able to defend themselves.

Open Carry is just another tool in the box that will allow the same people who carry now to be able to select the carry method that best fits the environment and situation at hand.

Write Sen. Bogdanoff NOW! [email protected]
Put “Support Florida Open Carry” in the subject line.

Let her know that it is time to end Florida’s Open Carry Ban and allow law abiding citizens to choose the method of carry that makes sense for them as they can in 43 other states.
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