The animals are more important than people

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Bottom Gun

Dec 26, 2002
Arizona Territory
I guess I just don’t understand priorities because I was appalled when I saw the local TV announcement this morning that they had successfully relocated six dolphins and a number of sea lions from Mississippi to Florida in the wake of Katrina.

They rescued these animals from an aquarium in Mississippi. The six dolphins came here to Ft Walton Beach and the sea lions went to Orlando.
Of course people were still clinging to rooftops waiting for help over there while this rescue was taking place.

I don’t know what kind of resources were required for this rescue but I’m certain it required substantially more than some good ol boy giving them all a ride in his Ford pickup truck. Those resources could have been put to much better use helping HUMANS.

Now I like animals as well as the next guy but shouldn’t the humans be rescued first? I personally would be hard pressed to think of an animal that was more worthless than a seal, but that’s just my opinion.
Didn’t it occur to these bleeding heart rescuers to simply release these creatures into the Gulf if they felt the critters were in danger?
What were those people thinking? I’d sure like to hear someone explain the reasoning behind this rescue.

Well at least now we know where we as humans rate on the food chain. We need to remember this at election time.
The explaination is simple. Dolphins don't shoot at you when you try to resue them.
Also, the animals cooperate, and there's fewer of them. Notice 6 vs 60,000+ :eek:
We CAGED those animals.

That makes us responsible for them.

The people in NO:

1. CHOSE to live there;

2. CHOSE to stay there; and

3. CHOSE not to make even minimal preparations. How much would a case of MREs, some bottled water and propane cook stove w/some cylinders of gas cost?

The inept, inert and wilfully obtuse are reaping what they sowed. Natural selection will do the rest. ....
Yup as others have pointed out, it's a lot easier to help a helpless animal than a bunch of idiots who want to stay in NO and loot the place.
Not everyone there had a choice. Some of the people had no means of leaving.
Granted, there are idiots there the world would be better off without but many of the people there are truly victims who had no choice.
We can't paint them all with the same brush.
Bottom right, but the problem is, just like everything else a very small minority impacts the majority.

Most of those people are just trying to get out. I feel sorry for them, they did what the "powers" told them and then were abandoned.
Government breaks down there is no way to respond in major issues, when this happens it's up to each person to protect themselves and their loved ones.

1- There seem to be large numbers of "animals" in New Orleans
2- I sent $100 to the Humane Society this morning for their animal rescue for Katrina fund
3- I didn't send any money to a human animal fund, they are bringing them to the Astrodome where my tax dollars will support them for quite a while anyway.
4- Great post Tory & DolanP!
They rescued these animals from an aquarium in Mississippi. The six dolphins came here to Ft Walton Beach and the sea lions went to Orlando. Of course people were still clinging to rooftops waiting for help over there while this rescue was taking place.
When I still worked for the Sheriff, one of our K-9s was shot and killed by a guy who didn't want to stop for one of our sergeants. For days afterward we received phone calls from people who were terribly upset about the dog being killed. One call I remember vividly.

Caller: (blubbering and crying) I just wanted to call and tell you how terribly upset I am that your dog was killed.

Me: Thank you ma'am. We appreciate your thoughts.

Caller: (still blubbering, crying, hiccuping, sniffing) The man who killed your dog should have been shot and killed too.

Me: He was, ma'am.

Caller: Good. Killing's too good for him.

Me: Thank you for calling, ma'am.

Not everyone there had a choice. Some of the people had no means of leaving.

Oh really? You mean the free bus rides and shelters provided by the state werent good enough?

You mean the money they get from MY PAYCHECK wasnt good enough?

There comes a time when people need to either take care of themselves or die of uselessness.
The majority of the people seem to be exceedingly poor and had no resources to evacuate themselves. They are American human beings and need our help. But it doesn't matter who they are. How we help them determines who we are. The thugs that prey on others should be shot. I thank God that I have resources in case of a like emergency.
Ignoring the debate over who is most worthy of being rescued, it is my understanding that the people rescuing the animals are volunteers. It is their time and their money and they can rescue whoever (or whatever) they want.

At this point, I am planning on donating to both.
Here's the text that went with this picture:

Over 150 dogs and other animals were evacuated from an animal hospital after their owners had left town without them.

It opens on a seperate window so I don't have an address for the pic. If you go to it is the 16th picture in their Katrina gallery.


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Although I don't want anyone or anything to suffer, I've always said that if there is a choice, animals don't deserve to suffer. As far as relocating them, if it was to save them, I would agree.

That said, the reason I believe humans deserve what they get is they have CHOICE. They CHOOSE the way they live. The people in New Orleans CHOSE to stay there, for whatever reason. The Mayor and Governor CHOSE NOT TO SHOOT THE LOOTERS in the beginning... Surprise.... ANARCHY.

This is the richest nation in the world and when someone sits on their ass and waits for the government to feed them and clothe them, they deserve what they get. It is the CHOICES they made years ago that has put them where they are today.
Can you guarantee that every person left was one that did not wish to leave?

As for the animals, I am not an animal person. They are well below humans, IMHO, and not worth dying over. The story of the man who went out in the hurricane to find his cat just boggles me. BUT, if it was volunteers or a private organization doing this, not working under the control of whatever corrdinated rescue is going on, it is fine with me. Pretty much, as long as they wern't pulled off saving people to save animals, it is OK.
Can you guarantee that every person left was one that did not wish to leave?

Certainly not. There are sick, infirmed and crippled people who probably got stuck there too, not to mention the children of idiots that didnt get a say in the matter. I donated today to an organization that specifically helps *these* people, and not a blanket group that tosses out money to every person that asks.

I love it!!! :D
The explaination is simple. Dolphins don't shoot at you when you try to resue them.

Indeed. We've already had sniping at hospitals where they were trying to evac paitents, shots at rescue helicopters, shots at boats bringing in supplies... :barf:
I thank God that I have resources in case of a like emergency.
Thank yourself for the resources.

Thank God for the brain and good sense He gave you; the intelligence to plan for a (very!) rainy day; the wisdom to prepare for the bad times when you have a surplus, rather than consuming your surplus; and the fact that you'd probably also have the good sense to get out early.

Unfortunately, it looks like He failed to bless quite a few people with good sense, wisdom, and intelligence.
Let's stay civil kids... no name calling.

Wierd thing I swear on the news a couple of days ago I saw a dolphin in someone's swimming pool... it had been temporarily relocated from a zoo or aquarium somewhere... can you imagine?

As far as abandoned animals... some people are just idiots... even the humane society suggests if you HAVE to leave your pets to leave them outside where they can make a run for it.

Can't imagine a scenario where the slobbering, shedding, fur coat wearing, howling at the moon, stinky, digging machine of a dog wouldn't be riding shotgun as I got the parents out of Dodge.

Wierd thing about animals and people. My girlfriend can look at a truckload of dead bodies and shrug, but the sight of one dead dog or cat puts tears in her eyes. Are her priorities messed up? Maybe.
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