second amendment

  1. SharpDog

    3d printed guns - how effective are they

    I was reading the discussion about 3d printing here: what struck me was this photo: Now, I'm an engineer and I know about the problems in creating tools. It just seems to me that 3d...
  2. SharpDog

    Want to design a gun ? ... Print it ...

    This could open up a whole new arena for creativity ...
  3. SharpDog

    Some Companies are jerks

    Corporate America Continues Use of Financial Gun Control: Boycotts for sure are in order but it will take more than that. It will take more than financial damage, we also need to damage their brands.
  4. SharpDog

    Masters of the Universe Suppressing Gun and Accessory Sales

    It seems the Masters of the Universe are going to battle against the Second Amendment: I've joined MeWe for this reason but it really needs more participation to get over the hump...
  5. SharpDog

    2A or not 2A, that is the question

    I recently saw this contrasting photo: Keep in mind there are two very different gun cultures at work here. Switzerland expects it's population to be forming a militia.
  6. SharpDog

    NREA joins with CRPA to sue California

    Among the gun control provisions passed last year that went into effect at the beginning of this year was a restriction on the sale of ammunition. This is plainly a means for CA to control (and restrict) ammunition sales in the state...
  7. SharpDog

    Organized attack on 2A

    The anti's are financing, supporting and organizing these student demonstrations. They will continue for the foreseeable future unless we can muster some countermeasures. ‘No Amendment Is Absolute’: D.C. Student School Walkout Organizer Says We Must ‘Regulate the Second Amendment’...
  8. SharpDog

    Federal appeals court says assault rifles are ‘weapons of war’ not protected by Second Amendment But, in Miller, the SCOTUS said a member of the unorganized militia, when called to service, must appear with a weapon of his own procurement and of the type in common use at the...
  9. SharpDog

    2AF files against Deerfield Illinois AWB confiscation plan
  10. SharpDog

    Add Citibank to the list:

    Citigroup Announces Gun Control Requirements for Clients and Small Businesses:
  11. SharpDog

    GOA: House Leaders on the Verge of Adopting Anti-Gun Agenda

    House Leaders on the Verge of Adopting Anti-Gun Agenda Dear Peter, I need you to take action right away. Here's the treachery that is occurring on Capitol Hill. Republicans are showing, once again, that they are the "stupid party" -- now that their leadership is pushing gun control as part...
  12. SharpDog

    Worldwide Gun Ownership Vs. Homicides

    Interesting map: The original source for this was Facebook but this link to the Guardian shows the same data:
  13. SharpDog

    Interactive Map: Track your state's actions on gun control

    Interesting ... notice that NY restricts 'assault ammunition' ????
  14. SharpDog

    Gun Debate: REI Places ‘Hold’ On Vista’s CamelBak, Other Brands

    It seems that the umbrella corporation of these brands sells scary black rifles :(
  15. S

    Examples of recent rebellions/civil wars where semi-auto rifles critical to the rebels' success?

    What are some examples of successful rebellions or wars that were directly helped by the non-gov't side having access to semiautomatic rifles such as AR-15s or semi-auto AKs? I'm having a discussion with someone on Facebook (yeah I know) about the importance of civilians in the US being able to...
  16. M

    NRA Backed SHARE Act Passes Committee

    NRA Backed SHARE Act Passes Committee Wednesday, September 13, 2017 (Note: This MAY be reproduced for noncommercial purposes. Please see copyright notice on the very bottom) * Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle...