Another suicide at LGS.

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How many times has this happened now at Shoot straight? I can think of 2 other instances off the bat, one being the link you provided, and I thought that it had happened before/since.
Unless there's something more, THR doesn't focus on range suicides themselves since anyone anywhere can walk into any range and rent a gun to shoot themselves with on the range.

Unless members of THR were present there isn't much of value to discuss since it isn't like this facility is at fault.
It has been our experience that discussions dealing with gun range suicides degenerate into uncivil behavior fairly quickly, and the amount of useful information to be gleaned from such discussions is minimal at best.

I'm sorry to hear about this tragedy, but discussion of it isn't really linked to THR's goals of furthering safe use of guns and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
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