@#$%^&* bogus California handgun law

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Dec 24, 2002
Bakersfield, California
Just got home from the range. I've been renting different kinds of handguns to see what I like. Well, the last time I did this was december. So I went to the range with the intent of renting a Kimber Custom 2, and the guy behind the counter informs me that the handgun law that went into effect in January (where you have to take a test and pay a $25 tax) also includes rental handguns. :fire: . If it hadn't been for that test and tax, i would have rented that handgun, ran outside, and robbed a bank! Phew! Another crisis averted, though. Thank God for Gray Davis!
i was the impression that the HSC is needed to purchase a gun. Since they wanted you to demonstrate "safe handling" before you pick up the gun, it may well be that it is required but i'm not so sure about it.
did you have to buy the ammo from them as well?


12800. It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this article to require that persons who obtain handguns have a basic familiarity with those firearms, including, but not limited to, the safe handling and storage of those firearms. It is not the intent of the Legislature to require a handgun safety certificate for the mere possession of a firearm.

12801. (a) As used in this article, the following definitions shall apply:

(1) "Department" means the Department of Justice.

(2) "DOJ Certified Instructor" or "certified instructor" means a person designated as a handgun safety instructor by the Department of Justice pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 12804.

(b) No person shall do either of the following:

(1) Purchase or receive any handgun, except an antique firearm, as defined in paragraph (16) of subsection (a) of Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code, without a valid handgun safety certificate.

(2) Sell, deliver, loan, or transfer any handgun, except an antique firearm, as defined in paragraph (16) of subsection (a) of Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code, to any person who does not have a valid handgun safety certificate.

(c) Any person who violates subdivision (b) is guilty of a misdemeanor.

(d) The provisions of this section are cumulative, and shall not be construed as restricting the application of any other law. However, an act or omission punishable in different ways by different provisions of this code shall not be punished under more than one provision.

I'd say they are considering renting to be a loan in this case since there is nothing in the code that says "rent" or "rental".

IANAL. Someone who is want to jump in?
Doesn't sound right to me either. The range I frequent rents guns to1st time shooters all the time w/o taxing or testing them :scrutiny:

Sounds like it might be tim to find another range!
I think it is time to give up on California. All gunowners should leave the state and the US army should blow it up in an effort to prevent corruption of the greater gene pool.
Blow up California....Gee...I thought all the major terrorists were from outside our country.....by the way, there is an awfully large west coast gene pool fighting for you half way across the world...
perhaps it is inappropriate to suggest leaving california just becase a range requires you to have an HSC.
it's not a big deal really. gas is expensive here, but it doesn't justify to move out of the US to the middle east where the oil is.

There are other great opportunity that California offers :)
hot blonde women for one. (notice i'm in santa barbara).

back to the topic, where was this range?
California has the same problem as Iraq.

A corrupt and evil leadership that keeps its people under its boot.

The solution to the California problem is the same as the Iraq problem ... regime change (although I think it can be done in California without any "Shock and Awe").
The range you frequent is misinformed. I go to a range here in Southern California and took a 1st time shooter there last week. He rented a gun by himself and was not charged differently than any time I rented a gun last year. I do not have the new certificate and have rented a gun from that same range after the first of the year and was not charged any extra fee.

Our politicians are not any more corrupt than in any other state. They are just far more misinformed when it comes to firearms than in most states.
I agree, it sounds like your range is taking the strictest interpretation they can. The range I shoot at doesn't have that requirement.
Hot blondes and the beach sure do make up for having your Second Amendment rights trampled worse than the citizens of most any other state (except maybe the inmates of the PRNJ). "It may be a gulag, but the guards are cute and there's never a line for the shuffleboard courts." :D

Maybe someday we can liberate the oppressed citizens suffering under the Caliban.

I understand we have American troops stationed there already?
I'm with Gudel and Natedog....This place rocks with more to offer than any other state...not just the weather....and I'll take hot blondes over cold steel any day of the week...but it would be nice to have both...hey, I do have both...bitchin!

Or no whining.

That said, I understand the concept of change from within. However, dedication and sacrifice are required.

Or, off to the beach, dude.
While California does indeed have many insane laws on the books, it's hardly as bad as folks make it out to be. Look at D.C., New York, Mass, we're hardly alone. As an honest man I've yet to have any real problem getting anything I wanted here.

Over the last six years or so of living out here I've bought and sold dozens of gunsand the only times I've had any problems were with the dealers not understanding the laws.

Believe me, I don't support any of these laws and would be quite happy to see them all go away, just want to let folks know that there are a whole lot of gun owners in California and we're getting on just fine. The NRA out here is working very hard for our rights even if they don't get to show a lot of wins.
it is nice to be able to drive to the beach, mountains, beach, forests, and um beach too!

There are East Coast states where this is possible.
Within two hours of my house, there are all those things, albeit on a smaller scale.

But then again, PA is one of the best states going for regular shooters, and we are second in NRA membership only to TEXAS

;) :D :p :cool:
To all you PRKers who keep bringing up the "blonde beach babes", I have 3 words for you


more beach babes then you can shake a stick at AND CCW.
Change from within only works if you try to change things. Talking about change from within while saying "but it's not really all that bad" doesn't make a lot of sense.

"As an honest man I've not had any problem getting anything I wanted here."

Does this mean you buy guns illegally? Or does this mean you have no interest in AR15s, SKSs, AKs or the "wrong" handguns or hi-cap mags? I was under the impression that it was getting pretty hard (or impossible) to buy such things legally in CA.

As an honest man I've yet to have any real problem getting anything I wanted here.

Suppose you see a gun you want? Then, a day later, see another one you want? Then, a week after that, see another one you want?

As an honest man, why shouldn't you be able to buy them when you see them.

Suppose your neighbour or friend wants to sell you a gun. Why should you both have to troop off to a state representative like a couple that wants to get married? Why shouldn't you just give him the money and take the gun?

As an honest man, I don't believe that California would want me if I brought my firearms. I would be a multiple felon. I am 100% legal where I live.

I won't be setting a foot in California. Until y'all free your state, you're welcome to its "benefits."

Remember the old saw about boiling frogs:rolleyes:
You folks are a tad bit harsh don't you think? I never alluded to buying anything illegally nor would I ever attempt to.

As a matter of fact no, AR's, SKS's & AK's don't interest me in the least. Does that mean I think you should be restricted? No. If a person wants more than one gun a month, great. My wife is way more restrictive in this area than the state anyhow.

Did you miss the part where I said I don't agree with these laws? Did you miss the part where I stated we're working very ####### the issues?

Until WE free OUR State? Did we somehow become not part of The United States?

Read a post before becoming a divisive mob. Guess what, if I wasn't a strong supporter of the second ammendment I wouldn't even be on this board. Bickering amongst ourselves is a sure way to lose all our rights. To act as though California gun owners are responsible for the poor legislation in this state is as much garbage as saying U.S. gun owners are responsible for 10 round mags.

I truly agree with the eradication of these insane laws, but leaving the state and allowing it to become a haven for anti gun cancer is not intelligent for the country. By the way, did I mention that I don't live here by choice? No, I'm a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you know, the ones that make free speech and gun rights possible for the rest of you.

Edited to point out that the ##### is ##########, nothing innapropriate.

Edited again because the software just won't allow the word "hard" to be paired with the word "on".
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