@#$%^&* bogus California handgun law

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I believe it's called the second ammendment isn't it?

And I had always thought there were hot blondes in every state. Silly me! I just thought the Cali blondes were better swimmers, what with all the silicone floatation devices and all...:eek:
Question to 461

Quotes from 461

By the way, did I mention that I don't live here by choice? No, I'm a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you know, the ones that make free speech and gun rights possible for the rest of you.

As a small business owner myself I feel an obligation to not only know my products but to know about the legalities involved.

Just curious -- how do you as an active duty military man (I assume active duty because you say you are in California against your will), manage to find time to run a business? What kind of business? What branch of the armed forces?

Just curious.
tetchaje1- No blaspemy at all, just because I'm not interested in them dosen't mean I don't support your right to own them.

TheEgg- most folks in the military have to work two jobs to get by, it's not right just a fact of life. Check out the link in my signature.

Edited as I forgot to mention my job. I'm a Chief Petty Officer in the U.S. Coast Guard. 14 years service.
dvnv...I never said they pevent crimes...I just said the regulations are in response to the abuses....whether or not it does anything is besides the point...
hmmmm..... That's pretty much the point, IMHO. Sort of like having vote tests simply becouse some folks can't vote responsibly. Or a government censor as some folks don't use the 1st Amendment responsibly.

Check the moderators out. We spend a great amount of time and effort simply to advocate 2nd Amendment rights. No one on this site gets paid to work here.

It would be surprising if we didn't take point.
The gun-laws in California are not the most permissive, this much is true.

How many of you are members of the NRA and/or the CRPA?

I myself just sent off for my California Rifle and Pistol Association membership. They are affiliated with the NRA, but are a separate entity. They are the watchdogs of the shooting front in our state. My recommendation is: support your politicians who support you, and remove those that don't.

I am a teacher, and as such, I am surrounded by liberal thinking. But, I stand firm to my beliefs and I assist however I can by voting. It may not be much, but it's a start. Remember, there are very liberal pockets of existence in California (Hollywood, San Fransisco) BUT this was the state where Ronald Reagan was Governor for 3-4 terms...

I was not born here, and I came for employment. I lost several "rights" by moving here from the South and Midwest (I lived in Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Tennessee from 1978 til 1998).

I love my new state, even with it's higher cost of living and restrictive laws. But, I will also try to make it more permissive for things other than alternative lifestyles (which don't bother me either; I reckon I'm a "I won't bother you if you don't bother me" sort of guy).

Sorry for the rant.
CRPA 3-Year

CRPA has a HUGE bang for the buck as they give a detailed listing of the legislative battle as it unfolds... this is communicated through "The Firing Line" - no not the forum - the newsletter.

I give CRPA my personal vote in the category "BEST INVESTMENT FOR YOUR FUTURE FREEDOM". Well, just short of taking that money and applying it towards renting a U Haul and leaving this beautiful - but crippled - state.
Serpico: Thanks for the explanation, I understand your point...strongly disagree with the passing of these restrictive and ineffective laws, but do understand your point.

I have lived in CA quite some time and have seen the balance of power shift from conservative to liberal over the years...I don't think CA will be voting republican for the forseable future. dvnv
NRA- yes for over ten years.

CRPA-No, but looking into it as we speak. Thanks for putting it on my radar screen.
That Arizona Republic article (cited by krept) touches on how dumb some of these crooks are. I have to wonder about them sometimes......

In good fun though, two things:

1. With our kids, my family is now fifth generation here, starting out as ranchers & farmers. How long have wackos from out of state been moving here, starting their like minded families, and over running us right minded ;) natives. Especially in the L.A. and Bay areas?? Then they vote in these crazy laws... We oughta send them back- well, no not back, I don't want to wish that on you guys in the other 49 States- O.K., send them to Singapore :)....
2. Our Central Valley feeds a huge chunk of the World, and our economy is about the 7th largest worldwide. Seems like two good braggin rights that we should keep for the U.S.A...

Otherwise, our best. And remember, Reagan !!!!

PS: Right minded folks are always very welcome to move here :D
It's just the crazies who get a Greyhound ticket elsewhere.
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California is now (as of late 2002) the 5th largest economy on the planet. If this state falls totally to the darkness, many other states might not be far behind.
Have lived in California since 1959. Have all my family here except our son and his family as he's in the Army (and is in Iraq as I write this). I live in a medium-sized city in a largely agricultural area. I have a CCW and belong to two ranges within 15 minutes of my house. I vote and support the NRA and CRPA. I teach at a college but have converted some and found many others there who are gun people :what: ! However, I highly resent the laws passed here and will be leaving in six years when I retire. My freedoms mean more to me than the beauty and opportunities of this fair state. I'll miss Disneyland the most!! :cool:

I wish more folks like you would move here and raise like minded families :)... We plan to retire elsewhere too, but it'll take a few more years than for your family. I'll miss the mountains and Pacific, and look forward to a friendlier atmosphere.
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