Business Casual--How do you Carry?

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Kel Tec P3AT .380 in my pocket holster. I'm a computer tech and have to crawl under desks and run network wire so I can't have anything larger on me during the work day without risking exposure.
sanchezero asked
Have you checked out the velcro 'underbelts' ...?
Yes, I've considered velcro e.g. Accumold. On what I've seen, it looks like the extra thickness of velcro isn't much better than the buckle I have. It's comfortably worn to the side in the natural dent where the oblique muscles join the abs. (or between the beer belly and the love handles, YMMV )

Plus the belt with buckle I'm using can be adjusted to any length and could easily hold full body weight or much more if need be. (for emergency sling, restraint, whatever)

If I change, I'll definitely take a closer look at the Safariland though.
SP101 DAO bobbed hammer .357 mag in Uncle Mike's pocket holster, in front pocket.
Milt Sparks VM-2 with the kydex clips, so the holster is tuckable. With a tucked in, slightly bloused out polo you'd never know.
black clip knife, clipped to black pants, under black leather belt at 1 and 11; 3AT in rt. pocket; flashlight in lft. pocket; P12 off body in planner carrier

If I'm wearing tan/khaki pants I just switch to a white metal clip knife

Get a 3 piece suite, carry the jacket most of the time, have the vest tailored to conceal.
Either a STAR Firestar or LaFrance NOVA, either in pants pocket, or crossdraw under my shirt - a bit less comfortable, but easy to access. Last resort - either gun in an ankle holster. I live & work in a low intensity (i.e. low probability of risk) setting these days.
Skunkabilly asked:
How thick are these underbelts?
The one I use is only 3/32" thick by 1&3/4" wide. The duty under belts I know of seem to be as thick or thicker than a regular civilian dress belt 1&1/2" wide. A search under "duty inner belt velcro" will give you many examples.

The one I use is the same material as cargo straps - wide for support, flexible for comfort, thin for concealabilty. Looks like it would hold a thousand pounds. Normally sold as a BDU riggers belt here

Note that when worn concealed, the buckle lies flatter if the free end is threaded through buckle, over the slider then straight under the belt end instead doubling back on itself as shown in the picture.


I just bought one of these jackets from Duluth Trading Co.

It has a lot of pockets that can be used for CCW. My 442 has a permanent home in the outside (but inner) side pocket. It has 2 thicknesses of cloth to hide printing, is deep enough so that you can't peek down at it, and is an easy draw.

The inner lower pockets are large enough for a full-size auto, but is should be light-weight or you can tell there is something heavy in there by the way jacket hangs - no printing however.

The inner upper pockets (not the little ones) are large enough for a medium auto, but if the butt is too long, it won't conceal easily. Again, lighter weight hangs better, but still no printing.

But the main thing I like about it is that it's a comfortable, durable cotton jacket that looks great with khakis or blue jeans.

do you by chance shoot SAS?
If not, you should because you have a great stage name for it!;)
I've used a SmartCarry to tote my Glock 30 for about a month now. No complaints.
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