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I am the weapon, the world my toolbox. - yours truly

There is some beautiful work being shared in this thread, and I am most appreciative of everyone sharing. I am learning a lot as well.

These aluminum canes, as one sees in the drug store, that are adjustable, are also tools.

No, they are not heavy, nor do they have character and soul.

I am not being disrespectful with what I am about to post.
Just sometimes life is what it is, and it flat hurts to have to share some realities.

1. We have an aging society, and will continue to .
Many of our older members of society do not do well with weight. Sad, still many just have aches, pains, and just cannot do what they once did. Weight is something that concerns them.

For some, having to use a cane, is a blow to self esteem. In my experience, ladies are more often "vain" about such things. They don't want to use a stupid cane, no matter if the cute young male doctor, held their hand and flashed that smile when they shared once again "risk for falls".

Men will do this, even if the cute young nurse held their hand and <sigh> once again that risk for falls bit.
Oh they were fine while the doctor/nurse adjusted the cane proper, but once outside, the feeling of "I am not as independent as I once was" kick in.
It flat hurts their feelings.

They will "rebel", and not use the cane. Some will "accidentally misplace it".
Others, will flat lose it.
They are not used to keeping up with it, so it gets hung on a shelf while looking at soup, and they walk off from it hanging on the shelf
Or they have it hung on a grocery buggy, and that buggy has a wobbly wheel and don't roll right, so they leave the cane on the buggy they started with and grab a buggy that rolls better.

"Ma'am/Sir, you left your cane..." really embarrasses them, when someone brings them that cane left on shelf, buggy, wherever.

Yes, this is a "training" matter, just, well, phooey!
These elder folks have lived life, and more of it, and they did not live this long being stupid.

No, they are one of our best natural resources.
When you get in your 70's, 80's, or older, see how damn well you do with ADLs (activities of daily living).
Damn world has changed and not for the better in many cases ...

2. Yes, these persons can effectively use a aluminum adjustable cane.
Keep it simple.

The reality is, you and me, are not going to run off and leave a elderly person to predators.
Bad guys know and plan on this.

So have communications, and practiced plans. Even if you have to "fuss" (with respect) at a elderly person with cane, or walker.

Hang tags for handicapped parking are best, for too many reasons already discussed.
Still one is the ability to use that hang tag on your vehicle if need when taking a person out with physical limits, that has a handicapped parking tag.

i.e. Their sedan will not carry a chair, or maybe a park bench they want on the back porch.

Use your truck, with their hang tag, and park in handicapped when you take them to check out and get that chair, park bench, whatever...

You have practice plans on all this.

Which includes having used their aluminum cane/walker to stop a threat.

If you are standing near them, or assisting them with vehicle door, or curb, the most handy, or accessible tool might be their $12 aluminum adjustable drug store cane.

3. Young folks, even kids.
There are times, when one is healthy and whole, the option of using a cane is a good one.
Restrictive areas, including court houses and others, with metal detectors.

For ladies, again, it is more difficult to get them to use a cane. Still if they have one in the trunk of the car, it is a tool.

I have "convinced" or "talked them into it" by suggesting having a pair of tennis shoes and wearing them with a dress, skirt, with that cane. I also suggest one of those elastic knee wraps.

This seems to help the mental mindset of them "needing to use" a cane, even if they are 21 years old and in fine shape.

A 11 year old with a elastic knee wrap, or even Ace bandage over jeans at knee with their cane works too.
Soccer, baseball, softball, basekeball, you name it and kids get hurt.

This allows a kid options, as it does with the adults they are with.

The ones I had, were the ones with the tilde handle ( ~ ). I had a black, "bronze" and regular aluminum one.

Yes I used these, and I also could loan one to anyone, male or female, of any size, including teens and kids.

i.e. Courthouse where metal detectors check to make sure there are no weapons.

Getting a birth certificate from a State Health Dept, and by law, one cannot have weapons in buildings.
One has to park "here" and walk to building.

Yes, I have had 30 year old gals fuss, still they used the loaner cane. It takes two seconds to adjust it.
I have also had an 11 year old fuss and then once we were done with business say "ya know, this is pretty neat, can I have one of these canes of my own?".

You might want to pick up one of these aluminum, adjustable canes and wring it out. Yes, wring it out to the point you break it.
You need to know what it can, and cannot do, and how it holds up.

Then get another for backup, having in the vehicle, as a loaner.
Plus, if serious shows up, you have an idea of what one of these is capable of, as you have actually wrung one out.
My Blackthorn Stick

As people are showing their canes, I thought I'd show my latest cane.
Blackthorn - grown in my garden from seed about 5 years ago.

The head is a ball of seasoned ash - cut about 8 years ago,
and carved into a ball, which is glued and pinned into place.
I prefer a ball to any other shape because it always 'fits' when
I pick it up. You can't beat a good knob in the hand! :D
The paracord lanyard is tied underneath the ball so I don't drop
the cane when opening/closing gates and doors etc.
The whole cane was painted with black paint,
and 2 coats of yacht varnish added for protection.
This is my every day cane.


Cane and piece left over from making the cane - see the spines!

This is the tree today - several potential sticks for next year.

Close up of tree today - at least four sticks growing.

The cane showing relationship to whole length of piece cut from tree.
Ball dia' 2 3/8" : Cane dia' at ball 1 1/4" : Cane dia' at bottom 1" : total length 36".
Blackthorn grows in the hedges that border roads
and field boundaries where we live, so the berries are easily found.

I wanted straight sticks, so planted the berries in compost,
and clipped any side shoots to force straight growth.
Blackthorn makes little thickets if left alone, which means
steaming to straighten into useful sticks, and the landowners
wouldn't like people diving into hedges etc to help themselves either.

There are probably seven or eight sticks growing from that
single individual blackthorn at the moment, about 4 of which
could be cut next year, and new shoots will be put out from
the root, and allowed to grow - clipping any side buds to make
the sticks grow straight, instead of branching out.
The birds are welcome to the berries that form until the sticks are cut,
which are then given to friends, relatives and visitors who want one.
Blackthorn grows in the hedges that border roads and field boundaries where we live

I take it you live somewhere in the UK, then? Blackthorn isn't common, at least hereabouts in the southeastern United States- though it will apparently grow here from what I can tell from looking around on the web. There seems to be more interest in it here for the sloes (berries) than for the sticks, for some strange reason :D. Something called "sloe gin" or something like that...

Anyone else here interested in finding a source for their own blackthorn? If so, and if I can find someplace to get it, I'll post it here.

I have an old book called Basic Stick Fighting For Combat by Mike Echanis.It has a good section on using a cane for self defense by Mikes Hwa Rang Do instructor.He uses the basic cane that does a 180 at the top for a handle.The curved handle is used extensively to hook legs and arms and such.
I finally got a pic of the Blackthorn walking stick which I got a little while ago from Fashionable Canes.


There's a metal tip underneath the rubber crutch tip, which the seller threw in.
Looks much better than the $45ish one I got from Lollysmith (though I am fairly happy for the price). I would have saved up an extra $30 for that though. Good find.
When you get serious look at 'Canemasters. Oh these are made from hickory. I am assuming the Blackthorn is much tougher wood.

I was looking at my Blackthorn stick from Lolly today again, and it's not *bad* but I just love the traditional looks with a ball on the end. Is that the actual rootball or is it glued/screwed on?

One thing in favor of my lolly cane is, it's REALLY thick and has nice knots all over it.
Here is a cane you can put together on the cheap. I used a 1" oak dowel rod, a 2" decorative wood ball found at a crafts store and a cane tip. I used a small dowel rod and wood glue between the two pieces to get them to stay together. After that was dry I sprayed some clear lacquer over it and slipped on the cane tip. Cost me about $6.50. I think I'll experiment with some different types of things to use as the handle on other dowel rods. Might be fun.

I guess if someone was a bit of an artist, they could lay down a nice paint job to set it apart from other canes.


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