CBS Slants Bush Poll in Favor of Democrats

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Is anybody NOT surprised?

CBS Slants Bush Poll in Favor of Democrats
Posted by Greg Sheffield on February 28, 2006 - 08:57.

In its classic "fair and balanced" tradition, CBS slanted in favor of Democrats its poll that found Bush has a 34 percent approval rating and a 59 percent disapproval rating, an all-time high for a CBS poll.

On the bottom of the PDF version of the poll (page 18) it says how many Democrats versus Republicans were contacted.

"Total Republicans" contacted: 272 unweighted and 289 weighted.

"Total Democrats" contacted: 409 unweighted and 381 weighted.

"Total Independents" contacted: 337 unweighted and 348 weighted.
emphisis mine

Brent Baker also noted how CBS failed to highlight a key portion of its poll on the Feb. 27 "CBS Evening News." 66 percent of respondents thought the media devoted "too much time" to Cheney's hunting accident.

UPDATE 12:31. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press has a helpful table in this report (page 13) on what percentage of Americans consider themselves to be Republican or Democrat. It shows that in both 2004 and 2005, 30% said they were Republican compared to 33% who said they were Democrats. The new CBS poll (even after being weighted) had a population of only 28% Republicans to 37% Democrats.

UPDATE 13:21. Aside from their bias, Jason Smith notes how mid-year polls are often unreliable predictors for future elections.
This has what to do with guns or civil liberties? :)

And his own party isn't liking him much right now. I don't particularly care what any media outlet says, actions speak louder than words, and people are mad about selling the ports to the UAE and the border issues. The diehard fans-no-matter-what of Jorge need to deal.

This COULD also mean that of a random sampling poll, more people are becoming indie because they no longer feel the Republican party under Bush supports their conservative values. Consider that?
Given the performance of the Bush presidency, I'm going to assume they couldn't find more people than that who were willing to identify themselves as Republicans.
Republican here and proud of it:) . Manedwolf your one to be questioning the validity of a post considering what you usually talk about here. Considering the tumultous of the times, the general whining group of ninnies that most Americans have become and the unbelievable Socialists that make up major media, Bush has done an incredible job and history will view it as such. BTW I believe it was shown that there were more registered GOP'ers in the 2004 election than Rats', it was significant since it was the first time that had happened.
Well Longhorn, I have to disagree about Bush. I believe that history will show that he found new and inventive ways to mess up a nocturnal emission.
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