CNN Poll: It'll be Hillary Clinton v. Rudy Giuliani in 2008

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308win said:
For individuals yes, for the generation as a group no which is what I said in the first place.
I'm guessing that longeyes was referring to the folks that Bush's admin favors, which isn't the average middle class American.
back in 1992 Perot had 30-something % in the polls before he dropped out. What did Perot do right that the Lib Party is doing wrong ?

He had a known name, he was mostly sane, he was a businessman, he could raise money, he had a trackrecord of getting 20% of the vote previously (including mine), and he was chock full of plans. Recent L candidates have had none of them.

Hillary can easily get the nomination but cannot win across the country.
McCain cannot get the nomination but would win the country in a landslide.

McCains popularity with Dems is barely less than their own candidates.


As for us gunnies, either Hillary or McCain would be a disaster. I refuse to give either of them my vote no matter who is the 'lesser of two evils' I don't know what I would do yet if it comes to this awful choice.
ThreadKiller said:
Time to vote 3rd party.


You wont get the chance. Just sit back and watch all the "third parties" get squeezed right off the ballot. These two candidates would be so close on so many issues that they would BOTH stand to gain from eliminating other options. Its been tried in the past, however its never been a concerted effort from both sides of the isle. I would be willing to bet that a lot of people will not be given anyone else to vote for.

This whole thing reminds of the Simpsons episode in which two aliens "bodysnatched" both running candidates. They were outed the day before election day, and the system was so horribly inept that people couldnt figure out how to vote for anyone other than the two presented candidates and they wound up with one alien overlord or the other.

Guliani has no shot, he's Italian. Before you jump on me, so am I, and if you have a vowel at the end of your name forget about the Presidency.

Your probably right about that. He is also Catholic, despite his abortion stance, and that would make him only the second Catholic elected in history (Kennedy being the other). That is going to cost him a lot of the "big C" Christian voters who equate Catholicism with devil worship. A lot of people will balk at electing a person who is both ethnically and religiously unsavory to their eyes, regardless of his politics.

Yay for us, I guess that means we get Alien Overlord #2.
If Hillary wins the Dem ticket than she is a shoe in as President. Unless someone like McCain wins the Rep nomination who can give her a run for the money. But she still might even beat him in the election. Personally, I don' know if I would not vote for her. I believe she could be a very good President, or at least no worse than the current Prez.
Lone_Gunman said:
The Republican nominee will surely be McCain or Giuliani. Personally, I think they will pair them up as President and Vice President, respectively. . .

Neither man will make it out of the primaries. Both are too liberal. Expect a true conservative to win the Rep. primary.
backphil said:
Neither man will make it out of the primaries. Both are too liberal. Expect a true conservative to win the Rep. primary.
Name 'im, if you would.
So, why not McCain?

McCain-Feingold Finance Bill
McCain Torture Bill
Lieberman-McCain "Gun Show" Compromise
Supports Ban on Assault Weapons
Supports Ban on cheap guns

Sen. McCain says "we owe it to our
children to be responsible by keeping our guns locked up."
...Its for the children, after all.

The worst of it all was the McCain-Feingold bill...that's why I would never, never vote for him.
Voting third party will guarantee a win for the Democrats. Remember what Ross Perot did?
3rd party for me this time too.

I'd rather have the most loathesome devisive socialist with (D) after their name than a RINO win the Presidency.
This poll was from That says it all. Who else would CNN want to make you believe was running than 2 liberals?
I highly doubt this will happen but the key to any election is to get the people who dont want this to VOTE. Way to many people complain about things and want this or that but they dont vote at all or wait until there is no good choice. if we dont want things like this to happen then we need to get up and vote every time even if we dont care who really wins.

sorry for the rant, not ment to offend anyone who does or does not vote.
Well I ain't making the same mistake twice. Glock mags are $17 at CDNN, Beretta, CZ, etc are $20. After '94 they went to $150 and didn't come down much until after the sunset. Get the mags and buy the guns later. Lots of time and possibilities before '08 though. Joe
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