CCW as President of USA?

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May 6, 2003
Do you think the President of the USA or other foreign leaders carry a concealed (or unconcealed) pistol? I probably would if I led any country. I know some in the past have (Teddy Roosevelt, probably Thomas Jefferson I imagine) and some First Lady's have. If you were the President what would you carry? Keep in mind I doubt they would or did carry all the time (like when visiting an elementary school or VA hospital) since the Secret Service does do a pretty good job, considering it isn't easy.
This isn't a "would it help if" kind of discussion. It's more of a "Did any President Carry" and "what would you carry as President" kind of discussion. Just curious about the history of political leaders worldwide if they carried "just in case".
George Bush Sr. did, or does. I can't remember when, but he showed a large crowd of people his weapon during a campaign stop in 88 I think to show them he was pro-gun rights. Now while that's a political move, i'm sure a good texas man would carry anyway.
Now while that's a political move, i'm sure a good texas man would carry anyway.

Only 1% of the TX population least legally.

Who said Bush the Elder was a Texan? I certainly didn't. He don't talk right to be from around here. :D

If the president did carry, he should march over to the Supreme Court's chambers and show them what the business end of a big, black hawg's laig, looks like and make them confirm what the 2nd ammendment says. :D :D

As far as foreign leaders go, some years ago Arrafat addressed the UN and when he raised his arms during a speach, a photog snapped a pic which clearly showed the bottom of a holster below the level of the raised jacket.
As far as foreign leaders go, some years ago Arrafat addressed the UN and when he raised his arms during a speach, a photog snapped a pic which clearly showed the bottom of a holster below the level of the raised jacket.

I'd REALLY like to see that pic!:scrutiny:
Oh, great. I can't get a carry permit in NYC but Yassir friggin' Arafat can?

There is something so wrong with this world.
Arafat may have diplomatic immunity, and he was in New York, a very Jewish city. His decision to carry was probably wise, and it's unlikely that any foreign leader would be "pinched" for CCW.

Of course, decent American citizens should also find it much easier to get carry permits in NYC, but that won't happen. That place is a national sewer, politically. I'd quit a job if my boss meant to make me move there.

Lone Star
That's nothing I remeber reading a article written by former secret service regarding Arafats visist during the Camp David talks . Aparently when the S.S. went to pick him up he was sitting in his hotel with a gernade in each fist thumbs in the pins of the oposist hands .:eek:
My 2 cents is that I'm sure some president has, but why would you nowadays, other than just to brag that you can?

The Marines and SS assigned to presidential detail are most likely elite corps ready to defend the president to the last. If they make it through the guards there's little chance a short 1911 would make much difference. He probably does carry a cyanide capsule though, probably in his secret web-enabled transponder ring :confused:

As for Yasser Ara-fart can you blame him for carrying? He's a murderer and terrorist whose own people would shiv him in the back for all his money if he didn't keep them fighting each other.


I actually said that once at a range near my house...I was doing drills with a shotgun...when I yelled it they all looked at my like I had just kicked a puppy....I love "range ninja's":D
The current one doesn't or didn't though he does hunt deer. I know a guy who was one of his DPS bodyguards as governor who went hunting with him, and I know the majority of his advanced-detail group in the USSS (or did up till a year ago) since i covered his arrivals/departures from his ranch, and that crew is pretty sharp. The local SWAT team assists, and I knew most of them, and their report on the firepower available to the heavier-than-a-pistol group that covers security from 50 yards out to 500 yards is, without compromising security, let's just say VERY impressive....... VERY!
If memory serves me right, and sometimes it does, Dubya has Texas Concealed Handgun License #1, and Mrs. Dubya has #2. One of his campaign promises when he ran for Texas Governor was to enact concealed carry in Texas.
As for Yasser Ara-fart can you blame him for carrying? He's a murderer and terrorist whose own people would shiv him in the back for all his money if he didn't keep them fighting each other.

Oh, cool. So all I have to do to get a NY CCW is:

-Renounce my US Citizenship.

-Form a little country in the middle of nowhere.

-Piss everyone in it off so much they start trying to kill me.

-Kill them, and their famalies.

-Blame everybody else so they all start fighting themselves.

-Commit some war crimes for good measure.

Got it. <tears up permit and Pasport> I've been going at this all wrong!
If the president did carry, he should march over to the Supreme Court's chambers and show them what the business end of a big, black hawg's laig, looks like and make them confirm what the 2nd ammendment says

Yeah buddy.
Don't know if it would be worth while. With the crowd that the president deals with on a daily basis I would find myself pardoning myself quite often.
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