Concealed Carry By Census Takers

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Every employee of any employer, whether private or governmental, is an agent of his employer when acting in the course and scope of his employment.

I suppose that's why some companies have employees sign a form stating that he/she is not acting as an agent of the company in their employ. Not being a lawyer, I have no idea of the significance of such a document in terms of liability.
On December 8th, 2004 a woman in my area named Summer Shipp was going door to door doing market research. She disappeared one night and has never been found. Her family buried her in absencia and I think about how horrible that would be for those people to never know what happened to their loved one. She was last seen in my home town, just blocks from the hospital where I was born and from the street where I grew up.

I also remember wondering "what if she'd been carrying concealed?" She might be alive today and their might be one less perpetrator of horrible violence in this world. To me, people who go door-to-door represent one of the strongest examples in favor of CCW legislation. These people support themselves, their families, and contribute to society by going from home to home, for the simple reason of asking questions. They NEVER know who's going to be on the other side of that door. These folks are most often not in harm's way but at every door step they are potentially exposed to God knows what kind of people. And these door-to-door folks are never in their own element. They are always at a tactical disadvantage. If ever there was someone who should CCW it's them.

So, when I read the responses in this thread about turning in census workers and getting them fired if they were CCWing I realized that Summer Shipp could have just as easily been a census worker going door-to-door as a market researcher. I personally don't care if their rules of employment condone or prohibit their CCW in my state. Here, CCW is legal. And I support them doing it.

More importantly, I know for a fact that if my contempt for the government of this country and it's laws is ever so preeminent that I would choose to get an employed, contributing, fellow member of my community fired because they chose to exercise their rights to protect themselves by CCW I would be better off to just not answer the door.

I think it's a sad commentary that anyone would even think to punish them for exercising their right to carry for their protection. In a world where real people like Ms. Shipp are the victims of unthinkable crimes simply because they are in the wrong place at the wrong time when doing a job that requires them to go door to door I prefer to strengthen their rights to protect themselves, not endeavor to punish them for it.
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I stand with gc70 on this....

If an individual shows up on my property from something like ACORN, I want him off it.... Now!

Since I can't apparently do that, I want the ability to make a stink about it, and if an illegally carried firearm is "available", that'll do nicely.

If an individual who's presence I want is on my property, the most I'd care to do is tell him if he's printing too much, etc. Unless, of course, he's mishandling the weapon, and then my first task would be to try to correct that. If I don't want 'em here, it's usually a Jehovah's Witness or some kind of salesperson. I treat them politely whenever possible. The gun enters the "procedure" only if they're not nice about leaving.

If an ACORN operative showed up armed, legally or not, the folks at Pravda would be quite interested, I hope, and anything I can do to discredit that organization is a good thing.... Under Ohio Law, I can tell the guy to leave, or at least go put it back in his vehicle or store it otherwise off my property. Does this conflict with the Federal laws involved in the Census? Dunno.... If I can do that, and it embarrasses ACORN and bHo, great....

In short, I'm using their foolish laws (Criminal Protection Zone) against them.... The only potential problem is that the local rag may be in bed with them to the point that only Fox would report it....

(If we have any Witnesses on board, please understand that I have considerable respect for your faith. It's just that this old Jewish guy ain't changing his religion , so your time would be better spent elsewhere.)


ACORN has been cut out of the census, this happened sometime in september of LAST YEAR. So the acorn argument is moot. When the census people come around, they are people from the local area that are going around. They dont fly people from chicago to do the door to doors in denver.

I find it great that you would willingly sacrifice the rights of a person who lives in your town just to embarrass Obama. So much for believing in the Bill of Rights, Constitution, etc.

If you dont want them in your home, dont let them in. They dont have a warrant, as they are not a sworn officer. Tell them how many people live there and close the door. You dont have to try to get someone fired, who probably cant afford to be without a job, just to meet your goal of "embarassing the president."
I live within a few hours drive from where the Census worker was found dead last year during the adress canvassing campaign. Since they are alone in the 'field', I wouldnt blame anyone that carried a weapon for CC. There are some places I wont go in s.e. KY, certianly not with a sign plastered on my vehicle that says US Government on it.
I believe the dead census worker in KY was deemed a suicide, after the investigation.

The 2010 Census consists of 10 questions paraphrased:

1) How many people in the household here on April 1st?
2) How many other people staying here not included in question 1?
3) Is this residence owned with a loan payment, owned outright, rented, or you are staying here for free?
4) phone number in case there is a question
5) name of each person in household
6) gender of people
7) Age and DOB
8) Hispanic origin?
9) race
10) Do you sometimes stay or live somewhere else?

The census is mandated by the US Constitution. If you don't want an enumerator, (census taker) knocking on your door, fill it out and mail it back. Enumerators will be sent out to ask the questions on the card.

Sometimes paranoia is justified, sometimes it just makes one look like a kook.
I wonder what illegal questions I should go around asking people, which I could call a "census." If I did such a thing, and got someone to pay me to do it, you'd BET I'd be carrying.
The census is mandated by the US Constitution.

No, an enumeration of the people in the country is mandated, not a list of questions about how I'm paying for my home, if I ever spend the night at a friend's house, my name, phone number, age, none of that is covered by the Constitution, and they have no need to know any of that. Sometimes, the paranoia pans out...
MLJDECKARD - "They [census workers] are also entering private property and peoples' homes,..."

Why would you allow a stranger to enter your home just because he/she claims to be a gubmint worker??

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