Do you carry All the time.

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Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

This is why I said "there is too much carrying." It would be OK if carrying was restricted to the "good guys," but alas that is not the case.
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Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

At their core most criminals don't want a confrontation, they want an easy, unarmed target. They'll choose to rob the 100lb chick with her nose in her phone before they go after the 190lb guy who's attentive to what's around him. Believe me, most criminals looking for a few quick bucks don't want to get into a fire fight. It's not worth the risk.
Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

This is why I said "there is too much carrying." It would be OK if carrying was restricted to the "good guys," but alas that is not the case.

I don't think your assertion is true, or supported by any evidence.

But even if it is, and everyone is carrying, then why would you want to be at the disadvantage of being the only unarmed one?
Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

This is why I said "there is too much carrying." It would be OK if carrying was restricted to the "good guys," but alas that is not the case.
You haven’t meet very many criminals, have you? The perception among criminals is, if it likely that the victim is armed, find another victim.
Just look at how many shootings that happen in large cities. The majority of these shootings are criminals shooting criminals. I’ve worked on hundreds of cases where criminals were beefing with other criminals. Most criminals are armed these days.
At their core most criminals don't want a confrontation, they want an easy, unarmed target. They'll choose to rob the 100lb chick with her nose in her phone before they go after the 190lb guy who's attentive to what's around him. Believe me, most criminals looking for a few quick bucks don't want to get into a fire fight. It's not worth the risk.
With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed. This is dangerous, then, because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals. You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.
With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed. This is dangerous, then, because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals. You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.

On average 6.53% of adults have a conceal carry permit. I think it goes without saying that many people who have permits don't carry all the time, there's several in this very thread and we can assume the percentage of "always carrying" is much higher on THR than the general populartion. So let's say 5% of people are carrying at any time on the street. And like Gunny alluded to, a criminal is going to give an potential victim the look over before approaching to pick out the easiest target who's not paying attention to their surroundings, looks easy, is distracted, and is less likely to be carrying a concealed weapon. They're not walking up to the guy who's giving off the "cop vibe" because they ARE suspicious he might be armed.
With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed, more so in some jurisdictions than others.

Criminals can conclude that there is an increasing chance that some of their intended victims may be armed.

This is dangerous,
I cannot reasonably see it that way.

because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals.
In interviews, violent criminals tell us that they are deterred by the possibility that their criminals may be armed.

You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.
Do we have that now?

With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed. This is dangerous, then, because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals. You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.
So, in your way of thinking, if no one was allowed to carry a firearm, we would all be safer because, criminals would just rob us and not hurt us.
I have one question, what are the color of the trees in your world?
With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed. This is dangerous, then, because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals. You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.
thanks for giving me a picture of what joe bidens "new normal" will look like regarding concealed carry. i will leave the fearmongering and fantasy government protection promises to others and keep my second amendment right to conceal carry, thank you very much.

With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed.

Just because there are more people getting permits and more states have gone to constitutional carry you can’t assume that there are that many more people carrying. What I have found is that there are more loaded guns in automobiles then there ever were.

Let’s face it, carrying is a pain. Guns, spare magazines and the other accoutrements of EDC are heavy, uncomfortable and often incompatible with how people dress. Carrying a gun daily requires lifestyle changes many people aren’t willing to make. In my experience, being armed means having a gun in ones vehicle to a lot of people. I think the statistics on the number of guns stolen from vehicles and the constant pleading by the authorities saying “don’t leave your gun in your car bear that out.

In the St Louis area gangbangers have taken to committing car burglaries in the suburbs and rural areas. They aren’t looking for the spare change in the cup holders, they are looking for guns.

There is not an increase in criminals just shooting first because they assume the intended victim is armed.

The idea that criminals are just assuming every intended victim is armed and are simply shooting first has no basis in fact. Criminals want easy victims and are most likely to move on to a different potential victim if they think a potential victim is armed.

Criminals don’t want to be hurt any more then we do. They also know that their chances of getting caught and doing serious prison time are greatly increased if they harm the victim.

For the most part the increase we are experiencing in shootings and killings are criminals shooting and killing each other.
Ever hear the line, if ya pack trouble you'll find trouble ?
Lots of truth in that line, I just throw a good rifle on the back seat when we travel just to put down an animal if necessary. Other than that I quit worrying about it rather just don't be there....

Flame Retardants on.
With the proliferation of concealed carry, criminals can increasingly assume that all their victims are armed. This is dangerous, then, because the "craziest of the crazies" will come to the fore among the criminals. You'll have "100 lb. chicks" being shot because of a mere suspicion that they might be armed.

Having spent 20 years and eight days in close proximity to and interacting with 1500, give or take on any given day, convicted felons for 8+ hours a day, I can tell you your beliefs about the criminal mind are incorrect.
Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

This is why I said "there is too much carrying." It would be OK if carrying was restricted to the "good guys," but alas that is not the case.

I'm with Gunny and bassjam on this. I was in law enforcement for the majority of my adult life. Long retired now. Criminals, just like any other predator, stalk the weak. The elderly woman in the parking lot loading groceries in her car oblivious to whats around her, the 14 year old kid with the $300 shoes, the young couple out for an evening walk to much into themselves to notice something is wrong until it's to late and on and on.

I'm 69, or will be soon, because of medical issues with my back and feet I have the "old man" shuffle. I know this is obvious to street predators. I try to stay out of areas where I think a confrontation may occur and take the necessary precautions but bad things happen to good people all the time. I refuse to be a victim and if accosted by someone with a weapon or someone that is younger and obviously stronger threatens me with bodily harm I will defend myself.

I lost my faith in my fellow man a long time ago and I'm not proud to say that. In public I keep to myself, don't look for confrontations and will try to avoid problems if at all possible. I don't consider myself a tough guy but if evil enters my life rest assured I will deal with it. Violently if need be.
Ever hear the line, if ya pack trouble you'll find trouble ?
Lots of truth in that line, I just throw a good rifle on the back seat when we travel just to put down an animal if necessary. Other than that I quit worrying about it rather just don't be there....

Flame Retardants on.
That old saying, if you pack trouble, you’ll find trouble, came about because there are some people that would take more risk when they carried a gun or another weapon. But then there’s that other saying, stupid is, is stupid does. There are people that are not to bright that carry guns, but I think that the members here at THR are of a little higher caliber.
Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor. (Meaning that this gives the edge to the criminals, since they are willing to shoot first.) A perception among criminals that their victims are likely to be armed raises the stakes, and may lead to more violence, not less.

This is why I said "there is too much carrying." It would be OK if carrying was restricted to the "good guys," but alas that is not the case.
I would agree. But since we now live in a country where our beloved politicians and judges seem to favor the criminal's over the "Good guys" for political gain or what ever . And since the People lack the will or good sense to hold those politicians and judges accountable for their actions " or inactions" . And where the lawless thugs can openly walk the streets and burn and loot while the "good guys" must cower and hide in their homes. The "good guys" have no other choice but do what they can to defend themselves. And don't forget. The "good guys" must prove themselves not criminal's and worthy to be able to own a firearm. Criminal's do not.
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Carrying a gun is an advantage if you are armed and your potential adversary isn't. (This is the classic zero-sum game.) If everybody is going around armed (and we, as a society, are trending in that direction), then nobody has an advantage except to the extent they are willing to be the aggressor.
I don't carry a firearm with the expectation of having an innate advantage. I carry to potentially have an advantage, and to at least be able to level the playing field. Failing to carry, on the other hand, will always result in me being disadvantaged, either to those that are armed or those who are more physically capable than I am.
Pants on, gun on. Exception is while on duty at work. I work in EMS. Not only does the job forbid being armed, it also takes us into places in which it would be against criminal statute (and it already is against administrative statute to have a firearm aboard an ambulance.)

My gun, on days off, is typically worn in an IWB holster worn between the belt and pants ("Inside-the Belt", or IWB carry), and is usually a Kel-Tec PF9. While traveling to and from work, it's in a pocket of my BDU pants, and is usually a P32, though the LCP-MAX will probably assume this role soon.
Maybe the question should be “do you only own and carry for protection?” Or “do you own or collect many guns and also choose to carry some of them”. In other words is protection your only reason for owning firearms?
Maybe the question should be “do you only own and carry for protection?” Or “do you own or collect many guns and also choose to carry some of them”. In other words is protection your only reason for owning firearms?

That's certainly a completely different question.
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Ever hear the line, if ya pack trouble you'll find trouble ?
Lots of truth in that line, I just throw a good rifle on the back seat when we travel just to put down an animal if necessary. Other than that I quit worrying about it rather just don't be there....

Flame Retardants on.

Just because I keep a fire extinguisher in my truck and in most rooms in my house it doesn't mean I'm an arson. I also keep a 1st aid kit in my vehicles, fishing pack, and range bag, but not because I'm looking to get injured.
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