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Do you carry in Church?

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I agree that generally speaking, there is not a "high threat" environment in church-related activities. None the less, a church and its activities are clearly a "soft target" and therefore tempting to BGs.

I always carry.
It has been presented to me that the most likely attacks from terrorists will come in two forms: church shootings/bombings and school shootings/bombings. They would likely come in shooting, then retreat, and when everyone evacuates the church to the parking lot, several car bombs would await them. They have done these kinds of attacks in Pakistan and other places (Turkey, IIRC.)

I don't plan on going anywhere (except the shower) unarmed. Hmmm... Maybe I need to get a chrome shotgun? :)
Church carry

At least 5 in our congregation of approx. 300 that I know and that doesn't include the LEOs that may or may not on any given day.Took two years for the wife to quit asking why and just accept that it's a part of every day dress.
Arkansas Traveler: "...Hunting on Sunday! Farmer, don't you fear the Lord?"

Arkansas Farmer: " I takes my gun everyplace I go...":D

From the old folk song, before someone misunderstands...:what:

I don't carry in church, but I would if my church was located in a neighborhood where I would normally carry - so it stays in the glovebox just as it usually does when I'm in my local area (IE way out in the sticks). We have several police officers in the church, and I assume they carry, and I assume there are other CCW holders who carry.

I don't think God has any problem with it whatsoever, but I imagine one or two church members would (although far fewer than If I went to church in a large urban area or in a gun hating region) and southern protestant types are a huggy bunch.
In Texas, if you have a CHL, it is legal to carry in church and I do every Sunday and every Wednesday or any other time I go. I am a Christian but that doesn't mean I have to be a victim.
Jim Hall
Not only do I carry a concealed firearm, I open carry the Sword of the Spirit.

Of course, almost everyone else is open carrying a Bible too. :neener:
Quoting Stand_Watie
"southern protestant types are a huggy bunch"

That's a good point. I do have to be careful when getting a hug, I usually have to turn away a little bit and present my left shoulder (carry IWB at 4:00). I'm very careful not to print or accidentally expose, not that I think that anyone would care (except maybe visitors) but I don't like to advertise or create an unnecessary stumbling block to those who are "seekers".

"I'm very careful not to print or accidentally expose, not that I think that anyone would care (except maybe visitors) but I don't like to advertise or create an unnecessary stumbling block to those who are "seekers".

I like to compare carrying a pistol to carrying a fire extinguisher. They are both handy to have within reach and are both inanimate objects that it is unreasonable to fear or dislike. I wouldn't want one of my church "family" to be offended (reasonably or not) by my carrying either and if I were in the habit of carrying a fire extinguisher in my hip pocket (I'm not, but I do keep one in the car) I'd want to make sure any of my family members who had been receiving a lot of ribbing for their dangerous cooking skills not know I was carrying one in their kitchen.
"....but if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing.
He is God's servant; an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. " ---Romans 13:4

I carry. Always. Everywhere.

If I knew of somewhere I may not need to defend myself from an evil or crazy person, then I'd stay there all the time.
I carry. I don't really worry about any threat in the church, but coming and going could be different. Besides the minister at my hometown church regularly carries and I'm sure a few other folks do as well. The only time i do not carry is across state lines and on the ambulance (I would if they let me though)
Yes. It's legal here in FL, so there is no reason why I shouldnt. I carry everywhere that it is legal too. I make it a specific point to NOT visit palces that I cant carry.
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