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Do you put firearms or RKBA related stickers on your car or truck?

Do you put gun related stickers, decals, etc on your vehicle?

  • Yes

    Votes: 145 35.5%
  • No

    Votes: 263 64.5%

  • Total voters
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Unless it has something to do with cars(my truck club decal) it doesn't go on my truck. Anyways Im not the best driver I don't want to make the rest of you gun owners look bad. :uhoh:
I don't put any of this on my truck because I don't like anyone to know I am a gun owner.

Growing up in Northwestern Kansas, nearly EVERYONE has a gun, so I don't think twice about it. I guess where I grew up, I would have found it weird if someone DIDN'T own a gun. :) But again, that's Hicksville USA, I can understand in different areas how it could bother someone.
No. Not worried about getting hassled, I'm in a pretty pro-gun state. But I work in some of the worst parts of Little Rock & vicinity, & don't want a "please come steal my gun from my car while I'm inside someone's house" sticker.
I'm in the no camp. I'd rather not be a rolling advertisement to the fact I own firearms. I'm hoping it's one less reason to give someone to break into my truck in hopes of finding one inside. Too often they would get that lucky. Or having some B.G. trailing me home and finding out where some definitely are. We can't be home 24-7-365 to keep an eye on things. Better to be safe(r) than sorry.
My 2 cents

I dont put any stickers on my vehicle becuase I havent found the one I want on there. I am a proud gun owner and I dont care who knows it. For all those that say that you should not advertise so a criminal wont know what he getting into, I dont like that idea. If I personaly see that someone has a gun sticker, then I will probably go to the next house and take my chances there. Crimes are usually from opertunity, if you put a little fear in someone then theyll think twice.

But also if you dont want to be a target for stolen guns dont advertise. I believe its more of a personal option.

Nope, no such stickers for my vehicles. I might be in the minority, but I
simply don't feel the need to display my ethno-lifestyle-activity-associations
statements on the rear ends of my vehicles. I am comfortable enough with
my viewpoints all by themselves.
I've really debated whether to do this or not myself. Currently I do have an NRA Patron Member sticker on my back window.

But imagine this. All of these people here are without stickers. Now imagine if all of us had NRA or other gun stickers on our vehicles. We would see all of these stickers all over the place everywhere we go. As it is, we are all in hiding (stealth) mode. Gun ownership has become a secret that many of us don't talk about with aquaintances or work mates. It has become a forbidden or secret topic for many of us and we are doing it to ourselves. Now imagine if all of us openly discussed gun ownership and it's virtues and showed that "normal" responsible people, citizens believe strongly in the RKBA.

Like I said, I currently have a sticker, but I often think that I should take it off, and go "stealth" mode, and I fight myself to keep it there. But, wouldn't it be better for the RKBA if we all came out of the closet and brought back gun ownership to the realm of "normalcy" where it used to be and should be?
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I have a little NRA window stickie that I still haven't peeled off (I'm not an NRA member anymore) but that's it.
Just plain stupid to advertise or draw attention to yourself.
Hey, it's a free country, do whatever you like. I don't care if you put stickers all over your car if that's what you want to do. But...

Anyone who puts stickers on their car had better consider the following:

How will that affect the outcome of your next traffic stop?
How will that affect the mind of a two-bit hood who just saw you go into the movie theatre?
How will that affect the mind of the B&E artist who just saw you drive off to work in the AM?

I do not have any stickers because I sometimes drive through areas where the police are predominantly anti-gun. I don't want to be asked questions about if I have a gun, where my gun is and may I please search your car - I don't think I'd end up face down in the gravel with some JBT's knee in my back while a crack team dismembers my car searching for *something*... but I want to strip them of any reasonable "probable cause" to do so.

I do not have any stickers because I don't want someone to break into my car just to see if I have a gun stashed.

I do not have any stickers because I do not want my home invaded by theives looking for guns to steal and sell - or worse yet, use in an armed crime somewhere.

I will be vocal in writing to my elected representatives and I will make my voice heard thru voting, but I won't compromise my security unnecessarily by advertising in a venue that I cannot adequately protect.
Clearly I disagree with the majority that think they should be stealthy and hide.

I would (still) open carry if it were legal. People get used to what they are constantly exposed to. If they see no guns, they assume no guns is the correct condition.

As far as someone targeting you because you are a gun owner? Get serious! Think about that word TARGET. Don't you think just maybe they would say "uh-oh, gun owner. I'd better avoid that one".

Crooks follow women home, they are not going to follow me, because I would notice it and be prepared for them. It is part of the gun-owner life-style, and I think crooks know that.

My vanity license plate here in the PRK is "CA RKBA". I display it proudly.


In the interest of full disclosure, you will notice that I sell magnet ribbons that were originally a joint HighRoad project. Two of those adorn the sides of my vehicle, too.

one caveat: no non-crook has a gun in their car in California, so no one thinks a pro-gun bumper sticker is anything other than pissing into the wind in this state. Your mileage may vary.
One sticker

The only sticker I have on my car is one that says "The Second Ammendment, America's Original Homeland Security".:D I believe this is in good taste and I don't mind advertising the fact that I believe in gun ownership.
NRA on one side, AR-15 silhouette on other side..

And of course Proud ARMY Dad on the top.:D
Yep, on both of my cars I have NRA Life Member and TSRA Life Member stickers. I have never had a problem with it, but then I live in TEXAS!!
Well I currently have no stickers on my vehicles - the only ones I'd ever want would be 2nd Amend., RKBA, NRA -- that type not the humorous ones.

I pretty much agree with "bruss01" - I try to think can it be win/win or win/lose or lose/lose what are the chances? Here in California I think there is too much chance of a "lose" coming up.

But I admit to thinking a lot of what "ssr" has said - I notice that a neighbor about a block away had a "My President is Charleton Heston" sticker and I knew he must be NRA and another 2nd Amend./hunter/ Gun lover type. Not one of the ultra liberal loonies that Cal has so many of. It makes me feel good to see his sticker.

Also, when I'm driving I notice a lot of Marine Corp. stickers - from a distance they look a lot like the round NRA sticker - I always try to see if its MArine Corp. or NRA.

So, I wonder should I take the risk of a "lose" situation coming up - I haven't had a ticket in 19 years so I don't think a cop will hassle me but what about my car parked in the lot a work or at a restraunt or driving thru a bad area of town - will it make me a target? Hmmmm.

Maybe I'll get a Molon Lobe in greek letters at least most non-gun people won't know what it means. BUt I'd want a small window sticker not anything like the big rectangular bumper stickers.

I drive thru Topanga Canyon where they have all these 1960's wanna be hippies that actually carry signs - very ultra liberal crap - and wave them at the cars driving by --- I'd love to be able to hang a big NRA sign out my passeneger windows for them to look at or the peace sign that reads "track of the American Chicken"!

Anyway, no stickers for now.
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