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Ever left a gun range in a hurry?

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Dec 27, 2002
Fortunately, I've never had to leave a range in a hurry, but hearing all those stories inspired me to create another topic. Have you ever had to leave the gun range in a hurry and for what reasons? If it was the staff's or the range's fault, which one was it? (So I never goto them) :D
I left a small rifle range where I was sighting in my deer rifle. The only other fella there wasn't too concerned with his muzzle, but I was. I left and came back 3 hrs later.
I always leave in a hurry. I shoot until the last minute and then have to pack up in haste because the wife is calling me on the cell phone reminding me of neglected domestic duties.

I've learned one thing..ALWAYS take an inventory of your rifles and equipment. It's surprising how easy a handgun or rifle can be left at the range.

Good SHooting
Lets just say I have seen darwin in action on a couple of occassions.

Actually watched somebody looked down the barrel of a loaded gun that had malf. or misfired to see if the bullet was still in there, finger on trigger and all. :what: Not to mention sweeping all of us. He looked like your typical idiot gangbanger.

We got the hell out of dodge and told the range people.
Yup, several times. On one occasion three gang bangers came into my local indoor range and rented the chrome plated pistol grip pump shotgun (the most interesting people rent this thing :rolleyes: ). One then proceeds to load it outside of the booth, rack it vertically one-handed (terminator 2?) and jump into the booth yelling, "I'm going to kill ya mother-f!"

Yeah, it was time to go. I skipped the lecture on gun safety and let the owner handle these guys.

Unsafe gun handling is my number one reason for leaving most often. Number two would be the liberal use of hyphenated phrases starting with m-f.
Yep, a big "wet" hurry a couple of summers ago. With thunderclouds, high winds and hail moving in, I was bending over locking up storage shed when I heard a "bzzzzzzt" just an instant before big lightening stike on cell phone tower less than 50' away. Had to get home quickly to change more than my shirt. :uhoh: And schedule an appointment with chiropractor. :(
I never left a range in a hurry but I told another guy (with no muzzle control) that he had too.

A few weeks ago my buddy and I were at a local indoor range which rents full-auto rifles. I'm not familiar with the "evil" guns, so I'm not sure what model it was. But, just as we were finishing up, this guy sits next to me and fires a mag downrange. While firing, his bullets run up the target, mangle the hanger, and I could see debris falling from the ceiling for several rounds before he either stopped or ran out of ammo. I didn't feel overly in danger, but jeez. All the same, I was glad I was ready to leave anyway.
Went back in a hurry when I left my carbine on the shooting bench, 20 minutes later it was still there. Guess shooters are an honest sort.:)
El Tejon, we have to start a club!

I left the hotel room as soon as she whipped out the handcuffs from her luggage. :what:

Indoor range got smaller in my rear-view mirror real quick one evening when a fellow a couple firing lanes over ripped some buckshot downrange. He then walked up the firing line with the muzzle of the still-loaded Benelli M3 all excited, covering those who weren't quick enough to make themselves real small, finger in the triggerguard. He wanted to show his buddy on the far end station what he had done to his target, not bothering to look at what he was doing with the shotgun. :(
yes,the ventilation was so bad my eyes began burning and watering(not to mention coughing every minute)after about 3 minutes of this,i was ready for an fire fighter air tank and mask setup but a nudge and grimace from the guys that i was shooting with hurried us all out to get breathable air.
I was at a local outdoor range with a buddy.The rangmaster came up and said we had to leave now,turns out the range had its insurance cancelled.
I was at the range, came off the line to buy more targets. While at the counter, a guy comes in, buys a new Ruger P97 (I think), says "this is my first automatic, always shot revolvers" buys ammo & targets, and heads toward the line. Along the way, open box, grabs all the papers inside, and tosses the docs in trash can.

Figured it was late and I was finished shooting anyway.:fire:
I'd guess that buyer of the new Ruger P97 came back to dig in the trash and get the documents. Field stripping and re-assembly is not exactly "obvious".

The only time I left in a hurry was when I discovered I brought ammo and a gun, but not the ammo for THAT gun. Doh!

At Gunslinger's first End of Summer Meet, we'd only been married not quite a year, and my wife was getting to be a pretty good shooter. I was in one lane and she was in the next on Saturday morning when I heard a shriek over the Garand. I safed it and came out to find Missy wobbling over with blood on her hands and shoes. She'd had a forgetful moment and put her left thumb over her right hand while shooting dad's little Remington .32. She still has the scar, but she doesn't do that anymore.
We left in a bit of a hurry; it took ten stitches to close that one.
I was on my way out of a range when some guy on probation (can't own or touch a firearm) walks into the range. An off-duty cop is cleaning his gun behind the counter and knows the guy and said if he touched a gun he'd write him up or arrest him or some cop thing.

The guy had all his friends with him, not sure what happened but I was on my way out anyway. No one was in the parking lot, but some guys were loitering near the entrance.

Time to get my CCW. If someone tried to steal Grace Kim....:fire:
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