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Ever left a gun range in a hurry?

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Too many times to remember comfortably. Department qualificatoins are often done on duty and when a call comes in...

Remember one day it took three different range sessions cause the on duty guys kept getting called out.
Once I was at an indoor range, and a group of 'banger types walked in and started milling around in preparation meow going into the range area and bustin' some caps in some targets... Another customer and I looked at each other, went into a classroom, and locked and loaded, then walked back out and did a bit of loitering...
:rolleyes: a friend let me try his Jatimatic... let's say I wasn't expecting that kind of a rate of fire, having only shot Sako assault rifle full-auto before... and not really having a clue as to proper stance or grip for it either, not to mention the awkward "full throttle" trigger function... and the Jatimatic is considered easy to handle :confused: I could still hear them laughing across the street, and the range was on _second_ basement floor. But that's a long time ago and I've learned since ;)
Was ordered to leave a range one day for "shooting too fast". The guy in charge that day said that he had been watching me shoot, and that there was not enough time between my shots. I got really P. O. since I shot there often, and I have seen that guy shoot rapid fire. Told him, and the management, what I thought about their rules and left immediately. Joined a different range, and havn't been to the old one since.
A few years back I was participating in a NRA hunter pistol match at a club near Birmingham, Alabama. If memory serves me, it was during January and it began to snow. Snow is not a big deal in some regions but in the South, it has an awesome effect on the locals. We finished the match and made a hasty retreat from the club. It was a good snow and I was glad that I made it back home without any problems.
I once developed a bad case of the "running water 2 step" thanks to mild food poisoning on an outdoor public range that caused me to vacate in a hurry. With a number of other shooters out there, no restrooms on the range, and no convenient hiding spot, I was forced to drive to the gas station about 2 miles down the road. That was a race with the devil.

In Boot Camp on Parris Island, we were forced to vacate the range area on prequal day thanks to an oncoming storm and reports of ball lightning on the adjacent firing line. Route stepped us off the range in one heck of a hurry.
Only when too many of the local in-breds show up at one time. Did start to leave once when about 5 or so Mexicans were taking turns shooting a S&W clone at a 3 liter coke bottle..... from about 6 feet away. Missed it with most of their shots, btw.
National Forest Range

Was at one shooting at other prople's trash they had left. Pick up pulls up with three loud guys. Still no problem.

Until one guy opened a beer. I never left anyplace that fast in my life.
Just once.
I was shooting my .45 cal. flintlock at my "in the sticks" shooting club and was the only one there. A scroungy looking old coot showed up saying that the distinctive sound of my smoke pole had drawn him there. We had a nice conversation about old guns, but in the course of the conversation he mentioned that he had tuberculosis. He was coughing and spitting.

Luckily when he got there I was already in the midst of packing up, so I left quickly.
When I used to shoot in Knoxville, I would have to hurry off to beat the darn 5:00 traffic. Ten minutes is absolutely critical in that town.
I was at an indoor range and a nice man with an Ingram Mac 10
started firing three lanes down after he fired a string I was picking jacket material from my arm
I took a break for a while
I think I have you all beat

I was at a south Texas outdoor range where you could
back your car right up to the table.

I was shooting a 45cal muzzle loading pistol when all of the sudden a tricked out jacked up Ford pickup whips in and skids
into the postion next to me with the radio blasting. The guy
falls out of the passenger side door onto the ground followed by a pile of beer cans. He and the driver reach into the back of the
pickup bed and grab a couple of folding stock AKMs and begin to
spray my backstop simultaneously. These guys could barely stand up!

I immediately grabbed up my stuff and started to leave the scene but before I could start my car the drunken dudes literally threw the AKs back in the pickup bed and peeled out back onto the main highway.

I am a full auto fan and I like my beer but never the two shall meet.
Was ordered to leave a range one day for "shooting too fast". The guy in charge that day said that he had been watching me shoot, and that there was not enough time between my shots. I got really P. O. since I shot there often, and I have seen that guy shoot rapid fire. Told him, and the management, what I thought about their rules and left immediately. Joined a different range, and havn't been to the old one since.

I had that exact same experiance at Shooters Choice here in Columbia. Speed limits:rolleyes:
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