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Giuliani to consider presidential run

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Dec 25, 2002
Now here's what we need, a true friend of the gun owner running for President. :barf:


COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said Sunday he will contemplate next year whether to run for president in 2008.

"I will be considering it next year," Giuliani said during a visit to Denmark. But he added that playing with the idea of running for the Republican nomination for president did not mean he would actually do it.

"Sometime you warm up and get ready and you don't get in and pitch," he told reporters, in a baseball analogy.

Giuliani who was praised for his leadership following the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center, thanked Danish firefighters who raised $8,400 in support for their New York colleagues.

"To us it was the only thing we could do, raise money and show our support," firefighter Jens Hjorth said.

Eight firefighters from the station raised the money by recording a CD with six songs called "The Skyline Changed." They sold 27,000 copies.

On Sunday, the band members handed over a copy of the CD to Giuliani, who in return gave them a New York Fire Department hat.

Giuliani was in Denmark to speak at a business leadership conference in the Danish capital on Monday.

In 2000, Giuliani ran for the U.S. Senate, but dropped out after he was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
He's from NY.
No way I would vote for a New Yorker. A conservative New Yorker would be a yellow dog commie where I'm from. :eek:

Honestly, I'd rather see Bill Clinton as president again than Giuliani. There's just something about him that makes me - well - uncomfortable.
I understand what y'all mean about him being a typical new-yorker style republican (IE: thinks hes a Democrat, spends too much and tramples our rights). but what will you guys actually do if it comes down to this guy winning the primary and running against frau hillary or lurch the 2nd??

not trying to start a flame war, but seriously? if mccaine gets the nomination, it'll be my first go round with the 3rd party ballot. this guy, i'm not sure.
Giuliani on gun control:

Good morning. It has been a week since the terrible tragedy that happened last Sunday at the Empire State Building. And even as we grieve for the families and our hearts and prayers go out to them, perhaps we can use this senseless tragedy to re-energize the fight for gun control.

A man came to this country from Gaza City on December 24th of last year. Ali Hassan Abu Kamal first arrived in New York and then traveled by plane to Melbourne, Florida, where he checked into a motel.

If this man had wanted to get a driver's license in the state of Florida, he would have had to have gone through some necessary and sensible requirements.

In Florida, you have to take a written test and a driving test to show you understand the rules of safety and the rules of the road. You have to take an eye exam, and your background is checked to see that you don't have a record of being a dangerous driver.

But he didn't want a driver's license, he wanted a gun. And he wanted a gun that could slaughter human beings quickly -- namely, a semi-automatic weapon. And it's much easier to get a license to buy a gun, even a semi-automatic weapon in Florida, than it is to get a driver's license.

All he needed was a registration card that he received by establishing residency at a cheap motel on the same day that he bought the gun. He then bought a .380 Beretta at gun store called The Oaks Trading Post.

This is the same gun store that sold the mass murderer William Cruse a semi-automatic weapon in 1987 that he used to kill six people, including two police officers in Florida.

If Mr. Abu Kamal would have tried to buy a gun in New York, he would not have been able to do so. Because in New York our gun control laws are much stricter and more responsible than in Florida.

To purchase a gun in the State of New York you have to give your full name, your date of birth, your residence, your occupation. You have to prove that you're a United States citizen, you have to show you are of good character, competency and integrity. And you have to demonstrate a real need for the weapon.

And thanks in part to our stricter gun control laws, crime is down dramatically in New York City. Shootings are down over 50 percent. Murder is down over 50 percent. But the fact is that 90 percent of the guns we take out of the hands of criminals in New York City come from out of the State of New York.

We need a federal law that bans all assault weapons, and if in fact you do need a handgun you should be subjected to at least the same restrictions -- and really stronger ones -- that exist for driving an automobile.

The United States Congress needs to pass uniform licensing for everyone carrying a gun. Congress must do more to prevent a tragedy like the one that happened at the Empire State Building from ever happening again.

From Gracie Mansion, this is Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
As a hardcore Republican that's so sad but true. Between those four who all :barf: Richardson would probably be the most tolerable. I still believe when the dust settles it will be George Allen of Virginia. Remember, while McCain and Rudy might be the media's version of Republicans they like. The candidate is still chosen by the party's faithful. Which is why the Dems will run Hillary(I hope) instead of an electable candidate like Richardson or Sen. Bayh of Indiana.
Alex shows a good example of his anti-2nd stance. He'll not get my vote. Not because I don't respect him for the fine job he did before and during the 9/11 (he did a fine job indeed), but specifically because of his 2nd amendment stance.

If republicans put him up as the candidate, I'll officially divorce myself from them as well (something I'm not too far from either as today's seem to be big-spending, large government RINO's rather than anything else. Just throw in an anti-2nd stance on their main candidate and the Republicans officially switch to liberal Democrats in both form and function.)

Need to focus on congress

Look to your congressional dist. and st. senator if the congress is true conserv. it will not matter to much who is pres.. I know this is a long shot but heck finding a Rep. congressperson with a backbone is a very long shot.
Need to worry more about your local races and get people up there that will be conservitive.

The best way to have term limits is to do away with there pension. I do not belive they should get one. Reps are not suppose to be a profession. You go there for a term or 2 and then come home.
Announcing it in Copenhagen just shows his immense political acumen. Now that the "Lutefisk Mom" demographic identifies with him as one of their own, he has the Danish vote sowed up.
The Republican nominee will be either McCain or Giuliani.

The Democratic nominee will be either Hillary or Richardson.

If that is truly the case then it'll be time to start shooting the bastards (however I don't believe either McCain or Giuliani have a snowball's chance of being the GOP nominee).
Wasn't Mr. Giuliani a Federal Prosecutor at One Time?

If that's true, in my mind that forever disqualifies him from serving in any office of trust or profit under the government of the United States. (At least, if I get to vote on it.)

Those guys (Federal Prosecutors) seem, lately, to be much more concerned with messing with folks' lives, and locking them up indiscriminately, than they are with doing justice.

Just my opinion.
I don't believe Rudy will get the Republican nomination. If you guys really want Rudy, you'll have to write him in .
I'm from NY. Forgive me.
I know all about Rudi. RINO doesn't begin to describe him.
Before he got cancer and found out his Daddy was a convicted felon he was the biggest Dictator you ever saw. The man was pretty much hated.
Then came 9/11 and all of NY saw a guy the didn't recognize.
He ruled (and that's the word for it) NYC as he saw fit.
He is Pro-Choice and so anti-gun you wouldn't believe it.

Before I voted for Rudi.I think I'd vote for Ralph Nader.
Now that's bad.

AirForce: Thanks for the "down home" input. Good to hear from somebody who's actually lived in NY under Rudy's "rule." I saw him on a talk show one night practically bragging about NY's Sullivan Act. That told me just about everything I needed to know about him, right there.
The Republican nominee will be either McCain or Giuliani.

The Democratic nominee will be either Hillary or Richardson.
Blech. That's deeply disturbing. I've already vowed never to vote Republican again, even in the upcoming 'most important election of our lifetime' :rolleyes: and this possibility further supports my decision.
McCain . . . Giuliani . . . if either one gets the nomination, what's the campaign motto going to be? "Listen up, you redneck Republicans, I'm not as bad as Hillary, so you better vote for me!"

Dubya was the lesser of two evils in the last election, but the lesser of two evils is still an evil. If the GOP runs someone well to the left of RINO Bush, that will put a nail in the coffin of GOP hopes for a White House victory. Honestly, I see NO reason to vote GOP if McCain or Giuliani are the nominees . . . even if Hillary is on the other side.

In fact, in this nightmare scenario, a Prez. Hillary ( :barf: ) might be less damaging, as the GOP House & Senate might, just might, start to behave like Republicans again.
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