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Giuliani's Theory That he made New York Safer with his take on Gun Law

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May 20, 2006
San Antonio, FL
I am taking a risk posting this article and I want to say up front I am not posting it to talk about Thompson versus Giuliani versus Paul. :barf:

I really want to discuss Giuliani's statement sited in the article below:

"Those who live in New York in the real world - not on TV - know that Rudy Giuliani’s record of making the city safe for families speaks for itself,” as per Katie Levinson

Is this true? Is there a correlation between his aggressive gun control stance and the amount of crime commited in New York?

Link to article

Giuliani and Thompson in Gun Battle

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani's campaign took aim at Fred Thompson, after the former senator posted a blog on his Web site criticizing New York City gun-control laws and singling out Giuliani by name.

"When I was working in television, I spent quite a bit of time in New York City,” Thompson wrote, according to The Hill newspaper. "There are lots of things about the place I like, but New York gun laws don’t fall in that category.

"Now, the same activist federal judge from Brooklyn who provided Mayor Giuliani’s administration with the legal ruling it sought to sue gun makers, has done it again. Last week, he created a bizarre justification to allow New York City to sue out-of-state gun stores that sold guns that somehow ended up in criminal hands in the Big Apple.”

Giuliani’s campaign reacted on Tuesday:

"Those who live in New York in the real world - not on TV - know that Rudy Giuliani’s record of making the city safe for families speaks for itself,” Katie Levinson, Giuliani's communications director, said in response to press questions. "No amount of political theater will change that.”
It seems that this is a political question, and therefore OT.

Nonetheless, I think it important for people to understand that Rudy's past and current statements on the matter make a fundamental misattribution of effect.

Rudy has asserted that there is a correlation between the reduction of crime and guns "taken from the street".

That is not actually the case. There IS a correlllation between a reduction of crime and "police activity".

Basically, the police were ordered to get out of their cars and walk the beats, Terry Frisking anyone they could get away with for guns, and arresting them if they found any.

It wasn't the gun removal.

It was the cops being aggressively present.
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