Gun related names for a kid.

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My dad knows a guy who named his daughter Kimber.

Some other good ones might be: Walker (as in the Walker Colt), Cassul (.454 Cassul) Wildley, Kraig (Kraig-Jorgenson rifle) Ben(chrest rifle), Henry (Henry Repeating Arms), Webley, Lee (Enfield). Owen (Owen Machine Gun) Sterling (Sterling Submachine gun.)

Not to discourage you, but think about the kid for a bit. If you give him a unique name, he WILL be teased in school. Heck, my name is Chris, and I couldn't stand the Christopher Columbus or Chris Cringle comments. Also, check it against the No-Fly/Terrorist Watch List. Seriously, being temporarily detained is only funny the first time...

Chris "the Kayak-Man" Johnson
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I have a friend, RB Anderson, who's a super trooper (now retired.) We used to call him "Rifle Bullet" Anderson.

But when he joined the Army they made him do his paperwork again. "Ya gotta write down yer whole name, not just yer initials."

So he filled out the paper work again, and put his name as "R (only) B (only) Anderson."

And went into the Army's records as "Ronly Bonly Anderson.":p
I would not deceive or offend my wife over the name of our son. My relationship with her is much more important that gun names for a child.

My 4 year old son's is named Dillon Lee. :) The Lee actually came from three people, one retired Marine, one Retired Sailor, and a very good friend.
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I would name my son "Trigger"....but he would inevitably have Chicken Pox or Poison Ivy at some point in his life....last thing I want is an Itchy Trigger walking around.

And "Hornady" would be a good one, but we all know how those Hornady Teenagers are....

I'll stick with Bill, or Jack, or Buddy.
How about "Trigger." I wouldnt name my kid that thought. It should like he would be a handful. No pun intended.
I would not decieve my wife about this,or anything else,either.I would also give some serious thoughts to the possible repercusions that the name that you choose will have on your child.I think you would not want to create a "Boy named Sue" scenario.
Some of the replys were funny.I thought that the remark about the Vietnam Memorial sounded very respectful,and I liked the names Kimber and Colton.Thanks for the laughs, Lightman
Bonnie is such a bright, upbeat name for a girl (as in Bonnie Parker).

You could go with a famous religous leader's name like "John Wesley" (founder of Methodism), and just leave the "Hardin" part unstated.

Garrett Is a nice name, as is Patrick.

Just saying: fun thought exercise, but execution may be self-defeating. Your Results May Vary.
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Steve, I was frequently "Dammit" as a kid. As in, "Dammit, David!" or "David, dammit!" I was also "No, David!" for many, many years. :D
if my second chid had been a boy ( she wasnt) i was really lobbying for John Moses. wife wanted just plain Jack as the given name. my son is named after his grandfather and great grandfather.
Naming your kid after gun related stuff has "epic fail" written all over it.

(along with a large number of white trash jokes)

Why not just get a Budweiser tattoo and call it a day?
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