Handgun of the Year

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I look at it this way. When I spent a brief but too long time selling cars, I noticed that the car magazines seem to be a bit set up in their awards so that at least every other year or so, pretty much every manufacturer gets some kind of automotive award in some class or other, so that they can make brochures of the article and have it in the dealership.

If the gun industry's awards have all the same credibility, I could care less to know what they 'preferred' 'this year'.
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You ever watch those movies (pre-historic, sci-fi.).
Example: Planet of the Apes (Charlton Heston one). All the man have beards, long hair, ect. The woman (Nova) has no hair, on her legs or under-arms. I guess it must be genetics. Or that the razor/shaver must have been invented by then….them.


Characters shot with guns will fly backward, or upward and backward, through the air - the laws of physics notwithstanding
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