How do I correct my roommates actions ?

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Oct 20, 2011
Ok everybody here is the situation last night me and my roommate are sitting in the living room he puts in a DVD in and we get started watching it anyways knock knock knock on the door time 8 pm anyways it is a couple of guys nothing special about them just Two regular looking guys well they were trying to sell magazine subscriptions I am on the couch right next to the door so I am thinking to myself he will say no thanks and shut the door before I know it guy one said do you mind shoes on in the house my buddy said no come on in then there are two STRANGERS in my house asking for cash or check or card number I declined tried to not give them any info my roommate said my name is blank I live at blank just giving out his info left and right I work third shift he said gave them everything they needed to rob us basically he finally asked them to leave and when I was furious after the fact he acted like no big deal how do I explain to him that they could have robbed us at gunpoint or could be Plotting to rob us at night please help I'm just :fire: :fire: :cuss: :banghead:
Your roomie is a blissninny. If, after discussing the issue with him, he doesn't get it, think hard about getting a new roomie.
I would get a new roommate. If he is a close friend and worth saving, then you guys need to sit down and have a serious pow wow. Since you guys are occupying the same living space, then there needs to be some safety rules established. There needs to be communication between the two if you like "Hey, there are two strange guys at the front door sell magazine u mind if I let them in and give them all our info?".
My response would have been in the extreme negative.

I have dealt with these magazine salesmen before. If they are anything like the ones we have had here , they are bad news. The ones we have had show up in your neighborhood in a ford Econoline van. The van's I dealt with normally have Indiana or Florida plates. These vans drive around communities dropping off "salesman". Most of the ones I have had contact with usually have non extradite warrants out of another state. They aren't dressed like salesman and they dont act like salesman. They carry around a single tattered brochure for you to select your subscription from.

Just FYI. Maybe you can explain this situation to your roommate. Might open his eyes. We had plenty of reports where these guys had combed neighborhoods looking for elderly. Talked or forced their way inside. One guy distracts them while the other looks for pills and jewelry.
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You can make him understand that you don't like what he did, which you have already done. You can't make him understand that he made a mistake. You have to decide if the convenience of the living arrangement is worth the security risk.
First fix your attitude toward your roommate. It's appropriate to "correct" a child or a workplace subordinate, but roommates are presumably equals.

He might think you're the one who's wrong.
Sorry to hear... I once had a roommate that was a shoes on kind of person... only way you can stop that is to kick em out :neener:
I had the same situation in my living room a while back.

I heard a voice I didn't recognize, and ran in the front room to discover my wife talking to a 6' guy with a gold grill, a tatted tear drop on his face & full sleeve tats, in a wife beater T-shirt selling frozen steaks door to door!!!!

So, I back peddled far enough to lean over and rest my hand in a book shelf, and attach a .40 cal pistol to it.
And then politely ask him to leave.
He did.

The only problem with that is, I can't kick my wife out, because she has Dementia and doesn't know any better.

A young male roomy would either get the picture, after I explained it to him one time?
And agree 110% he made a very bad mistake, and would never ever do it again?

Or be kicked out so fast the screen door would leave a lasting impression on his BeeHind!!!


Yea I like that term Al.

I've met my share of them, even in Texas we have 'em like weeds.

And yes, it's time to shop for another roommate. That or start packing 7/24.

I bought my house in 2011. Since then I've had four room mates stay with me during times of their hardship. Since then Ive armed four roomates with my own personal effects. And my distrust has rubbed off. Ive seen my g/f answer the door with a revolver in her hand behind the door.

Makes me proud.
My wife is prone to door to door individuals selling, what ever they're selling. Sometimes though I think if I hadn't been married to her for so many decades, I would indeed have her relocate. But in general she knows the rules about opening the door to unknown persons, and although I still have to keep an eye on her in this respect, she at least keeps her weapon at ready, or in an undetectable easy reach location.

People have been going door to door for decades selling everything from bibles, to Fuller Brushes, to vacuum cleaners, to magazine subscriptions, to frozen meat. Sometimes those sales techniques have been used as cover for criminals, but for the most part these folks are just trying to make a living. While it is unfortunate that a few people are using sales as cover for sinister purposes we still need to follow some good security practices to avoid the potential of that rare criminal coming to your door.

Your roommate sounds like a trusting sort of fellow that lacks awareness of the potential risks of identity theft or worse. Responding to the incident in too strong a manner won't get him to listen or accept that there was risk in his behavior not only for him, but for you. Don't "attack" him for letting the guys into the house. Instead try to educate him to the fact that 9 times out of 10 these folks are making an honest living, but 1 out of 10 they're scam artists and 1 out of 100 times they're looking for an opportunity for identity theft or robbery.

If he doesn't think the odds are too bad of that happening ask him to just agree that there are some things the two of you have to agree to on basic security to protect against identity theft and robbery and those include keeping people out of the residence where they might see what is worth stealing or where they might be able to pick up mail, wallets, keys that would aid in wrecking his and your credit or theft of his or your vehicle or robbery of the home.
Well said HSO most are honest but there been enough bad ones using door to door sales as a cover that I am very cautious. I was blessed that when I roomies I had country backwoods rednecks like me . This guy's roommate is like my late inlaws way too Trusting.:banghead::banghead::banghead: Hope he remains as lucky as my In-laws were.
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