If your state passed new terrible gun laws, would you move or stay and fight?

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Dec 29, 2005
My state is on the verge of doing something stupid.

I'm considering selling the house and moving if it passes.

Has anyone else done the same thing?
Yes. Many of us have left states for similar reasons.

Some stay and fight because they believe it is the right thing to do. Some stay and fight because it is less disruptive to their life than pulling up stakes -- even if they lose a gun or part of their rights.
Before it passes, give to the NRA, attend protests, call legislators, write letters, and otherwise fight like H-E-double hockey sticks. After that, keep my mouth shut and my powder dry.
Not only, would I stay and fight, I would not comply.I already left one state, in part due to their ever increasing downward spiral... here in NH, it is NOT as RKBA as it was prior to the 90s... a LOT of bad has been proposed. If any of it passed, well; my " cooperation reserve" was depleted years ago.....still have a surfeit of " uncooperative, noncompliant hostility " on reserve for those who look for it, though.
I can't afford to move, so I would stay and fight, and I would not comply with any laws that were passed. I've already COmuse with enough stupid pointless gun laws here in Michigan, I won't stand for more.
I'm in the Socialist State of NY.
Moving is not an option right now. But after I retire I'll be looking for a warmer and more gun-friendly state to move to.
I don't owe ANY State ANY thing...........for that matter. include the Federal Gov't, and I would move in a heartbeat if the matter was entirely contrary to my personal best interest and belief.

Loyalty, Folks, is a TWO way street!
I'll be damned if they'll push me out, by god I'll fight 'em till my last breath in the voting booth the capital or in my own back yard, these politicians that feel as though they can run roughshod over the very people that elected them to their prospective posts will find out in a most unusual way that this is not going to be a walk in the park for them!
Job too good and very hard to replace. As I've done before, what is banned moves out of state to stay with folks I trust. I have a 10 year plan that if I do my part I can then liver wherever but fr now I stay put. Ten years will pass quickly.
I love the pacific northwest so I would have a hard time leaving. Oregon is my home and I want it to stay that way, but with the increasingly more and more absurd policies getting pushed through, and the influx of Californians coming up and helping vote those stupid things into existence it's getting hard to justify staying. My family mostly lives here so it'd be a tough sell to uproot, but if my rights were in such danger of being eradicated I'd certainly have to consider it. And since those things appear closer than ever to happening, it's a thought which has been on my radar.

Let me put it this way: I hate heat and humidity, but there's never been a time in my life when becoming a Texas resident has sounded so appealing..
I'm in the same position as SheepDog1968; eight years from a good retirement, and counting the days. I don't respect many Cali gun laws as is, and will move tools to a better place if necessary. Gun control is only one aspect of why I have started the process of emancipation, but is a major one.
Oh, I OWE them nothing.... OTOH, RE those who would attempt to disarm and enslave me/ mine; I do not like, respect; or care about their well being.... if they want to fight.....
I don't know. The laws in my state are already bad. I guess it depends on where my kids end up. At the end of the day, I want to be near (if we're blessed with them) the grandkids. If I don't move, I'll probably build a part-time home in an adjacent state with more respect for my rights.
I just moved halfway across the country, from North Carolina to Missouri. As it happens, I moved to a state with better gun laws than the one I left, not a huge difference, but Missouri is better. We moved primarily for family, I don't have much family to speak of, and what I do have is spread out all over the country. On the other hand, my wife has quite a large family, and nearly all of it is in the Kansas City Metro Area.

Where I lived in North Carolina I was 9 miles from the Virginia boarder. If North Carolina had passed some goofy gun laws (not necessarily hard to imagine, North Carolina has been getting more liberal-nutty recently), I would absolutely have moved to Virginia, I could have kept the same job and the same relationships. The same is basically true here, if Missouri were to pass goofy gun laws, I could move to Kansas. If both Kansas and Missouri passed goofy gun laws (unlikely without federal legislation given the nature of Missouri, and especially, Kansas), I would stay and fight (and probably ignore the new gun laws). Too much invested here family wise to move. Besides, if Missouri and Kansas get bad, there likely won't be anywhere left to move (in the US anyway).
Before fight to prevent it. If it passes work to quickly overturn it.

If that fails... "any means necessary" to retain your rights. Move, fight, refuse, etc. All are legitimate, except comply.

Anything except comply = collaborate.
If I had the money, I would abandon this country - I am ashamed at our leaders and the nazi tyranny they have allowed to become commonplace - but that is just me.....YMMV
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