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Illinois HB4715

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Sep 4, 2013
This has been taken directly from Illinois Gun Owners' Rights facebook page(https://www.facebook.com/IllinoisGunOwnersRights/posts/10202290537199021)

We posted this last night but the way facebook works it only shows the post to a certain percentage of our followers. Its imperative you click that "Share" button! Awareness is key!

Alert: Firearms Registration Act HB4715. When this gets to committee we need to crush this! This is why we NEVER Compromise and NEVER go Neutral!!!

HB4715 sponsored by Rep Kelly M Cassidy (D),14th District.

"Creates the Firearms Registration Act. Provides that every person in the State must register each firearm he or she owns or possesses in accordance with the Act. Provides that a person shall not purchase or possess ammunition within this State without having first obtained a registration certificate identifying a firearm that is suitable for use with that ammunition, or a receipt demonstrating that the person has applied to register a suitable firearm under the Act and that the application is pending. Provides that the Department of State Police must complete a background check of any person who applies for: (1) a registration certificate for a firearm that was lawfully owned or possessed on the effective date of the Act, was brought into the State by a new resident, or was acquired by operation of law upon the death of the former owner; or (2) a renewal of a registration certificate unless, within 12 months of the date the renewal application is submitted, the applicant passed a background check conducted by the Department in connection with the applicant's acquisition of another firearm. Provides exceptions. Amends the Criminal Code of 2012. Provides that it is a Class 2 felony to sell or transfer ownership of a firearm to another person without complying with the registration requirement of the Firearms Registration Act."


Mods, if this is in the incorrect section, I apologize. If so, please move it to the appropriate area.
Boy, this smells of a Bloomberg connection and further evidence that IL is fighting their losing battle tooth and nail. I don't know how many more IL politicians need to be put in jail to make IL a better state for gun owners. The corruption goes back almost 100 years and continues to this day with "The Machine" still running things.
I've had a FOID card for 42 years, I know folks that have had registered hand guns in Chicago for almost that long. Eventually 3-400,000 or more of us will be packing heat legally. We have more access to more types of weapons than ever
before. As of January we can apply to own SBRs if we have a C+R lic or belong to a reenactment group.
We jail pols at what seems an alarming rate, but we are doing it. What's your state doing with their elected criminals? It ain't as bad as it seems in Illinois, my family settled here in the 1830's so I have history to back it up.

Bloombergs megalomania is starting to undermine his effectiveness.


We can never let up, always will be battling the antis, but we have not lost the war. Not even close.
I lived in IL for 56 years and had a FOID card for quite a while. We could own a lot of nice arms but the problem was you couldn't carry for SD. That is changing. Now, with the new CCW freedom, the IL.gov will try to limit what you can own, ala NYS, CT, CA, etc. So far, so good as far as the rights in IL have moved. However, be aware that they will try to follow suit with the states that have imposed restricted rights. They have a track record of running their own agenda and if the SC won't stop states from limiting the 2A rights then you can be sure IL will be imposing their will on the people. Yes, it's better now than ever before, just watch your 6. Improving thru the vote may work outside of Chicago but Chicago carries a lot of voters who don't look at track records. They vote the way they've always voted because they don't know any better. Chicago and Rahm will drag down the whole state if given the chance. Bloomberg bought a recent election there and will continue to fund the antis until they get enough people in place to make a difference.
Keep an eye on it, make the calls---but Don't Panic. Read Cassidy's bio for giggles sometime~she's part of the Rahm-Dom Complex to be sure and was raised up to her place via the Crook County Machine. Oh well--she couldn't let Acevedo have all the 'fun' I guess!
While a detailed discussion of this particular bill hasn't been done elsewhere; it *was* posted here the day it hit the books:


DCDalton has been working hard to keep 49 of the 50 states updated - I've been working not quite as hard as him, keeping Illinois's list updated (but still timely.) :)

While this thread obviously should have a life of it's own discussing one bill; I just wanted to plug the "mother of all 2014 legislative threads" once in this one, so people at least know about it's existence.

Illinois is up to what, 50?? or so new bills now? Most are very bad for gun owners, some are quite good.
I'm not worried about HB 4715, it won't pass. The northern anti politicians in the state are grasping for straws that aren't there. They need to face the fact they are fighting a losing battle. With Illinois finally getting a conceal carry law I think we'll start seeing more pro laws getting passed than anti. I predict it will be a slow process but the tide is turning nonetheless. People are starting to wake up, they want to be able to defend themselves and protect their families. Cook County is leading the state in conceal carry applications. I think that is a very good sign.
You can't get a pro-2A bill out of executive committee.

The only reason we got the FCCA is that either court-carry was going to kick in or Lisa Madigan was going to have to take it to SCOTUS where she would lose.

Even still, considering that CA7 declared Illinois ban on carry outside the home unconstitutional, the list of restricted places Madigan's cadre of cronies managed to get in the bill shows you how powerful the anti-gun Democrats are in Illinois.
Cook County is leading the state in conceal carry applications. I think that is a very good sign.

Come on, man. Be real.

population of Cook County: 5,194,675
population of rest of the State of IL: 7,635,957
Total population: 12,830,632

2010 figures: http://www2.illinois.gov/census/Pages/default.aspx

So, Cook County has over 40% of the entire state's residents.
So, it having most CCW applications means....?

This also means that Cook County's politicians control a lot of votes and crooked policy decisions. Like most major cities, Cook County controls IL and a large part of Springfield.
You can't get a pro-2A bill out of executive committee.

The only reason we got the FCCA is that either court-carry was going to kick in or Lisa Madigan was going to have to take it to SCOTUS where she would lose.

Even still, considering that CA7 declared Illinois ban on carry outside the home unconstitutional, the list of restricted places Madigan's cadre of cronies managed to get in the bill shows you how powerful the anti-gun Democrats are in Illinois.
The anti's don't care. They will push and push until a court slaps them down. They will stand up and push again. The don't care about the cost, they hate guns.
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