Interesting column on Hillary's campaign

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I'm torn on the Hillary issue.

Certainly I don't want her in the white house (not even on one of the tours) but I don't want her in the Senate either.

IF for some reason she gets in the white house, she'll only be there for 4-8 years ... if she stays in the Senate she could be there for another couple of decades (if she's smart, she'll stay in the Senate ... thats where the long term power is).

So she might be able to do a little bit of damage as President, but I see her being a thorn in our sides for much longer if she stays in the Senate.

If the GOP retains control of the House and Senate, it might work better for us because then they'll have to start acting like REAL REPUBLICANS instead of the RINOs they've been with GW at the helm. If nothing else raw partisan politicking will require them to stick to conservative principals and obstruct Hillary at every turn.

Anyway, Hillary as President will do LESS damage to the country (and RKBA) than McCain or Giuliani.
I'm nominally a Democrat, and if Hilary wins the nom, I'll be voting for the Libertarian candidate.
Phetro, I didn't say that the Mondale/Ferraro ticket was a winning ticket, just that it had a lot of appeal to a lot of people, including the media. Mondale screwed the pooch when he ruled out a tax increase.

I suspect that Hillary is a freight train that's picked up so much speed it can't be stopped.

And I can't think of a single Republican out there who could beat her, except Condoleeza Rice.
Oh whoah is us! Jeesh, you people, take some Zoloft! If there's one thing that destroys anyone's chances of winning it's negativity from their supporters. The Clintons are not smart. They're white trash that got elected. GWB may not be the brightest man in the world, but at least he does what he does because he believes he's right as opposed to the Clintons who do whatever they can to be popular. What is right may not always be popular and what is popular may not always be right. The Clintons unfortunately always seem to take the latter option.

My litmus test for a president is "who would I rather have as a nextdoor neighbor?"

GWB might talk your ear off and not have much intellectual substance, but he'd aim his garden hose at your house if it was on fire.

Clinton would talk kindly to your face but would watch your house burn and then form a commission to divide your remaining undamaged belongings amongst the neighbors. Then she'd vote to raise property taxes on your new house.
I suspect that Hillary is a freight train that's picked up so much speed it can't be stopped.

And I can't think of a single Republican out there who could beat her, except Condoleeza Rice.

Forgot policy; I don't think there's any way Hillary could win. She's too angry, and Americans like their leaders to be happy. Seriously, the only people who will vote for her are a small number of women from the left.
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