Hillary close to decision on Run for White House

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About six weeks ago I saw an ABC show, (During prime time, I believe) that had G. Stephanopolous interview members of a focus group who had seen an interview with Hillary, and George was asking some pointed questions about Hillary's new book. Inevitably, the question came up as to what motivated Hillary to write her book.

Surprisingly, the first few women that were asked that question stopped just short of calling Hillary an evil b***h. Their responses were along the same lines. That Hillary's book was nothing more than a cold, calculated run for the presidency. Now I don't claim to have a woman's intuition, but when my mind flashed back at the clip of the interview with Hillary, my gut feeling was not a good one. Hillary's responses to questions were EXTREMELY well thought out, so calculated and delivered with such precision that she almost seemed, well, not human.

Apparently, Hillary's calculated responses had an effect on these women, and although I am not predisposed to hating liberals (some of my best friends are liberals) my gut feelings about Hillary go beyond hate to fear. Fear is a powerful motivator, and I think that motivation will drive an unprecedented Republican turnout on election day in order to defeat an evil person. Hillary will likely lose, and probably lose big.
Chaintex wrote "The little troll just might have a chance"

A chance? She's got a lot more than a chance. Look no futher than voting demographics in the last election. How many states does a Democrat need to win to take the election? It's not many and they ALMOST did it last time. Bush won 29 states out of 51 possible, but had only 246 electoral votes. Al Whore won only 20 states but had 260 electoral votes. Bush can win all the middle and the south and still lose big time. Look for a minute at where Bush is weak - are those the states with significant job loss? high unemployment? Are those the same states with high electoral college votes? The Democrats can give up the middle and concentrate on their strongholds in the east/west/rust belt and kick Bush out of the White House. Bush is very beatable in this next election and I have been convinced for a long time that Hillary is going to run and she'll win. It's a frightening prospect. This is the one reason I'd like to see the Republicans get their house in order in this Calif. governor election and decide on one person and support him - Bush could use a friend there in the coming election and Crud Boozamonte or Red Davis isn't likely to be his friend. Like some posters have pointed out, the Republicans are good at beating themsleves...

Here's a short article that discusses some of the 2000 election demographics - for those that want to relive it.

If she'd announce before the California (re)election - the Demos state-wide (and maybe more) would pull out the stops to keep CA Democrat. Should a Republican take the state-house, I'd expect CA's internal political shape would/could be changed (if it's "winner takes all"). Appointees change, trickle-down policies change, and "working" philosophies change... and in this case almost immediately since there's no waiting period for the new admin to ease in and the old to slide out - it's kind of "Get out of my chair - now!". One area that could modify/dilute Demo influence would be Republican registrars and precinct voting officials; there is a full year available for a review of voter registration data. I believe the Demos would want to protect THAT particular item.

My 2 cents.

Tamara, I would have reservations about having a Clinton for (my) vice president - wouldn't you?

Speaking of Charlie and the "west(left) wing", when is the FEC going to get the stones to declare that the dems have to include the cost of the piece of leftist propaganda on their campaign funding declarations.

If this socialist, anti-freedom hellspawn wh_re does attain the presidency, I assure all here that I will purchase every 'evil black gun' within my grasp prior to her swearing in, so help me G-d. And I will also volunteer and do all I can to defeat her, be it in 04 or 08. I'm young, and by G-d, I love this country. I will do anything to defend Her.
a squeaky blood curdling speaking voice

Never heard it put quite so eloquently before.

Is this referring to Hillary Clinton, or to Ross Perot?
Remember Mondale-Ferraro?

The Mondale - Ferraro train wreck taught us one thing: women don't vote for a woman just because she is a woman. I think Hillary is probably the only one of the major dem candidates who has NO chance of beating GWB.
All Hillary need do is come within a few percentage points in certain states. From there the lawyers and voter fraud can put her over the top IN THE ABSENCE OF SIGNIFICANT VOTER TURNOUT.

I maintain the 2000 election will be the prototype election of the future for national and key state elections. Just watch what goes on in California. I predict voter fraud will assume a new art form.
I have a feeling that if Hilary runs, there will be a HUGE voter turn out. The $64 question is will more people turn out to vote for her or against her.

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