Looking for ideas for a gun related Molon Labe tattoo

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when you wrote "the old 1800's Don't tread on me flag" you must mean the flag commonly know as the Gadsden flag. Which was first used during the revolutionary 1775-1783.

I think your idea is good I have seen the symbol you speak of it and would make an interesting tatoo.

Myself I wouldn't get a tattoo that has writing in a langauge I wasn't fluent in. I definitly wouldn't get a tattoo in the greek alphabet, as I have seen far to many fraternity tattoos for my own good. Like wise anything in Latin is something I can live without, but to each there own. I have no tattoos but I enjoy tattoos as an art form.

Brother in Arms
I think ive decided to wait a little bit until I can get what I want perfect but it will happen eventually. Thanks everyone for your ideas! If anyone else has an idea post it up.

I'm getting the impression that it's personal.

I didn't know there was such a thing as a tattoo that wasn't personal. They are emotional things. Others can't understand the reasons because words don't do feelings justice.
A few months back Popular Mechanics had an short article about a new tattoo ink will be on the market shortly. The new ink is encapsulated and the capsules can be disolved with a special laser allowing the ink itself to be absorbed and broken down by the body. Basically it is 100% removable should the person ever change their mind and want it gone.

I think the funniest tattoo I've ever seen was this summer at a concert my wife and I attended. This big guy was wearing a shirt with the sleeves cut off, so everyone could get a better whif of his underarms, and see his tattoos. On the back of his left arm it said "BAD" and on the back of the right (you guessed it) "ASS" in 2" gothic letters. I'm sure he's a real fun guy to hang out with.

I always liked George Carlin's little rant on tattoos. It goes something like,"Here's some guy that hasn't been laid since the bicentenial who wants me to think he's a bad mofo because he has a tattoo, a picture, of some barbed wire around his arm. I say, hey skeezik (sp?), come back when you're ready for the real thing and I'll squeeze that s***t on good and tight for ya."

I think one should avoid tattoos since you should never do anything to help the government identify you.:)

One other side note. During WWII the Nazi's would cut out the tattoos of dead from the concentration camps and use them to make things like lampshades. http://www.chgs.umn.edu/Visual___Artistic_Resources/Fritz_Hirschberger2/Arts_and_Crafts_in_the_3rd_Rei/arts_and_crafts_in_the_3rd_rei.html
A few months back Populart Mechanics had an short article about a new tattoo ink will be on the market shortly. The new ink is encapsulated and the capsules can be disolved with a special laser allowing the ink itself to be absorbed and broken down by the body. Basically it is 100% removable should the person ever change their mind and want it gone.
Man... I'd buy stock in that company!
I think one should avoid tattoos since you should never do anything to help the government identify you.

Good point. That is why I have denied having any identifying marks everytime I've been asked about them. I've had tattoos staring them in the face and they still write "none" when I'm asked. They are government employees! Take advantage if it.
Well, I'm screwed anyway...I've thought of, and resisted tattoos for that reason (ID) in the past. However, since I'm in the military and have a TS clearance, they have my: DNA, fingerprints, all distinguishing marks (for verification if I get captured) and know every place I've ever lived. Might as well get a tat if I want one now...'cept it might turn me into a "wannabe" according to some.:uhoh:

I'm thinking of something involving a "Hoplight" style sword, olive branches and MOLON LABE, drawn by a good artist with better imagination than me.
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