Looking for ideas for a gun related Molon Labe tattoo

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most tats just scream "lack of vision" to me, but the only memorable one i've seen was tatooed on the INSIDE of his lower lip and used as part of a shockingly vulgar pickup line.

props are definitely due for the range card idea though.
There used to be a website just for Asian tattoos that said something other than what the victim thought they did. I hear Brittney Spears got one that she thought said "mysterious" and, when she heard Asians laughing at her, found out that the character meant something closer to "weirdo". Don't know if there's an Asian character for "white trash";) .
There's another one entitled, "Goodbye cruel world."

A really big guy is getting a tattoo on his back. The guy doing the tattoo is tattooing something to the effect, "This fat slob thinks he's getting an eagle. He's not. He's going to kill me when he sees it. Somebody feed my cat.........."

I'd post the picture but it's got some colorful language so I'll just tell you about it.
Dr Zinn, a member of this forum, came up with this design. I used it (with permission) on the cover of my first book. If I was thinking of a Molon Labe tattoo, I'd consider something like this, with a motto around it.

I was going to ask that myself, is it supposed to be an in-joke because you are dyslexic or something similar? (Not insulting, this is a serious enquiry)

J0e ams teh confoozled.
The poblem with chineese tattoos is that the same symbols can mean different things depending on the context it is used in AND if it is in Mandarin or Cantonese or even some of the other dialects such as shanghaiese.

Depending on how you say it (accent the word) the same spelling can mean many different thigs.
I was going to ask that myself, is it supposed to be an in-joke because you are dyslexic or something similar? (Not insulting, this is a serious enquiry)

J0e ams teh confoozled

Yes, it's an in-joke. Dyslexia caused by alcohol I guess you could say. The exact events are kind of fuzzy, but anyway, the misspelling stuck, so I spelled it that way when I got the tattoo.
Sorry I havent been back on in a while. School is kicking my butt this week.

I dont mind a good tattoo. That being said it is a tough personal decision one must make. Not a decision to be made lightly. To me, getting involved with firearms was a turning point in my life. That is why I choose to decorate my temple.

As far as old age and tattoos fading. I would consider myself blessed to see that day. :)

Thanks guys and keep the ideas coming.
why cant it just be large lettering?

on your back, maybe triceps...
It is QUITE the statement, very forcefull idea.
if your gunna say, say it loud n proud.
That's an idea...MOLON LABE down the tricep...still in the Greek of course. If you go with a round shield design I'd fill up your shoulder with it to keep your arm free. Don't want to use up all your real estate at the first go.
Here in Iraq many of my coworkers have their bloodtype and SSN tatoo'ed on the rib cage. Plus any info such as NKA (no known allergies). I consider those usefull.
...and if one of my "coworkers" in Iraq had that, I'd have given them a very odd look. Wannabe status isn't dependent on ink. If you get an INFANTRY tat with skull etc...right after basic are you a wannabee? If you then go on and get SF tabbed a few years later, are you no longer a wanabee? How does one tell from a tattoo? Just musing...I've never gotten a tattoo but have been considering one lately with a MOLON LABE theme as well. I guess it will turn me into a wanabee and undue all the training and combat experience I have.:uhoh:
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I plan for one, just the greek lettering, on the inside of my right bicep. I already have the inside of the left done...
I don't think molon labe is a wannabe type of thing, to me it signifies more of a brotherhood of belief in something sucha as below

Maybe the old 1800's Don't tread on me flag with the eagle and snake and Molon Labe in greek above below or around it would look good?

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