Man arrested for toting rifle.

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Sounds about right to me, if I saw a guy with a loaded AK in front of my house I'd call the cops too.
I'd get my rifle too, go outside, and ask my neighbor if he needs someone to watch his back. And when did he get the nice rifle and not tell me?
My how the tide has turned in this thread.

Bottom line, he did nothing illegal. Talk to him, run the weapon if you must, suggest a firearm case, and if you don't like that, contact your legislator to change the law!!
That's it...I'm declaring war on all of the social misfits who would intimidate us...

the next plummer who bends over and scares me with that "crack", I'm callin' the cops...

and the next ugly-woman-in-a-bikini, at the beach, I'm callin' the cops...

finally, the next fool who assaults me with his blowing horn while in traffic, I'm calling the cops.

If the only criteria is for me to be a spineless piece of poultry feces, then let's get with having all of society arrested.

Seriously now...this needs to go up to the SCOTUS. Keep and Bare Arms.

Seems pretty d@mned clear to me.
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What is entirely missing here are the "why's of carrying the gun" arond the neighborhood, although I suppose technically it doesn't make a difference. I would hate to see a subjective rationale of how threatens others felt as a determinate for whether I am criminally liable for a right guaranteed by the constitution and local/state laws.
Ok guys, this is my neighborhood. This is not a rural area, there are no rifle ranges in walking distance. People aren't supposed to walk down the street with an AK, it's not illegal but it does bother people, myself included.

I don't pretend to understand social boundaries in other communities, so don't say is fine for G-Love to walk down my street with an AK just because no laws are broken. If you walk down my street with an AK, I will confront you and ask you why you need an AK while walking down my street.

The police down here are good guys, they don't hate guns. This guy wouldn't get arrested for walking around with a gun for a legit reason. They are not gestapos, they are normal guys who respond to reason.

As for people getting scared, are National Guard patrols keeping looters out of neighborhoods still fresh in your memories? How about thugs going wild because the hood hasn't had power in a month?

As for dogging Larry McCoy out, have you ever been interviewed by a reporter about your business? Would you tell a little white lie to make everybody happy? I would. I stopped by and told him I saw his name in the paper today, he said he hadn't read it yet.
In some places, a baseball bat being carried would get the same results---unless you also have a mit and baseball with you as well.

It's hard to say without having been witness--the manner in which the fellow was carrying the weapon means a lot. Not disputing his right to do so--but it just sounds odd. I would have called the police, too.

That said, I've thought a couple of times about doing individual PT and going for a one man formation run with my Garand early some morning.
I live near this area and have cut through those streets a few time, and can tell you that it's one of the nicer neighborhoods in Mobile, AL. Lots of big houses fairly close together. Kids outside playing type neighborhood. Something sounds weird about the whole situation.

OTOH, I think it's ridiculous that someone can be arrested even though he's not breaking any specific law. Eh, socialism - it's for the good of the people :barf:

BTW, about 3 miles away in a rougher area of Mobile, there was a bank robbery a couple months ago. The robbers had an AK-47.
The only reason you'd need it out of a case is if you intend to use it

I will confront you and ask you why you need an AK while walking down my street.

Starting to sound like antis here, trying to justify his NEED. Did any of you NEED the last gun you purchased?
If I see someone walking in my quiet residential neighborhood, who I DON'T KNOW...

There the rub right there. Man, many neighborhoods or neighborhoods or people who don't know each other. Furthermore, very few of us know each other above and beyond the casual first name and maybe a wave while mowing the lawn or passing them in your car. We behave like strangers, apparently we like to narc on each other as if we strangers, and the courts/LE community in dealing with our BS that we can't deal with ourselves :barf: are happy to deal with us individually like strangers.
Starting to sound like antis here, trying to justify his NEED. Did any of you NEED the last gun you purchased?

No, it doesn't; and even if it did, that would make no difference. You're engaging in a logical fallacy called "poisoning the well."
What he is questioning is the clown's need to be walking around a residential neighborhood with a loaded AK, not the clown's need to own the AK.
but I do think the police should've asked him to refrain from carrying his rifle loaded and un-cased.
Some places it is illegal to carry a concealed firearm even if it is concealed in a bag. A locked case is often different, but walking someplace with an obvious firearm unready for use is a good way to get it robbed from you. They are not only often valuable, but are desired by criminals. This means someone with a firearm they cannot use is a pretty ripe target.

People mention carrying them in bags, gym bags, and other non secure containers to intentional make it impossible to recognize as a firearm. That is specificly illegal many places. It is not locked in a case, yet is concealed, and not only concealed, but intentionaly concealed for the purpose of carrying it without being recognized as carrying a firearm. I don't know about Alabama, but I know several places that is breaking the law.

So if carrying it concealed and not secured in a locking container is illegal, and carrying it openly gets one arrested, carrying a rifle on foot becomes a pretty difficult thing to do. Can you sling a bulky rigid locking gun case over your shoulder and transport it far? In a non rigid case but obviously a gun case, or in a locking case, do you like everyone, criminals included, noticing you have a valuable firearm incapable of being used and ready for the taking?

If the legal options are unusable in a case but clearly a firearm to all others (and also harder to transport on foot) including Bubba fresh on parole, or safely slung over a shoulder yet capable of being used to repel/deter the criminal element taking notice, I think the second option would be safer to the individual. An unusuable firearm is not a deterent, is not just a paper weight, it is a magnet to others, especialy those that cannot buy firearms.

Now it is unusual and all those nearby should take notice of someone walking with a rifle. Even be capable of defending themselves or others if necessary (which they should be anyways.) If it seems out of place, call the police and they can investigate. HOWEVER if it is all legit and legal and after dealing with the police they find no problems, he in no way should be arrested or charged.

Imagine police approaching someone with a rifle to begin with. They are extra cautious about rifles, and if the tense situation progressed without incident, he was probably very level headed in dealing with the police. He is then arrested?
Starting to sound like antis here, trying to justify his NEED. Did any of you NEED the last gun you purchased?

If you see somebody running would you ask them where the fire is?

Call me an "anti", I'm an anti-guy-walking-down-my-street-with-an-AK-in-the-middle-of-the-day.

Walking around the city with an AK is like farting in church.
walking around a residential neighborhood with a loaded AK, not the clown's need to own the AK.

It's the same kind of thing, as far as I'm concerned. Why do you NEED to walk around with a loaded handgun? He was just exercising his rights under the Second Amendment.
One statement said that he was walking through the neighborhood the other said he was walking up and down the street.

If I saw someone “walking up and down the street” I would defiantly keep an eye on him. If he was “walking through the neighborhood” he wouldn’t rate a second glance from me.

However all of this is immaterial. Everyone should know that
"It is not socially acceptable," McCoy said.
tops a Constitutional right! :fire::banghead:
I don't have a problem with the neighbor calling the police on this guy. It is not common for someone to walk down the street with an AK, mag inserted. Maybe this guy was exercising his rights or looking for attention, I don't know. The police checking the situation out is fine by me.

I DO have a problem with trumped up charges and arrests for no reason. Judges are supposed to be rational thinkers, and this one must have had a few drinks before signing the arrest warrant. Bad judge, hopefully no reelection for you. I undestand there are many grey areas of the law, but this isn't one of them.:barf:
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Walking around the city with an AK is like farting in church.

Meaning, you can't help it?


Also, a question to those who would call the police in such a situation - would you do the same if he were openly carrying a pistol?
If someone walked down my street with a firearm, I would NOT call the police. It is legal per the Constitution. Now, if he started pointing it at houses, that is different. But, to have it hanging from a sling, or in his hand walking and carrying it, I say big whoopity.

You all know what, given the division here, I better understand why Washington does as it d@amned well pleases! We can't even agree here at THR to a simple Constitutional matter of carry in open, regardless of the law. If it's unlawful, that law is UNconstitutional! We, my friends, are screwed! Come next election, you may as well just turn in your arms, because you're playing right into the gun-grab laws in their gun-grab plan.

Oh, and regarding the statement, "Walking around the city with an AK is like farting in church.", that is precisely what the left wants you to feel. If they can beat you down, they have you beat. That sentiment is demonstrative of being beaten. The fact is, our founding father wanted for our keeping and baring arms to being as-normal-as waking in the morning…it’s just something a man has to do every day of life, and so long as you’re alive you do it.

Re: McCoy's comments that he "...does not sell an assault rifle to anyone under 21 because he does not believe a teenager is mature enough to handle such a weapon. He said the Spring Hill incident disturbs him", remind me to never buy from him.

We can send 18-year-olds to war with M16s, M60s, etc, but they can't come home on leave and purchase and carry an AK? That is a good example of ignorance, and of a failure to think and rationalize before speaking. People like this are the reason I have made sure to buy all of the classifications of firearms that some here seem content to allow the liberals to take away. I have them purchased already for my 12-year-old for when she turns 18!!!
but its reasons like this that I walk with my guns in public...... I can't help but want to go get my AR this very minute in fact:D
I am appauled at the comments of some of you who would confront someone walking dow the street, any street with an AK. Public street? What business is it of yours? Some day when I am chugging down the sidewalk with an AK, 870, or a bolt gun on my shoulder and some munch comes out of his house and confronts me, I will tell him, very plainly to "get bent!" and keep walking. I come on YOUR land, you can question me, till then, "don't bother me, I'm walking."

You call your selves "supporters of frreedom?" Yopu just proved you are no better than any liberal, socialist, anti-Constitution gun grabber out there.

In this case, the cops WAY over reacted. If he was rude or beligerant, the cops would simply have shot him. You think they would really not draw down on some fool with an AK acting like a putz? The simple fact that he is not ventalated says that he was peacfull. At best, the cops should have offered him a ride to where he was going and ask him to use a legal case next time.

Don't even get me started on this jerk that thinks he should make up his own gun laws for people under 21
I think the guys posting on here that say this guy shouldn't be able to walk down the street with his ak must be Zumbo's alternate personalities.
Doc2005: Here Here! Agreed!

For the record, my 4 year old daughter would be more curious what kind of gun it was instead of being terrorized. She's constantly telling me, "Daddy, I like that gun!"


This story and thread remind me a lot of that new Scion commercial...
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