Most irritating behaviors in the field..

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Looking through you binoculars and seeing a fool looking back at you through a scope. That sort of sets my teeth on edge.
I have to agree here with everyone on this forum - other then the dog hunting part for deer.
Where I live it is illegal to hunt deer with dogs - so I don't have that problem.

I had a big problem this year with the people on the neighboring property - (which was our old camp) - just driving right through the gate on the property I was hunting on, which did not belong to the camp.
Even though they do not have a lease or permission to use the gate or a right of way on their deed to use the road and the land that I am hunting on, they just barged right in and made themselves at home..

Then when they did not see any deer - they were all upset and ready to blame me because I got a buck there on the first day.

They turned the pipe line next to my tree stand into a regular I 80...

Someone went one step further and put up a tent below my deer stand on the first Saturday and they had a video camera and a shooter in the tent.
What they didn't have was permission to be there or a orange flag to alert hunters that they were in a camo tent in the middle of the woods at the bottom of a hill in a lane where I frequently shoot in the middle of rifle season in Pennsylvania.

I couldn't even see them in that tent 100 yds away.
It was a very dangerous situation, which I took care of pretty quickly by turning on my FM radio to a station that had Johnboy & Billy and just let the radio blast them out of the tent.

They made sure to stand up at the gate for about 2 hours, cutting off the lane where the deer liked to travel - ruining my whole day of hunting.

The best part was - I didn't get into my deer stand until 6AM which was much later then I would have liked.
It didn't get light out here till almost 7AM and I like a period of time to get set up in my tree-stand and make noise before it gets light out and then let the woods settle down.
These jokers showed up about 7:30 AM and walked into the place like as if they just bought it.

A good host issue I had a few years ago was with my brother and his in laws.
My brother asked me if his brother in law Glen and him could come and stay with me for a couple of days in deer season.

I thought having the guy stay at my house would be a good experience for me. I even went so far as to quit my job so I could take a week off from work to play host. I wouldn't have been able to get much more then the first day or two off from work because my employer made a deal with his employees - (which were a bunch of city slicker's) - to give up the first day of buck season as a paid vacation.
The company policy was if you missed 3 days of work in a row - you were fired. So it didn't matter if I quit or got fired, I wasn't going to have a job the next week anyways.

So I swamped out my house and I bought a couple hundred dollars of food and I cleaned up the yard and I got all ready for the " " hunter to come in.

I went out in the woods and made a place for him to sit in the Game Lands, and I even made breakfast every morning for them - which made me late getting out into the woods and I packed him a lunch every day.

When they came back at night, my mom fed him supper - which really upset me - because I had already cooked several days worth of food at my house and had things all set up for them.

The guy came to my house and acted like as if it was his house.
He smoked Pal Mal cigarettes in the house which made the inside of the house all stinky and made my hunting clothes stink like rotten cigarettes.

He gave my mom $20 on the first day for supper and that was all the money that she saw and she packed him a lunch on top of the lunch that i made him every day and filled his thermos with coffee each morning.
He made it look like a big deal on the first day and she probably thought that there was more to come down the road somewhere for the good meals that she fed him. But he had it all planned out to look like a good guy to them and give her some money on the first day and that would get him off the hook for the rest of the week.

Glen complained because I did not have a coffee pot and he was a truck driver and he had to have his coffee every morning for breakfast.
I actually made him coffee - but it wasn't good enough to suit his tastes.

The last day he was there, he tried to sneak into my house to get his stuff and leave, but I had the door locked.
He basically showed up, took his stuff, didn't even say thanks and left and didn't give me one thin dime for a weeks worth of accommodations.

I didn't even get a Christmas card off the jack ass.

My brother asked me last year if Glen could come back again and I told him, absolutely not. No way in hell.

Glen makes $100,000.00 a year.
H&H makes great points in his OP. Thankfully I haven't been exposed to much of that - although I do get pretty ornery about muzzle direction.

I hunt by myself almost exclusively now. It's for many small reasons and one big one. The small ones aren't really worth getting into. The big one is the awful obsession with "long range" shooting. I have lost count of the hunters I've seen in the field with the latest specialty cartridges and 14x, 16x, or 18x scopes. Almost to the man they are braggarts and liars, and almost to the man they are utterly incapable of hitting anything much beyond 200 yards. I don't mind the misses, but the gut shots and dangling legs - at distances far too great to allow follow-up - sicken me.
They aren't hunting when they are long range shooting - all they are doing is using the deer as moving targets to justify their shooting abilities and their long range rifles accuracy.
muzzle discipline will get me hot in a hurry, but thankfully ive only had to really let loose on one person. he was a younger guy, mid-teens, but in no way at all new to hunting. i guess he didnt really consider a loaded and capped muzzle loader "dangerous" enough to bother keeping it pointed away from my face. i figured the 4 previous polite requests/safety warnings were being WAY to friendly. he eventually realized the stupidity of his actions and has made some major improvements towards becoming a decent hunter i still hunt with him every deer season.
i think he secretly refers to me as a hard @$$ but he is soon to be family-in-law and hunting is a big part of all the guys in the family i will soon be joining. im really hoping that with a little bit of guidance he will grow up to be a safe and responsible hunter.

every year i find myself giving a few of the guys a hard time (not too bad. we know who our buddies are) because every year someone shows up with a gun that isnt sighted in even close, or that hasnt been shot since last season. one guy this year actually showed up with a borrowed gun and asked us how to load it!:what::cuss::fire: as a group we convinced him that if he couldnt load it, he was going to have a hard time killing a deer with it (duh!) so he opted for a more framiliar weapon.

and i swear if i have to explain to one more person why a factory mounted scope or a bore-sighted gun is not "sighted in" i might just lose it!
I was in Grice Gun shop one day and a fellow came in and bought a new rifle on the day after Thanksgiving and told the gunsmith to just bore sight it and it will be good enough.

They was laughing up at hunting camp this year because the one Bozo bought a new Remington 770 300 Winchester magnum and it took a whole box of shells to get it to hit the paper and when they got it good enough to go hunting with - he didn't go hunting anyways - because he got drunk the night before and he was too hung over the next morning to go hunting.

Then one of the guys that was laughing at him - who hunts with a Remington 300 Ultra Mag missed a buck 50 yards away, while standing on his tree stand platform - 8 feet wide by 8 feet wide with no roof on the first day of rifle season.
So one was just as bad as the other.

Who needs a Ultra Mag to shoot a 100 lbs whitetail deer at 50 yards?
They aren't hunting when they are long range shooting - all they are doing is using the deer as moving targets to justify their shooting abilities and their long range rifles accuracy.

Well, I agree with you, but that sort of opinion gets you in trouble around here. Lots of "deer snipers" hereabouts. My personal feeling is that "hunting" involves getting as close as you can. Every once in a while I run into a fellow who hunts with a spear or knife, and my hat is off to anyone who can get into contact distance with a wild animal.

But I suppose that's unforgivably elitist, and realistically, as long as the animal dies a humane death it's none of my business. I still don't want to hunt with anyone using a .30-378, though...
Most annoying:
Talking on cell phones or radios on stand or in the field unneccessarily
Smoking in my stands
Clothes that reek of smoking
Drinkiing beer ( or other alcohol) before quitting for the day...or just figuring hunting is a reason to stay in camp and drink
Not knowing how to keep guns clean and rust free, and expecting me to do a thorough cleaning/ repair every trip
My pet peeves mirror many of the others here. Because of this, I learned a long time ago to choose your hunting/fishing partners carefully. Just cause you work with someone or bowl with them on Thursday nites, don't make them a compatible hunting partner. This leads me to another pet peeve. Those who invite casual friends along on a hunt or allow someone else in their party to, and then piss and moan about them. If it is a new/young hunter, one must expect them to make mistakes and be unprepared. You accept this when you allowed them to accompany you. If you don't want to accept this fact, don't allow them to come or don't go along period. If it's a seasoned hunter that is just a slob, not just shame on them, but shame on you for going along with them. If you don't know them well enough to have an inkling as to what kind of hunter they might be, why would you go in the woods with them?

Another pet peeve. Those who piss and moan about payin' for others. If you allow someone to go along without the discussion of how expenses will be shared, shame on you. There should be a kitty for gas on a long trip, collected before the trip starts. Same for a food kitty. No money in the kitty, no go. Collect more than enough, keep receipts and divvy out what's left when you get home. If you insist on takin' your big azzs truck that gets 6 MPG and take off without knowing the guy ridin' has nuttin' in his wallet......don't blame him when he can't fill your tank half-way home.

Last, but not least. Those who piss and moan about the neighbors huntin' "right on the fence" when they themselves are backed up to it. If you have the right to sit on the fence line and watch the powerline clearing on the easement, so does the neighbor.......regardless of who get's there first. You don't like it go somewhere else. In most states it is illegal to shoot over the fence and retrieve game from someone else's property without their permission. Even if it is legal, it's not ethical without permission. If you can't shoot anything across the fence, why begrudge the neighbor from shooting it........other than selfishness?

Again, young and new hunters need to be taught correctly. They don't need to be scolded for their lack of knowledge, they need to be tactfully corrected. They don't need to be trashed because they don't know any better....they need to be mentored. If you don't want to be a mentor, don't get involved. If it's a case of a slob hunter in your are just as much to blame as they are.
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One thing that makes me absolutely furious is when one or more guys in the group show an indifference or even an interest in violating hunting ethics, rules, regs, or even laws. I can't stand it when a discussion gets going on, "what's the plan if I shoot a bull but I only have a cow tag?", or "even if they are 500 yards away, I'm going to take a shot", or "do you think I should shoot a bear if I see one?", or "if I come into a herd, I'll fill all our tags. If you come into one, shoot enough for everyone too.", or "just leave the campfire going so that we don't have to relight it in the morning/when we hike back to camp".

2. Share your harvest.
...prudently, with thoughtful discretion.

I add that because one of my pet peeves is the guys who don't know how to hunt, won't learn or apply themselves, or are just otherwise not really that committed or invested in a successful hunt, but they feel entitled to some of your harvest because they slept in a tent for a few nights within proximity to me.

If you sleep late, halfheartedly hunt, prepare poorly, make too much noise in the field, and rely on the committed/experienced hunters to get you an animal, you don't have any rights to their kill.
If you hunt as a group and you score and your buddy did not. Send them home some of your meat.
My rant above doesn't quite fit because that type of a guy isn't really a 'buddy'. I agree otherwise. Do unto others...
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Years ago when I was hunting a lot, I usually had plenty of offers to hunt with other folks. I made myself useful, I did my best to help out, and people "usually" appreciate it and want you around. When hunting with older or younger hunters I would volunteer to help field dress their deer, taking a turn helping to drag out the kill is always welcome (many hands make light work). Further more being pleasant, happy, and positive about things whether you got anything or not is always a good choice.

Conversely, being a jerk, complaining about everything, being a general kill-joy, is a pain in the tail and never welcome. If hunting with your "buddies" act like one, hunting is supposed to be fun and IMHO the most annoying people are those who don't understand the difference between taking what you do seriously, vs taking yourself to seriously.
Years ago when I was hunting a lot, I usually had plenty of offers to hunt with other folks. I made myself useful, I did my best to help out, and people "usually" appreciate it and want you around. When hunting with older or younger hunters I would volunteer to help field dress their deer, taking a turn helping to drag out the kill is always welcome (many hands make light work). Further more being pleasant, happy, and positive about things whether you got anything or not is always a good choice.

Conversely, being a jerk, complaining about everything, being a general kill-joy, is a pain in the tail and never welcome. If hunting with your "buddies" act like one, hunting is supposed to be fun and IMHO the most annoying people are those who don't understand the difference between taking what you do seriously, vs taking yourself to seriously.
My name is cottswald, and I endorse this message.
Don't bring more crap than you can pack and carry all by yourself. I'm not going to ask you to carry something of mine, don't ask me to carry something of yours. Don't lack anything that you are going to need.

Sounds like a couple of cub scout camps I went to with my boys. Watching folks make trip after trip from thier car to the tent area. Located a 100 yards from the parking lot. Yet not having the basic equipment to make a descent meal. My son and I watched the 100 quart coolers produce bad bologna sandwiches.

We each had a small day pack and a pack stove. Sitting back eating bacon cheese burgers, fried potatoes and eggs, generally eating like kings. Yet after 3 or 4 trips of crap they sit thier wondering why they don't have even basic things.
I'm a kitchen sink kind of guy. I take everything I might need whether I use it or not. I do it fishing, camping, hunting you name it.

Don't sit at the trail head and make fun of all the crap I carry then proceed to spend the rest of the day asking to borrow stuff from me.
Lonesome hunters: I like to make a lengthy walking hunt. Maybe ten to fifteen miles. Okay, so somebody wants to work with me. Fine. But I don't need him in my hip pocket, wanting to talk about this, that or another "Who cares?" bunch of BS.

Or folks that take a restaurant's worth of munchies along. Hey, eat breakfast, water up and go. We can eat, drink and talk when we get back to camp.

On a walking hunt up a valley, there's always some clown who can't hold position. The guy on the upwind side on higher ground should stay about a hundred yards ahead of the guy down low, and low-man should be across the streambed from high-man. Others, if any, on line toward high-man. But Dudley Doofus gets too far ahead, or lags way back. Or just absolutely must find somebody to talk to. :)
I've got some doozies...

1... putting loaded shotgun in my vehicle

2... shooting multiple big bucks in one year and acting like they are dinks and moaning about not being able to get a big one... seriously?! if they are not big enuff for you don't shoot, leave it for someone who would appreciate it... I shot a 20+ point buck and ever since he was been acting like a spoiled child and shooting everything that moves... just to prove he can shoot big bucks too...

... I find a good spot and tell about the deer I see and let walk and he is out there shooting at all the deer the second he finds out I'm are not going to be in the area...

... being told I'm just lucky whenever I shoot a deer

... telling people he told me where to set up after I shoot the biggest deer of my life(you know cause I'm just lucky)-this from the same guy who likes to steal my spots... and no he didn't tell me where to sit...

...I hunt with the guys and hang with the guys but I'm still a woman ... if you're green with jealousy over my buck don't act like a jerk to me and do and say nasty things to me and about me... I will cry.... and wish I never laid eyes on the animal... and pointing out every buck that is bigger is really getting old...

... upon pointing out that he is unethical and at best a poacher... becomes irate and and goes on a 4 hour long diatribe about how he is ethical for shooting every deer he sees at any time regardless of legality because it cutting down on the population and saving lives and feeding the hungry and various other sugar coating examples of his superiority... and tells me I'm selfish and greedy for letting spikes walk...

... I was nice and lent my climber and sat in a blind... another hunter was in his spot so he came back and set up 30 yards from me because the sun was comming up and didn't want to be caught on the ground... told me to wake him up with the sound of me shooting a deer... I was ok with this... yeah he was on top of me but he was going to be courteous and not shoot on top of me... wrong.... the story about what happened that day will make you want to puke...

... giving my deer away without my permission.

... inviting me to hunt .... along with 10 other people in a small woodpatch

... setting up stands while I'm at work and telling me what a lazy horrible person I am for not helping even though I'm always there to help when not at work or previously engaged... then denies he is trying to act the martyr

... borrowing my climber without my knowledge and then breaking it and then fixing it as my christmas only christmas present...lucky me

... chastising this other hunter for only lazer sighting gun when he is knowingly hunting with gun that is "off"

... bragging about what an awesome hunter he is and comparing an illegally shot buck to other legally shot bucks... just don't point that out to him... he will go on a tirade about every bad thing you ever done... as if speeding is comparable to poaching...

...Not taking the time to properly aim

...TEXTING me about stupid crap while I'm trying to hunt ....dont text me unless its important info like you got one or a heads up or warning... I really hate constantly texting me... specially in the last hour of daylight then getting irate when I don't answer back....this from another hunter!... I hate hate hate when someone texts me: see anything? or if they can see me and start texting and telling me to "shoot the deer" its annoying and distracting... yeah some will say turn phone off but its a safety thing for me... I will always check every text(but not always answer) I get cause you never know when you are going to get the bad text from your hunting buddy and need to move quick to save a life...

Are you married or related to this guy? If so, my condolences. If not, why in the WORLD wouldn't you find someone else to hunt with?!
EatBugs, sounds to me like you need to find a better "hunting partner" since this one obviously sounds like he feels that his masculinity is threatened whenever you get a kill.
EatBugs, you need a better quality of hunting companion. Preferably one that is not a poacher and would pat you on the back rather than run you down for your accomplishments. Most men do have that competitive streak but any REAL man knows how to control himself in those matters. My suggestion would be to never call, acknowledge, speak to, look at, or even think about contacting that "person" (and I use that term loosely considering your description) again.
EatBugs, you need a better quality of hunting companion. Preferably one that is not a poacher and would pat you on the back rather than run you down for your accomplishments. Most men do have that competitive streak but any REAL man knows how to control himself in those matters. My suggestion would be to never call, acknowledge, speak to, look at, or even think about contacting that "person" (and I use that term loosely considering your description) again.

while he didn't do all of the above, he did most.... unfortunately we dated for awile.. Long enuff that we share multiple private properties and friends ... Fortunately, He is moving out of state in a few months(yay!!) I think I'll throw a party:evil:...
EatBugs, you need a better quality of hunting companion.

I have had several favorite hunting partners over the years

My dad (although sometimes he gets a little loud since his hearing isn't the best)
my 2 beagles (rest in peace)

if I can't be out there with my dad, or a great dog/dogs, then I would rather go with me, myself and I.
I've got some doozies...

1... putting loaded shotgun in my vehicle

2... shooting multiple big bucks in one year and acting like they are dinks and moaning about not being able to get a big one... seriously?! if they are not big enuff for you don't shoot, leave it for someone who would appreciate it... I shot a 20+ point buck and ever since he was been acting like a spoiled child and shooting everything that moves... just to prove he can shoot big bucks too...

... I find a good spot and tell about the deer I see and let walk and he is out there shooting at all the deer the second he finds out I'm are not going to be in the area...

... being told I'm just lucky whenever I shoot a deer

... telling people he told me where to set up after I shoot the biggest deer of my life(you know cause I'm just lucky)-this from the same guy who likes to steal my spots... and no he didn't tell me where to sit...

...I hunt with the guys and hang with the guys but I'm still a woman ... if you're green with jealousy over my buck don't act like a jerk to me and do and say nasty things to me and about me... I will cry.... and wish I never laid eyes on the animal... and pointing out every buck that is bigger is really getting old...

... upon pointing out that he is unethical and at best a poacher... becomes irate and and goes on a 4 hour long diatribe about how he is ethical for shooting every deer he sees at any time regardless of legality because it cutting down on the population and saving lives and feeding the hungry and various other sugar coating examples of his superiority... and tells me I'm selfish and greedy for letting spikes walk...

... I was nice and lent my climber and sat in a blind... another hunter was in his spot so he came back and set up 30 yards from me because the sun was comming up and didn't want to be caught on the ground... told me to wake him up with the sound of me shooting a deer... I was ok with this... yeah he was on top of me but he was going to be courteous and not shoot on top of me... wrong.... the story about what happened that day will make you want to puke...

... giving my deer away without my permission.

... inviting me to hunt .... along with 10 other people in a small woodpatch

... setting up stands while I'm at work and telling me what a lazy horrible person I am for not helping even though I'm always there to help when not at work or previously engaged... then denies he is trying to act the martyr

... borrowing my climber without my knowledge and then breaking it and then fixing it as my christmas only christmas present...lucky me

... chastising this other hunter for only lazer sighting gun when he is knowingly hunting with gun that is "off"

... bragging about what an awesome hunter he is and comparing an illegally shot buck to other legally shot bucks... just don't point that out to him... he will go on a tirade about every bad thing you ever done... as if speeding is comparable to poaching...

...Not taking the time to properly aim

...TEXTING me about stupid crap while I'm trying to hunt ....dont text me unless its important info like you got one or a heads up or warning... I really hate constantly texting me... specially in the last hour of daylight then getting irate when I don't answer back....this from another hunter!... I hate hate hate when someone texts me: see anything? or if they can see me and start texting and telling me to "shoot the deer" its annoying and distracting... yeah some will say turn phone off but its a safety thing for me... I will always check every text(but not always answer) I get cause you never know when you are going to get the bad text from your hunting buddy and need to move quick to save a life...
Ooooooo! Must a been a hell of a stud for you to be hangin with him!
I bet hunting with one of those TV hunting show hosts probably would make me want to slug em. they shoot a deer and then sit in a blind they are all experts. they are hunting high dollar ranches you and I cant afford. How many deer do these guys get to shoot every year? they are all plugging a product, gun, scope etc. so they can do this for a living. plus their background music is really annoying.
1. Grown men who will take a deer off a kid. Seen it happen. Had it happen to me when I was 12.
2. Trigger-happy jagoffz who shoot more deer than they have tags for and then start pressuring/badgering others in camp to tag carcasses for them. These guys always seem to think it is the duty of kids to give up their tags on demand. Note that this is not the same as a gentlemen's agreement on the last day of the season that "if you see 3, shoot 3. We'll all tag one and go to a bar."
3. Count me in as getting bent out of shape over those who are chronically deficient on muzzle discipline.
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