Most terrifying gun in the world seized.

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Sep 10, 2003
Phoenix, AZ
Most "Terrifying" gun in the world seized!


Jan 26 2004


By Gary Jones

THE first fully automatic handgun to surface in the UK - capable of firing 1,100 rounds a minute - has been seized in a police raid.

It is a Glock 18, banned from sale in the US and described as a "monster of a weapon" that fires bullets with the intensity of a high- pressure water hose.

The ultra-light, Austrian-made gun was discovered in a swoop on the home of a suspected Yardie gangster. Scotland Yard has issued a nationwide alert as they try to find the owner and establish how the weapon got into Britain.

A Met firearms expert said: "It's extremely worrying that such a weapon is here. I can't stress enough just how dangerous this gun is.

"If it was fired on the streets of London by someone unused to its immense firing capability, there could be a massacre.

"Why even a criminal would want to own such a gun is beyond me. It would probably bethe ultimate in gun status-symbols." The Yard has warned front-line officers about the discovery, which followed a a raid on a residential address in Norwood, South East London.

A force internal report said: "This is the first weapon of its kind to be seized in the UK. It is not issued to any agencies in the UK and is believed to have been imported from the US."

The report said the Glock can fire "armour-piercing ammunition". It has a compensation device to keep it straight during firing.

SAS officers use the gun in combat with a 19-round magazine. Israeli security forces and Germany's GSG-9 anti-terror unit also carry it.

British armed police use the semi-automatic Glock 17, also a favourite with criminals.

America banned its import in 1986. US arms expert Walt Rauch said: "Shooting the G18 full-auto is just like turning on a high-pressure hose,"

Det Insp Martin Ward said: "This is something of a monster of a weapon. We are appealing for anyone to come forward in the strictest confidence with information."


I'm already terrified just from reading. Imagine someone walking down the street with one of those pre ban 500 round Magazines.
Do you suppose it would take two african swollows to do that, or would two european swolows be able to. I suppose if they ran it under their dorsal guide feather maybe....:neener: :neener:
At least they didn't call it an "assault weapon."

Don't know about it being the most terrifying gun in the world, though. Seems to me that a badly handled automatic pistol in the hands of a criminal should be less terrifying than a properly deployed SAW in the hands of a real operator...
"This is the first weapon of its kind to be seized in the UK. It is not issued to any agencies in the UK and is believed to have been imported from the US."

Uhhhh, the US? What about Austria? Its a lot closer, and probably a lot less expensive.

capable of firing 1,100 rounds a minute

That must be one looooong mag

I like this minor inconsistency:

"This is the first weapon of its kind to be seized in the UK. It is not issued to any agencies in the UK and is believed to have been imported from the US."

SAS officers use the gun in combat with a 19-round magazine

Uh, is the SAS in the UK?

Oh, and it is always safe to blame the US, where they have been banned since 1986.

The report said the Glock can fire "armour-piercing ammunition". It has a compensation device to keep it straight during firing.

9mm AP rounds, oh my. Does the package have a picture of a ninja?

I need a compensation device to stop laughing.

Where does this c r a p come from? :banghead:
There is Soooooo much wrong with this story...

It could only happen in England; where any young man can grow up to be the Queen.

What? I live in San Francisco!.... some of my best friends are royalty!
Ah must say .... that at 1,100 RPM that little plastic pistol must get a bit hot. Does you think that the compensator has a water jacket around it?

And I wonder .... do it come with a tripod???

Maybe it's belt-fed ..... Do you think????
Oh My!
I almost solied My knickers when I read that piece!
With that rate of fire... thousands could have been killed!
Bloody hell!

Sure...always blame us Americans! :rolleyes:
Now, for something completely different

If we Brits had that terrifying
19 round plastic gun during WWII: we might have scared the Germans off and wouldn't have had to put up with those ill mannered Americans.

I'm an Englishman and I'm O.K.
I wear women's bra and panties...........apologies to Monty Python's Flying Circus
A new standard in accurate reporting...

It is not issued to any agencies in the UK

If it's not issued to any agencies in the UK how can this be true?

SAS officers use the gun in combat with a 19-round magazine.

I know they make the SAS keep them overseas.....:rolleyes:

And if this is true:

America banned its import in 1986.

How can this be correct?

It is not issued to any agencies in the UK and is believed to have been imported from the US.

Det Insp Martin Ward said: "This is something of a monster of a weapon. We are appealing for anyone to come forward in the strictest confidence with information."

Is there a reward? For 5K pounds, I'll tell them that it was made in Austria :neener:

A force internal report said: "This is the first weapon of its kind to be seized in the UK. It is not issued to any agencies in the UK and is believed to have been imported from the US."

The report said the Glock can fire "armour-piercing ammunition". It has a compensation device to keep it straight during firing.

While a G18 would be pretty laughable (and a bit dangerous) in all but an experts hands, an MP5 or M16 is FAR more lethal. The article reeks of scare tactics in the extreme.

The G18 is summarily banned for public ownership in the US. Not regulated, outright BANNED.

Since it was manufactuared after 1986, none can be legally owned. Peroid.

9mm AP was cute.

Stupid Brits.
"Why even a criminal would want to own such a gun is beyond me. It would probably bethe ultimate in gun status-symbols." The Yard has warned front-line officers about the discovery, which followed a a raid on a residential address in Norwood, South East London.
The Glock 18 has a perfectly legitmate use. It's for those killer rabbits I saw in "Quest for the Holy Grail."

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