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New neighbor a felon

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As long as you have a safe I wouldnt worry too much. He knows you can ID him, you know he is a felon. If he was planning anything I dont think he would have told you that he was a felon in the first place.
Instead of saying he couldnt own guns, I think he would have said that he doesnt like them or some other line.
Exactly my point this guy only served one year for shooting someone. I mean what the hell is wrong with our prision systems...At the rate were going i am going to need a P-90 as my self defense firearm. He served a third of of his sentance when in reality its attempted murder. I love and support the second amendment but those who do wrong by it and abuse it deserved to be punished to the fullest. I doubt it was self defense he was prolly pissed the dealer sold him stuff cut with too much oregano!
He'll probably end up being one of your better neighbors. My dad had a half-way house, and a lot of the guys were the type that really tried so hard to please those that they got close enough to, but not necessarily friends with. Usually you'll be the last person they'll bother too.

Hell, I'm 21, wear baggy clothes, we'll get drunk and make a ton of noise in the front yard, my 96 Impala is on 22s, sometimes I come in bumping some rap music at 2 a.m. But I'm a 3.5 GPA college student, on track to graduate on time, never been in trouble with the law, speak properly, and am one of the nicer guys you could meet. Looks can be deceiving.

With the racism thing, crap man, everyone is racist in one way or another, but to different extremes. Yeah, so it's a character flaw. Just remember if some black guy ever tries to break into your place, he'll probably take care of the situation ;)

You are just a little stirred up about everything. Yeah, he laughed about it all. At the time he did it, it probably wasn't a big deal to him, and I think that a lot of people have a hard time changing their view on things after the fact. I laugh about my ND, my buddies laugh about it, but that doesn't mean it didn't affect me. Sometimes you have to look at the humorous side of things because the negative side will eat you up. And some people deal with things differently.

And, if it makes anything better, just remember the state decided he was safe enough to be put back on the street, so he must be okay. :p
I'm not saying I'd invite him over for Sunday dinner, mind you, but it seems that going out of your way to run him out of the neighborhood is just a bit a-hole-ish..

That sounds about right.
I would be more inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt myself. As someone said before, he might have been Nifonged. Perhaps he was a gunny, albeit one with an unfortunate vocabulary, who got a bad rap in what was a borderline self defense case.

OTOH, your neighborhood could be going to hell in a handbasket, enjoy the ride.
Ok, I'm an a-hole, thanks for your help.:rolleyes: Let me repeat myself, My first comments were not that well thought out but if you understood the decline of my neighborhood you would understand my frustration. I'm sick of seeing the damn fugitive recovery force in my hood. I mean I guess it's good they're recovering them but I wish they didn't lose them to my area in the first place.

Save your insults, I've heard most of them before and am not impressed. If you want to offer your constructive advice then feel free but save your name calling for the school yard. THR is a diverse place and I respect everyones opinions so keep em' coming and I'll keep you posted.
Remember this...any shooting...even what seems self defense...can be turned on you ( me, all of us) by a wrong headed prosecutor.

This guy may have been saddled with a no talent public defender and just got hung out to dry.

I'll hope for the best for you. Maybe his leagle trouble leveled his attitude and he is a better neighbor than first impression makes you think.

Two things come to mind.

This guy may or may not be trouble, hard to predict. Chances are though
that he has friends who may start spending time with him that could be even more trouble. Of he may be turning over a new leaf and dumped his old associates, time will tell.

Second, I would invest in a good quality camcorder and some tapes if you do not already own them. If the activities at his place give rise to concern you might document them. Recording the multiple goings and comings or any other suspicious activity can have uses in the future. You may also document evidence that may result in him having future dealings with a judge.

Or you may get lucky and he will lay low and behave. Plan for anything and pray for nothing.
Why are you "hatin'"?

You know, so long as the guy has a job and minds his own business, what business is it of yours to want to cause him trouble?

So, he's a felon?

So, he's a prejudiced bigot?

Your intolerance of others suggests you are just prejudiced as well, especially as you acknowledge that you are "heated" and plotting to cause problems for the guy who has done nothing unlawful or inappropriate based upon what you wrote in your original post.

Suppose we take your original post and substitute "black" for "felon" and substitute another slur... what would we call your anger at that?

It's America. We could all go a lot further by showing a little more tolerance to other people's choices. If someone wants to be a bigot, well you know, that's their business.

Just because he's your neighbor doesn't mean you have to be best friends with him or play tonsil hockey or live together. It's just a neighbor.

You'd probably be a lot happier in the long run if you just kept a low profile and didn't go looking to make trouble for them. Because, they might just figure out you're the problem and make life miserable for you. After all, if they are the fringe criminal types, they don't care about the laws. You can't afford a felony if you like your guns.


Edit for spelling and to suggest you kill the slur in your post on the first page. While I'm not upset by it, I'm sure some thin-skinned types might not be as 'tolerant' of its use, even if it's not malicious.

ETA2: And no ill-will is meant by my critique of your first post.

Just try to show the same tolerance for others that you ask others to show. Intolerance of intolerance is a bit hypocritical.
I'd not cut him ANY slack--served his time? Yeah, sounds like he's all straightend out, with the racist comments to someone HE JUST MET.

Here's the deal with dirtbags like this--he got caught for one thing, that doesn't mean he only did one crime. And you know who dirtbags have for friends? Dirtbags. And you know who's going to be visiting your dirtbag neighbor? Dirtbags. And you know what might come up in conversation? Maybe while you're not at home? "Guy over in that house is all into guns."

Oh, and guess who's going to be likely to buy or rent in a neighborhood with a dirtbag living there? Dirtbags.

I'm all for second chances. But if you're choosing to use your second chance going on and giggling about how you shot a big ole N..., then you're not a useful member of society.

Watch him close and get the neighbors involved and ride him like a pony. Stop by the police station and introduce yourself and let them know your the good guy so if they do need to come to your neighborhoor they'll be up to speed.
At my last home there was a dude with a shaved head and "WHITE POWER" tatt'd across his chest, I know, cause I saw the cat walking down the street with his shrirt off once. I was there for a year and I never had to deal with him. His scumbag friends would come over, they'd get drunk, screw around, now and again the cops would show up, but I honestly had no problem with the dude. He never gave me **** and I never said a word to him.

Now, the middle eastern dude acrross the street was a punk a$$ mofo. He would park his car in front of my house, every damn day for no reason other than to piss me off. I'd watch him pull up, park out front of my pad, then walk across the street to his place. All the while there was plenty of street space out front of his place.

I don't do PC, I do reality and what I see.
I'd not cut him ANY slack--served his time? Yeah, sounds like he's all straightend out, with the racist comments to someone HE JUST MET.

Ever heard of this thing called the 1st Amendment? Anyways he just spent time in jail and probably had to join a white skinhead gang to keep from getting beat up every day or killed. But chances are he'll be back in jail before you know it, most felons do something stupid and get throw right back in.
I second mudpuppy's post. As i said earlier the shooting was most likely not self defense he was prolly pissed the dealer sold him stuff cut with too much oregano! F.Y.I. stuff they cut pot with so its cheaper and not as powerful.
If I may point out that he's out so this means that he's served his time already.
You aren't paying attention...
One year and 2 days ago? And what is he doing NOT IN JAIL for an aggravated battery???:fire::fire::fire:
Guy sounds like a poser to me

His felony is supposedly shooting someone but he gets less than one year if anything at all

That's the same charge I got for punching a guy at a football game
I only got out of it because my father was willing to pay a lawyer what it took to work his magic

The kid may be a racist or he may have been trying to impress the redneck gunowner (you know we all are )

I would be more worried about this poser than I would be a real criminal

And what is he doing NOT IN JAIL for an aggravated battery?
I got six months deferred prosecution at which point I would have gotten six months if I had not joined the military

My wife's recent attacker got three years probation and an impulse management seminar
If you want to offer your constructive advice then feel free but save your name calling for the school yard.
move to the middle of nowhere, where you can have a range in the back yard.
That will keep people that you don't like far enough away.

Not a joke. This is my plan. Graduate, get a job in some low population state with out "hippieitis" and buy twice as big a chunk of land as I can afford.
The general skepticism with which most posters in this thread seem to view the OP's neighbor's "rehabilitation," whether or not he's truly served his time and paid his debt to society ...

... strike me as particularly ironic when I recall so many previous threads on this forum in which so many posters called for convicted felons, when released from prison, to have the right to keep and bear arms restored ...

Just NIMBY, right?
He can own a gun and vote for all I care, but I'm still watching my lawn mower around the posers
Remember this...any shooting...even what seems self defense...can be turned on you ( me, all of us) by a wrong headed prosecutor.

This guy may have been saddled with a no talent public defender and just got hung out to dry.

I'll hope for the best for you. Maybe his leagle trouble leveled his attitude and he is a better neighbor than first impression makes you think.


This may be very true and yes there is always another side to the story....BUT

what has me concerned is the kids tone of voice and demeaner as he made his comments. Sounds to me like he was braging and just informing. I would try to keep the peace and give him a small chance but do keep an eye on him.
Good Luck
My wife's recent attacker got three years probation and an impulse management seminar

Must be the whole enlightened justice at work, ha? Your wife's attacker should... well, you KNOW EXACTLY what.

Sorry, but i do believe in cruel and unusual punishment.. sometimes.
eventually, criminals get out of jail. They have to live somewhere. Unfortunately, that may be near to you.
I hope your guns are stored in a safe

The fact that he told you he was a felon, probably means that he isn't out to get your stuff. A savvy criminal wouldn't mention that to you. He's battery charge was probably getting into a fight with another drug dealer or something.
he's not a saavy criminal, he's even worse...a stupid one. anyone that would brag about that crap, and embelish it, obviously hasn't learned any lessons. it's bad that he knows you have guns.
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