Ohio: Taft Veto over ridden. 347 is law in 90 days!

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So...does this bill also eliminate the silly Columbus firearms registration scheme that drove all the gun shops out of Columbus proper?

What an awesome day in the Statehouse!!! The action was swift and to the point!!! 21-12 Done!

Yes Bob Taft....,we beat your ass!!!!:neener:
YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D
Hats off to all the THR members that wrote, called, emailed, faxed and generally harassed legislators until they did the right thing. ;)

Now if we could just start making a little progress here in Maryland :banghead:
Any downside to this?

I read that "police got something, too" in the form of stiffer penalties, perhaps for failure to notify that you are CCW, (and something else).

So...does this bill also eliminate the silly Columbus firearms registration scheme that drove all the gun shops out of Columbus proper?
Not sure.

Short answer: it might.

Longer answer: It might, and it might not matter. I fully expect certain aspects of this law to go to the state supreme court. I don't mean to be a wet blanket, but it ain't over yet. That said, this is a huge victory, and even if some of the gains (state-wide pre-emption) are contested or even lost, the big, huge, glaring stupidity of in-car carry has been undone.

Rock on, Buckeyes. And, we're even gonna eat us some gator meat after the BCS game. What a fun, fun year it has been.

Any downside to this?

I read that "police got something, too" in the form of stiffer penalties, perhaps for failure to notify that you are CCW, (and something else).
Failure to notify went from a M4 to a M1, and carries a longer penalty in terms of prohibition from getting a CCW license in the future. It will be viewed by the libertarians as a loss, but it is one that you can easily avoid by making sure you advise. In other words, not a huge deal.

If the police "got" something else, I don't recall hearing about it.

I'm sorry, I just had to post again. I had a vision of Taft, Mayor Coleman, and Toby Hoover all sitting around a table with stunned looks on their faces, saying, "Well...poop."

I am so, so, so amused.

It's great news. Frankly, I wasn't expecting enough votes in the Senate, but I'm happy I'm wrong. Gun owner poked their finger in Mayor Coleman's eye with this one. (He told the NRA to take their convention and shove it, basically)

I suspect the big cities may challenge the preemption part of the law on constitutional grounds as it applies to home rule. Maybe not. I'm no constitutional expert.

Yes, I did my part with emails and phone calls. Goes to show grassroots activism can work for the good guys once in a while.

Ohioans, be sure to follow up and thank the legislators who voted for the override.

Way to go Ohio.
Does this Bill also address what I think is called The Castle Doctrine, meaning if you are attacked you may stand your ground instead of retreating.
Thanks, Jimmy
Yeah, I'm not sure how the whole Home Rule thing works, with regards to what can and what cannot be made a state-wide law. Clearly, there is some case law or constitutional basis at work in the whole Home Rule issue, but I'm not enough of a lawyer to know what the details are.

Does this Bill also address what I think is called The Castle Doctrine

NO, Castle Doctrine was introduced in the House, but they ran out of time. We will bring that back next session.

As an Ohioan who wasn't able to do much, I'd just like to thank all of you who made this possible and helped in the fight to get us a common sense law... And I can't WAIT to buy an EBR in some local Columbus pawn shop, just because I finally can. :D

Too much cool for me to comprehend right now. :) Thanks again Linda, Coronach, and everyone else who put their time into this.
All I did was call. There are a lot of other activist types here who did a whole lot more.

And you can, even now, buy guns in Columbus pawn shops. Most of the gun shops left the city once they started their registration/purchase permit silliness, but not all. Galyans/Dick's at Easton, for instance, has always had their collection of poorly priced, slow-selling firearms, and multiple pawn shops downtown will try to sell you a beat-to-heck S&W Model 10 for $450. ;)

It is nice to know that this got stuffed in Mike Coleman's face, though, along with his Assault Weapon Ban and his plan to make CCW illegal in public parks.

While you folks in the Buckeye state are obviously delighted in what has come about, you may not realize what you’ve done for the rest of us. In the coming weeks in Washington DC the usual suspects in the Democrat Party will be introducing their favorite R & S (Reasonable & Sensible) gun control bills.

There is nothing we can do about that, but how these bills are handled will largely depend on how the legislators in both parties view the public’s support (or lack thereof) for additional anti-gun laws. It won’t hurt if lobbyists and activists on our side can be able to point out what happened in Ohio… :evil:
Thanks all for the kind words friends. Delighted to see their is still a sane man in Scotland! lol

Deanimator your "Ralph" posting made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. I suspect Taft is so stunned that he has been reduced to simple sentences....that is if his jaw is not still on his desk. The headlines should have read"First governor in 30 years to have a veto override." lol A proper slap to the man who lied to all of us in this state and for his 8 years of mismanaging Ohio. Quite a mess.

I want all to know that Linda who posts here is a very important part of the BFA team and you can see her and some of the gang with Jim Aslanides at the Statehouse, here. http://www.buckeyefirearms.org/article3432.html

Linda has written for BFA quite a bit and has been on with Cam Edwards at NRA News. We are lucky to have her. I want to thank her and the rest of our team who deserve a round of applause and a slap on back for their role in this victory.We fought for 347 for a year and a half and it was an uphill battle all that time. So I hope our friends in Illinois and the other states fighting to restore their rights will take note that it can be done. It takes determination and dedicated folks. So don't give up hope and fight them til you win! You will prevail! :D :D :D :D :D :D Tim
Deanimator your "Ralph" posting made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair.
It's one of those things that just falls together perfectly! I wasn't even looking for the finger up the nose picture, but it was the first one that popped up when I did a Google image search for Ralph.

I think it'd make a great T-Shirt!
I think it'd make a great T-Shirt!

Well you know our counter part OFCC sells shirts and most of us started at OFCC with the blue shirts. We at BFA have not really had the merchandising..we have been too focused on getting things done....so this may be the shirt we should pursue. We will have to look into the fee for using the Ralph image. lol:D
Well you know our counter part OFCC sells shirts and most of us started at OFCC with the blue shirts. We at BFA have not really had the merchandising..we have been too focused on getting things done....so this may be the shirt we should pursue. We will have to look into the fee for using the Ralph image. lol
Alternatively, you could use Taft's image with the Ralph Wiggum quote. :)
Old Fuff , you're correct. This victory for Ohio firearms owners(Congratulations by the way) is sure to be a topic of dicussion among prominent dems. Does my heart good to imagine Teddy Kennedy sticking pins in the state of Ohio on a US map this morning. Don't forget your life vest senator! :D
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