O'Reilly Factor tonight - 'gun show loophole'

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I like watching O'Reilly's show. It's entertaining and informative. PLUS I see potential within him! Look what he did with Jessica's Law! He was a driving force in getting that law passed in many states! Imagine if we can only win him over!

but it's soooo much easier to bash people so that we can have more enemies and then can throw ourselves a pity party next time a ban passes. If we can get a NY moderate on our side, we'd be well an our way to winning. Imagine what Bill could do for nationwide CCW if he put the same effort towards that that he did Jessica's Law.
I like watching O'Reilly's show. It's entertaining and informative.

I'll just say, don't trust any one source with your information. The internets have really allowed one to see both sides of an issue more clearly. Especially don't trust any one source that is extremely biased (hard to see when one is biased towards the same side). Make up you own mind when you have seen both sides.
I believe Bill O'Rielly is pro 2nd. However he's the type that thinks that you should be able to have A gun for protection.(read one gun) He even said the goverment should know who has guns and what type. I'll bet my bottom dollar he would say no one should own an AK-47. After the VT shooting everytime he talked guns he showed file footage of guys looking at AR-15s in a gun shop READ BETWEEN THE LINES FOLKS. Much like the anti-christ is going to come wearing sheeps clothing so is the next person to push for "sensible gun laws"
I believe Bill O'Rielly is pro 2nd. However he's the type that thinks that you should be able to have A gun for protection.(read one gun) He even said the goverment should know who has guns and what type. I'll bet my bottom dollar he would say no one should own an AK-47. After the VT shooting everytime he talked guns he showed file footage of guys looking at AR-15s in a gun shop READ BETWEEN THE LINES FOLKS. Much like the anti-christ is going to come wearing sheeps clothing so is the next person to push for "sensible gun laws"

He probably also thinks those AKs and ARs are full auto. If he'd listen long enough for someone to explain he'd understand - maybe.

He wants 'waiting periods' and obviously he wants the gunshow 'loophole' gone. But the fact he beleives in the 2a for protection makes him better than 1/2 of the people on tv who say 'i beleive in the 2A' and then start talking about hunting.
Well wasn't he the one who nailed Rosie O'Donnell with her hypocrisy that is was okay for her to have armed bodyguards but the rest of us sheeple do not deserve self preservation? IIRC he made her look like the illogical stupid spoilt celebrity that she is.

For the record he is a pompous windbag but which are not. I have a definite conservative bend but the loud know it all closed minded not even pretend to be reasonable style of ALL politically oriented tv and radio commentators turns me off. Really Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Neal Bortz, Shann Hannity all sound just alike to me. Mildly entertaining and usually highly irritating. At least at one time 'journalist' at least pretended to be seekers of the truth and pretended to try to present topics as balanced. No more. Nothing but a bombardment of hyperbole propaganda coming at you from ALL sides.
I didn't say I take everything that comes out of his mouth for gospel. I just like the show. Usually when I "learn" something from his show I go online and such and read more on it. If I was a sheep I wouldn't be here, would I? =D

Trust me he's NO WHERE near as bad as many other TV show hosts out there. He HAS seen the light and is MUCH better than he used to be on the 2nd Amendment.

And seriously the only way I can tell this forum is called "The High Road" is its web address and logo anymore. =\
I heard Michael Savage call O'Reilly's the "No Spin Zone" the "No Spine Zone" the other night. I tend to agree.
However he's the type that thinks that you should be able to have A gun for protection.(read one gun) He even said the government should know who has guns and what type. I'll bet my bottom dollar he would say no one should own an AK-47.

Then he is a John Kerry type of pro 2nd amendment. Watch out for those:eek:
Ahh...the good ol' "gun show loophole". I like to embarass gun grabbers with this one whenever they bring it up. All I have to ask them is "Gun show loophole? What's that ?" Then sit back and watch them squirm.
This trick is also effective for cop-killer bullets, assault rifles, Black Talons, and pretty much every other misguided notion that's based in factual inaccuracy.
This works best when employed in front of an audience of fence-sitters because it showcases the fact that only one of the debaters knows what the heck he/ she's talking about :D
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