Paintball and Rabbit hunting

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Oct 22, 2007
What do these two have in common? Both are hobbies that I use as a supplement to regular target practice at the range. I've played paintball for years in the forests here in Idaho and I think if I ever got in a shootout, some of what I have learned, like flanking or using cover effectively, would be very helpfull.
Hunting rabbits is also an effective form of training because it requires you to engage targets at close and long range; and the rabbits themselves are quite fast and small. I usually place a snap cap or two randomly in my .223 clips and in my Glock to simulate failures to fire. When this happens, I quickly take cover and clear the failure. When engaging a target and I run out of rounds in my Bushmaster, I release the rifle which is attached to a sling and continue firing using the Glock which also may fail to fire because of a random snap cap.
These are two examples of fun ways to improve overall profeciency with firearms.
Any other ideas of other hobbies that could make one a better shooter?
Yes, I always try to take cover behind rocks and other solid, bullet resistant materials when playing paintball, so I will be in the habbit if I ever have to take cover in real life. Most paint markers aren't effective much past 100 yards unlike bullets, and if you're hit with a real bullet, you can't wash off your wound.

We don't have very big rabbits here in Idaho, but there are a couple billion of the suckers hoppin around.........
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