People of Walmart

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My point is, if we have a problem with guns, we should be able to show statistics. But we can't -- gun accidents are declining, even as more people carry guns. CCW holders are FAR less likely to have an ND or misuse a gun than police officers.
CCW holders also typically carry far less often than police officers, are aware of the consequences for NDs or firearm malfeasance (loss of license, becoming a prohibited person, etc.), and police officers, being forced to carry daily in far greater numbers than CCW holders, become far more complacent with regard to gun-handling, so stuff happens.

Comparing the average CCW-holders with law enforcement personnel is comparing apples to oranges.

As far as the OP's anecdote goes, I regard anything that happens within the confines of a Wal-Mart as totally not typical of normal, everyday life (as I know it). Though I do continue to buy ammo at those stores, since their prices are still consistently better than most other places, to include on-line sales outlets.
Hate to say it, but the Open Carry community really does deserve some of the scorn they receive.

I see people regularly open carrying where I live, and 9 times out of 10 they just don't seem to have it together.
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