Qualms Buying Used Firearms

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Mar 2, 2013
I have some issues buying used firearms...I may be crazy.

One issue is I don't want to buy a firearm that may have been used to commit a crime of any kind. I don't want bad vibes and bad karma to travel with the gun.

Another issue is I get grossed out about the possible hand funk that may be lingering on the gun. What if the gun was owned by the dirtiest of dirty dudes that picked their nose or other things then touched the gun?

Does anybody else have qualms about buying used firearms?
Do wear tissue boxes on your feet? Have you ever kissed a woman? This is crazy talk. Clean the gun with gloves if you must.

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I have some issues buying used firearms...I may be crazy.

The concerns you listed aren't crazy, but they also don't seem to be realistic.

One issue is I don't want to buy a firearm that may have been used to commit a crime of any kind. I don't want bad vibes and bad karma to travel with the gun.

I guess if you believe in karma this is legitimate. I have yet to find objective evidence of karma or "vibes." Your feelings and opinions are probably coloring your interpretations of events.

Another issue is I get grossed out about the possible hand funk that may be lingering on the gun. What if the gun was owned by the dirtiest of dirty dudes that picked their nose or other things then touched the gun?

So disinfect the gun. Ever bought a used car? Way more potential for disgusting bodily excretions than a gun. Oh, and don't ever set foot in an ER or doctor's office. Public restrooms are out, too. Might want to stay far, far away from restaurants.

Does anybody else have qualms about buying used firearms?

Yes. You never know what you're going to get. I've found a few lemons or guns with problems which the previous owner didn't disclose. It happens; some people are dishonest like that. I've also gotten some really good deals on used guns. Overall, my experience has been positive.
No. No qualms, I inspect for functionality. no germ phobia, no personification of "karma" upon mechanical objects. The odds of getting a stolen or "crime" gun in a private purchase (unless you are buying from gang members off the street, of course) is so low that you are probably more in danger of being struck by a car than you are of buying a stolen gun, as long as you buy responsibly. Print out a private purchase form and get info on the seller at time of sale if you are that worried. I buy most of my used guns from FFL's anyways...via internet, pawnshops, or lgs tradeins.

By the way, money is one of the dirtiest things you own. The bills you hand over as payment are going to be dirtier than the gun you buy with them.
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Umm...Rawss...this is sounding a bit germaphobic. Clean the gun well with oil...no self respecting germ will live in that.
the only qualm I have with buying used is the possibility of getting stolen property.
(Clears Throat) O.k. you walk into a gun store, every rifle in there has been touched. Wait...don't freak out! Carry hand sanitizer and sanitize when you walk out the door. Problem solved.
I've bought more than a couple used guns. I always clean the heck out of them because people do tend to have a bit lower cleanliness standards than I have. Nothing like bringing a beater back to life. I'm a big believer in the soak method. Scrub, rinse, scrub again and soak for a few days. Then scrub again. Works for polymer grips and such, works for barrels, cylinders and chambers and such. Wood grips I scrub with Murphy's oil soap and dry well. Sometimes I wax the grips.

Meh after you put some elbow grease into the gun and learn the gun and shoot the gun, it will grow a karma bond with you.
Only concerns I have is functionality. While I can check the basics, I'm not an expert gunsmith, so there's a chance I'd buy and overlook an issue. So I have a local gunsmith check things over before firing.

As for the sanitary issues, like others have said, need to get over that in a hurry.
I own a Mosin Nagant that very well could have killed Germans or been used in any number of skirmishes or revolutions. I have a Carcano issued to some Italian soldier in 1942.

Objects aren't subject to any rules of karma.

As for being dirty, they're metal. I have yet to find anything that brake cleaner won't kill off, and CLP won't return to functioning.
Read about "the hygiene hypothesis" which states that people frequently exposed to everyday bacteria, infectious agents, symbiotic micro-organisms, gut flora, and parasites develop stronger immmune systems and a much lower incidence of asthma and other allergic diseases than those who live sheltered lives.
There's a reason why a farmer up to his knees in cow dung is generally healthier than a compulsive hand washer who never leaves his apartment.

Anyway, I only buy used guns, and mostly WWII and older. Dirty old things, but so well-oiled that I'll never need to lick them.

I won't buy used guns simply out of principal. I want to support businesses, as well as ensure the gun is working. Why would I spend money on a used gun when I only save maybe $75-100 on a gun that may not work, when I can spend the full amount on a new gun, get a lifetime warranty, and support local businesses?
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