Rational thoughts on Cecil

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Oh I enjoy hunting with friends.........a good breakfast with buds, recapping old hunts, a few god ribbings, then head out to push rabbits on the snow.

More social, less stress............the first fired WW hull takes me back to being a kid 40 plus yrs ago. Love that smell.

Deerhunting is more pressure, scent control, prep.............it's work. I sometimes wonder if it's worth the hassle............being a detail freak and all. But it's in the blood. I lose weight during deer season, work and hunt....push myself to extreme. Always have. Proly means I'll die in the woods.

After turkey season I just mope all summer..........until Sept 1 and dove season.
It's the first day I awake from hibernation. With no more groundhogs to shoot, my tolerance for bug spray, heat and chiggers and ticks...........after turkey season I stay out of the woods.

Used to hit it hard when younger. Not anymore.

Nope. A good day of dove, go 2 maybe 3 times and call it quits.........gets the blood pumping.

Then it's time to hammer down about bow season. Used to shot 3D but gave that up, too many idiots and sissies these days. I ditched all my gear and went trad many moons ago........much happier. But then I have always loved recurves.

Functional art.

Bowhunting......the art, the athletics, the physics, the biology, the forensics, woodsmanship, and self discovery.....probably the best sport there is.

Fletching some arrows on the kitchen counter as I type.........for another old Blackwidow. I work seconds, went to bed not all that long ago.

Am up.............fletching.

I've had about enough concerning this subject. Is it going to turn into another Ferguson, MO. and go on forever?
Maybe a year from now the morning news will tell me, "this is the 1st anniversary of the 'murder', 'assassination', (or some other journalistic term) of Cecil, the lion."
Eh a couple more Kardashian marriages, sex changes or babies and the sector of society that's bent about Cecil will forget.
I was reading where the Zimbabwe government is reporting another illegal lion kill from a few years ago by a doctor from the USA. Who thinks the officials in Zimbabwe went back through the records and discovered the hunt? Who thinks someone got some money to bring out a hunt that they already knew was illegal but didn't really care because the guy paid the money? Animal rights folks smell blood and MSNBC is loving it. The whole thing seems to be slacking off here because so many other groups are ridiculing the outrage over Cecil.
I keep bringing it back to hunting in the USA because that is what I know. Complaints about Cecil being "lured" off the Preserve and murdered are pure propaganda. If my neighbor puts out corn legally, attracts and shoots a big deer that has been hanging out in my hay field, did he poach that deer? After all, he "lured" him off of my property with food. Maybe I should put up a tall fence to protect my animals?
We hunt. Sometimes we kill something. Lots of people do things that annoy me.
While I agree that the public's interest will soon fade with regards to Cecil it will still leave a lasting wound to the sport/profession of hunting.
Like it or not the modern 24 hour news sensationalism, Face Book, Twitter and other lesser know media manages to tweak enough knee jerk politicians, bureaucrats, and managers in government and business to have an everlasting effect.
Death of a thousand cuts comes to mind.
I think the overexposure will be good for hunters in the long run, just like every other overused charge and accusation.

Most of the outraged seemed to think this was the first lion that has been hunted since Theodore Roosevelt.
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