Romney opens his mouth only to change feet!

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Apr 13, 2007
Grilled by Tim Russert on Meet the Press this past Sunday over his past support for controversial gun control laws, Mitt Romney reiterated his support for a ban on “assault weapons,” a detail most observers in the media duly forgot.

Romney’s answers to Russert’s questions smacked of either ignorance or pandering (my emphasis below).

"… I signed—I would have supported the original assault weapon ban. I signed an assault weapon ban as Massachusetts governor because it provided for a relaxation of licensing requirements for gun owners in Massachusetts, which was a big plus. And so both the pro-gun and the anti-gun lobby came together with a bill, and I signed that. And if there is determined to be, from time to time, a weapon of such lethality that it poses a grave risk to our law enforcement personnel, that’s something I would consider signing. There’s nothing of that nature that’s being proposed today in Washington. But, but I would, I would look at weapons that pose extraordinary lethality… "
And moments later:

"… We also should keep weapons of unusual lethality from being on the street. And finally, we should go after people who use guns in the commission of crimes or illegally, but we should not interfere with the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns either for their own personal protection or hunting or any other lawful purpose."

In Mitt’s world, what constitutes extraordinary or unusual lethality?

Such terms cannot objectively apply to the ammunition most commonly chambered in the class of firearms he targets, especially when compared to the most common calibers of hunting rifles he says he does support.

Most big-game hunting rifles that Romney intones he supports fire cartridges that are far more lethal in terms of raw kinetic power and effective range than those in the assault rifle class. Many of the most common hunting calibers—for example, the .30/06 and .270 Winchester—have roughly twice the muzzle energy of the intermediate bullets common to assault weapons. If brute killing force is his standard, then the most common hunting rifles are “unusually lethal.” Somehow, I doubt the sportsmen of Iowa would appreciate that message this primary season.

Or is it perhaps the rate of fire that Romney finds so dangerous?

All fully-automatic weapons have been heavily regulated since 1934, and it has been more than 20 years since a new automatic weapon was allowed on the civilian market. Here in the real world, all semi-automatic firearms, from the mundane .22-caliber plinker to the most exotic black rifle, fire at precisely the same rate of fire of one bullet per trigger pull. I doubt that ATF-mandated reality differs even in Massachusetts.

The simple fact is there is no difference in lethality between the firearms banned by the 1994 Crime Bill Romney still supports, the nearly identical firearms manufactured during the course of the entire ten-year ban, and those firearms manufactured since the ban expired in 2004. The truth of the assault weapons ban is that it didn’t ban assault weapons, but instead banned cosmetic features that made the firearms look more intimidating, and cosmetics never killed anyone who wasn’t a lab animal.

Romney’s stance, while wrong on the facts, is self-contradictory, as well.

He states that “We should not interfere with the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns either for their own personal protection or hunting or any other lawful purpose.”

The very AR-15 type rifles he would ban if elected president are the most common center-fire competition rifles in America. Firearms in this class are also among the most useful for personal protection, and are taught as such in top shooting schools. These firearms are also used to hunt a variety of game animals, small and large, across the country. All of these uses clearly fit the common-sense definition of a lawful purpose.

Perhaps it’s time for Mitt Romney to re-recalibrate his stance on banning firearms because of the way they look and their imaginary “unusual lethality.”

He also said he recieved the endorsement of the NRA in 2002, which is a lie.

He damn sure isn't going to get an endorsement this year either.
Nor my vote. I'd write in a ham sandwich before voting for Romney, Guiliani or McCain on 2nd amendment issues alone. I could stomach Thompson and Huckaby on their 2a stances. But the best 2a proponent's in my sig line.
Is this a political thread?

Political topics go into Activism Discussion forum -- provided they are accompanied by plans of action. Mere griping is no longer appropriate for THR. If you want to discuss an injustice or a political development, propose a remedy!
Hillary is salivating at the prospect of Ron Paul, he has no chance of getting the republican nomination but he is backed by Ross Perot whose entry in the 92 election split the republican vote and got Bill elected.You can bet your last dollar he will enter the race as an independent and in doing so will guarantee the election of be careful what you wish for.He says he will abolish the IRS, bring all our soldiers home from every foriegn land, neither of which will ever happen.Congress whether democratic or republican is not going to allow it.His foreign policy is isolationist and would leave the rest of the world for Iran, N.Korea , China and Russia to take over. While we build bomb shelters and stick our heads in the sand.
His foreign policy is isolationist and would leave the rest of the world for Iran, N.Korea , China and Russia to take over.

By take over, do you mean take over our 'allies' who criticize our every move and hamper any real progress in the UN? What's the downside to that? :)
My initial post was informational, and quite important if you care about the second amendment. My second post was also informational ,also important as if Hillary is elected you can kiss your gun rights goodbye.I don't have a plan of action other than to make my views known.
Ron Paul is no Ross Perot no matter how much he thinks he is. I would be shocked if he could drum up 2%

Ron Paul is an isolationist that makes Nevil Chamberlain look like Andrew Jackson.

also important as if Hillary is elected you can kiss your gun rights goodbye

I'm not so certain at this point. Hillary being the consummate poltition knows full well the price her husband paid for the 94 AWB. She will do NOTHING that will jeopardize her control.

As much as I hate to say it I trust Romney and Rudy LESS on this subject.
I know the UN sucks, but it's all we have. The dems blocked the best ambassador we have had in years John Bolton who could not be confirmed due to the irrational Bush hating that has enveloped this country in the past five years.
No Self Control

Guys, what's the deal here?

You know we don't do politics.

Someone opens a thread specifically addressing Romney's stated views on gun control (which is a valid topic), and the next thing I know we're reading about all the other candidates, including the guy from the Ham Sandwich Party, and the UN even gets a line.

Come on, fellas, really.

Don't do that.

I mean, jeez.

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