Ron Paul the flunkie

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STAGE 2 said:
Theres nothing conflicting about my statement. I follow politics closely. I have TV, the internet and newspapers to garner my information. Save this site, there hasn't been a single blip on the radar about Paul, except for the results from the straw poll.
With all due respect, it sounds more like you follow politics as presented by the mainstream media. I’ve been a member of this site for less than a year, and I knew about him and his liberty coalition years ago. I’m not a member of the Libertarian party, and my knowledge of him has been through pro RKBA boards, and pro freedom boards. IOW: I found out about him because I got interested enough to find someone who represented my ideals (someone who will actually uphold their oath of office). That you didn’t know about him means only that he doesn’t have as much exposure as the other candidates, voters who are motivated and committed do know about him and have for years. It’s true that the people who don’t take the time to research such things (and just rely on the MSM for their info) won’t know about him. However, that also means that the more committed voters who do know about him will be more active. That could well make a difference in the primary. Either way, most of the people who actively support Ron Paul would not vote for the likes of Mitt Romney, RG, or even some of the Dems.

We know fairly well that there were many unsatisfied conservatives who either didn’t vote, or voted against Republicans in the last election. That was enough to swing the election away from Republicans in spite of the conservative undercurrent of that election. Those are just the sort of people who Ron Paul might relate to.

taursowner said:
So I have the choice between a guy who says he wants gun control, but still may feel some sense of debt towards conservatives on other issues, and a guy who wants gun control and has NO sense of debt towards conservatives, instead is indebted to liberals on the other issues.
Interesting theory however, in view of the reign of GWB it just doesn’t pan out. If he had behaved as if he had “some sense of debt towards conservatives on other issues”, then the Republicans wouldn’t have been booted on the last election. The Dems have more reason to be concerned about conservatives since even Bill Clinton credited gun owners with taking congress from the Dems in ’94. He credited their defeat with the first AWB.

Mind you, I am not suggesting that anyone vote for any Dem. However, I don't see much difference between them and the RINOS, and your reasoning just doesn't sound logical (fear of the greater of two evils is an emotion) given their history.
Mathematics also wants me to believe it.

2004 election results:
50.7% Republican, 48.3% Democrat. 1% everyone else combined.

2000 election results:
48% Republican, 48% Democrat. 4% everyone else combined.

1996 election results:
40.7% Republican, 49.2% Democrat, 10.1% everyone else combined

1992 election results:
37.4% Republican, 43% Democrat, 18.9% Perot, .3% everyone else combined.

Interesting side note about those 1992 results. If even half of the people who voted for Perot voted for the GOP instead, there would have been no such thing as President Clinton.

Voting third party got us at least 4 years of Slick Willie. And it's going to get us at least 4 years of Obama or Hillary.
Man I cant belive I just spent the last hour and a half reading this thread
mostly telling me that one man is unelectable over 1 insignificant straw pole
2 years before any elections,talk about jumping the gun [pun intended].

Anyway Ron Paul for president.
With all due respect, it sounds more like you follow politics as presented by the mainstream media.

More or less. And guess where 90% of america gets its information from. This is what makes Paul unelectable.

Man I cant belive I just spent the last hour and a half reading this thread
mostly telling me that one man is unelectable over 1 insignificant straw pole
2 years before any elections,talk about jumping the gun [pun intended].

So what will the excuse be 1 year from now when the results are the same?
maasenstodt said:
Regardless of my decision, I think that if there was ever a time when half measures (including less than principled politicians) might have been effective in securing our liberty, that time has passed. If the cause of liberty is to thrive, it can only do so by the undaunted will of those who yearn for it. Patrick Henry spoke as if from my own heart when he said,
Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Here’s another quote for you (it is equally as appropriate for the this threads subject matter):

Samuel Adams said:
"If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."

And another one:
Mel GibsoN as William Wallace said:
Would you rather die on your feet, or live on your knees!

Interesting side note about those 1992 results. If even half of the people who voted for Perot voted for the GOP instead, there would have been no such thing as President Clinton.
GHWB should have been fired. Don't blame Perot and his supporters (I confess that I misstakenly did at the time), blame GWHB for breaking from his base, and selling out the conservatives.

Another interesting thing to add to that is that GWB has done much more damage to this country than Bill Clinton could have only dreamed of. Take the Homeland Security bill that the RINOS so loudly touted. As pointed out by David Reagan, Bill Clinton tried to get that bill passed when he was in office, and the Republicans stopped it. Interesting how he quoted John Ashcroft as one of the more vocal opponents to the bill as being unConstitutional. I’ve often noted (since GWB has been in office) how Bill Clinton’s agenda was ineffectual because the Republicans in the legislature opposed him. To bad the same hasn’t been true with GWB.

g5reality said:
Some people live in Fantasy Land, Location: Coruscant.
Or, maybe he’s just a Star Wars fan. Slinging mud only validates your opponent, and can offend some us fellow SW fans.:eek: :D

You took my statement out of context. I understood when I wrote it that doing so (taking just a segment of the statement) would illustrate your point, but you should at least put up the rest of the paragraph to show that you aren't trying to spin what I said. You can easily point to the specific comments within that paragraph by emphasizing those specific comments with either Italics, or bold print.
More or less. And guess where 90% of america gets its information from. This is what makes Paul unelectable.
If you are concerned about an electable candidate with guaranteed MSM attention, will you be voting for Rudy or Hillary?
Something else to ponder:

If your so concerned about getting a Republican elected then you might consider RP as the most viable candidate. As STAGE 2 and a few others are so adamantly pointing out, many Americans only know what the MSM tells them. However, if Paul wins the nomination, then the MSM will be forced to give him the exposure to put him over the top. Once (and I realize this is just a hypothetical) he makes it into the spotlight, all those people who reject the leftist actions of the RINOS will sit up and take notice. It could be the sort of landslide reminiscent of Ronald Reagan. Even more interesting since Ron Paul wins elections by landslides (even after the redistricting in Texas).
It used to strike me as crazy that the repubs keep pushing candidates that are just Democrats in conservative clothing. All you have to do is look at the PA and there are all the answers right there.

After 4 April hopefully we will see a move in the right direction. Otherwise it might not matter.
Ron who?

Vote for my write in candidate for the Imaginary Party, "Akjhkjsd Fjhkjh". Said candidate (Akjhkjsd Fjhkjh) is pro-gun and will look out for your issues. Stand up to the Republican machine who clearly isn't looking out for you. Let's send those Republicans another message in 2008. Vote for Akjhkjsd Fjhkjh.

Akjhkjsd Fjhkjh 2008... stands a better chance at getting votes than Ron Paul.
What will be your excuse when you help elect RG and he takes away your guns?

I will need no excuse. If RG signed a bill then its guaranteed that his democratic counterpart would hvae also. If RG is in office that means he won the nomination. If he won the nomination, that means Paul lost..... probably by a very sizable margin. Even if I voted for Paul in the primary, once he loses there is no point in voting for him. Thus I need no excuse.

The question is, what will your excuse be of Obama or Madame Hillary gets in office. All of the people that bash Bush for his "sweeping" infringements on rights have no idea what is in store if either of these two sits in the oval office. Gun rights are just the beginnning.
It could be the sort of landslide reminiscent of Ronald Reagan.

LOL. Reagan was a former actor, and governor of California. By the time he ran for president he had been in the spotlight for DECADES. Not even a close comparison.
Don't be so sure. Your points of comparison have nothing to do with it. If RP is the prez nominee then all those people who either sat at home, or voted for Dems instead of RINOs in the last election could vote for RP and widen the gap. It's got nothing to do with President Reagan's celebrity status. If Ron Paul is nominated, then the people like you will vote for him just because he is the Republican nominee. People who have walked away from the Republican party because of the RINO's will probably also vote for him, because most of us have already known about him (his entrance into the race has already drawn some back who will vote for him in the primary). People who either didn't vote, or voted against the RINO's in the last election could quite possibly be tempted to vote for him because he actually represents their beliefs.

Besides, when President Reagan was running the first time, people used his actor status as a mark against him. When he ran for the second term people said he was too old.
Don't be so sure. Your points of comparison have nothing to do with it.

Sure they do.

If RP is the prez nominee then all those people who either sat at home, or voted for Dems instead of RINOs in the last election could vote for RP and widen the gap. It's got nothing to do with President Reagan's celebrity status. If Ron Paul is nominated, then the people like you will vote for him just because he is the Republican nominee. People who have walked away from the Republican party because of the RINO's will probably also vote for him, because most of us have already known about him (his entrance into the race has already drawn some back who will vote for him in the primary). People who either didn't vote, or voted against the RINO's in the last election could quite possibly be tempted to vote for him because he actually represents their beliefs.

I don't really disagree with anything you said. Of course all of that rests on the assumption that Paul has a snowballs chance of winning the nomination. He doesn't. Because of the particular nature of this election, Paul lost the race before it even started. He doesn't have anywhere near the necessary amount of money to contend with the other candidates.

As an aside, the fact that you assume I only vote party is an indication that you really haven't been reading anything I have written. I care about my rights, and I want to maximize my vote. Sometimes this means casting it for the front runner, sometimes this means casting it for the person that closest represents your views. The circumstances of this election are such that my rights will benefit more if I vote against a particular person as opposed to vote for a particular person.

Besides, when President Reagan was running the first time, people used his actor status as a mark against him. When he ran for the second term people said he was too old.

There is no such thing as bad publicity. Reagan was nationally known years before he ran for president. Whether or not people were talking abuot his age or his acting career is irrelevant. What is important is that they were talking. Paul has no such notoriety. He is a single blip on the radar. The comparison just isn't valid.
What is important is that they were talking. Paul has no such notoriety. He is a single blip on the radar. The comparison just isn't valid.
He seems to have your attention.

When people read what he has to say in his Texas Straight Talk columns, they seem to like him.

The money is a huge problem, and there are others. If he acted as President like he votes in Congress, he'd wear out a veto pen every week. I wish America would send him to the White House to do just that, but we won't.

That said, your voting strategy is oversimplified, and may not apply to everyone here. I'm a Floridian, and Florida is a swing State with lots of electoral votes. I plan to change my registration back to Republican (again) to vote for Dr. Paul in the primary. He won't win, and I'll probably change it back (again) in disgust (again).:cuss: But my opinion will have been registered. :D :neener:

In the general election, I don't know what I might do. I might write in Dr. Paul. In Florida, it might matter, or my vote might be involved in numerous recounts. <insert "chad" joke here>

In some States, it won't matter. As previously noted, if you live in Taxachussetts, your electoral votes will be going to the Democrat, whether you vote for the Republican or not. Might as well write in Ron Paul or Mickey Mouse, if that's the way you feel. Your opinion will have been registered. :D
Stooge 2

'If RG is in office that means he won the nomination. If he won the nomination, that means Paul lost..... probably by a very sizable margin. Even if I voted for Paul in the primary, once he loses there is no point in voting for him. Thus I need no excuse.'

You have said over and over again that we need to get out of fantasy land and back an electable candidate of the repubs because they will some how help us poor gun owners. Well here is your front runner big guy. A solid anti with a proven record. More so than HC or BO. And guess what? Gun Owners would be absolutely insane to vote for him the general election because he will do his best to repeal the 2A or make it ineffective by any means possible because that is what he did when he is Mayor.

You need to help the repubs get out of fanatsy land and figure out that freedom loving people will not tote any party line for the repubs.

Go back to your masters and let them know. It will not happen. Are we done here? I am....
Stage2:Wrong wrong wrong. I've said nothing about Paul's stance on the issues, his integrity, his ability, or anything of the kind. The problem isn't the issues, the problem is the electability. This is the exact opposite of most mainstream candidates today. They are very electable but they dont support the right issues. I am tearing no one down. I am simply pointing out the futility of voting for an unelectable candidate.
And what are you doing to make him electable? The leading candidates--McCain, Romney, Giuliani--are all pretty bad choices. You mentioned Hunter and Tancredo, neither of whom are getting the big-time attention that the big three are seeing. So, what are you doing to make your candidates electable? Or are you just going to roll over and take it from whichever of the big three gets elected?

Stage2:Theres nothing conflicting about my statement. I follow politics closely. I have TV, the internet and newspapers to garner my information.
Hrm. In that case, I think you might find Reason very enlightening. And others, but that's the first one to come to mind.

Stage2Save this site, there hasn't been a single blip on the radar about Paul, except for the results from the straw poll. This isn't going to cut it.
You're right, it's not like he's going to be on the debates, carried live on CNN or anything.

Oh, wait, what?
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