Don't waste your support on Ron Paul!

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Jun 29, 2004
Northern Illinois
Ron Paul has no, repeat, no chance to be the Republican nominee. Anyone who honestly thinks he will win the nomination does not live in the real world. We have some candidates that support our gun rights and actually have a chance to be the nominee to face Hilary next year, and as gun owners we should try to get behind these and not waste our money, energy and loyalty on a fringe candidate like Ron Paul. Mike Huckabee, and Fred Thompson are both 2nd Amendment supporters, and both are top tier candidates right now. I would greatly prefer to see either of these two, rather than Guliani or Romney, be my choice against Hilary (or OBama for that matter) and I will give my money and activism to them. If gun owners want to make a difference, we have to be reasonably united behind someone who both supports our interests and has a chance of winning the nomination. And you can stop spouting your nonsense about not willing to choose the lesser of evils, etc., etc., but your continued support of Ron Paul will really only benefit the Democrats, just as support of Ralph Nader by the lefties really helped the Republicans win the last two elections.
I think I'll continue "wasting" my time on someone that will actually represent me properly. Since he's actually for no restrictions on the 2A and all.
This is activism, not just a political statement: support a potential winner who supports the 2A. Right now that looks like Thompson or Huckabee to me. Unless you think that your 2A rights would be treated no differently by Clinton, Obama, Thompson, or Huckabee, your support for Ron Paul will help achieve the very thing you fear most, a further erosion or loss of your gun ownership rights.
I don't vote based on who has a "chance" of winning, I let my moral, spiritual, and Constitutional compass guide me. I do not subscribe to the notion that voting for X will give Y a better chance of winning. I will continue to support the best candidate out there, and that is Ron Paul.
The "Political" forum died a while ago...

Thank goodness. But still we have the 21st century "broadside" from anonymous posters with a weird axe to grind.

Let me try one.....

Do not, repeat do not waste any of your time trying to vote to support a balanced federal budget. A balanced budget has absolutely no chance of getting through congress anyone who thinks that it does is living in a fantasy land. Also give up on repealing the '94 AWB and trying to get concealed carry instated in whatever state you live in. These are hopeless measures doomed to failure. I am your internet master.... you shall listen to me now...

Of wait I already live in fantasy land... strangely though I would not be here if Ron Paul were president... ahhh! the irony....
If Ron Paul doesn't get support from gun owners, why would Ron Paul continue to support gun owners?

You can apply this to any politican or aspiring politician. If one doesn't get support from gunowners it's easy to assume that the issue has become irrelevant.
The OP's suggestions implies circular logic. Don't support Ron Paul, because he has no support. Since he has no support, don't support him.

Yeah. I think I'll send him another donation, thanks. :)
Voting the 'lesser of two evils' only ensures that Republicans will continue down the same road they're on now. Vote your concience, and if the Republiocans lose, maybe they'll finally get the message. We survived 8 years of Clinton.

Do you really beleive front runner Giuliani is going to be a better 2nd ammendment choice than Hillary? This is the guy that called the NRA dangerous extremists, led the lawsuits against the gun industry and worked tirelessly to promote gun control. Mitt Romney isn't any better. At least Paul has been consistant for the last 20 years.
The most important thing is to vote. Personally I wouldn't vote for Paul, because although his gun policies are great, other policies are downright suicidal.

However no mater what, be sure to vote. Even if it's Rudy vs Hillary. First off, even the anti-gun Rudy has to appease his base. Second, and more importantly YOU NEED TO VOTE FOR CONGRESS TOO.

In fact congress if FAR more important to the gun issue than the president. A moderately pro gun congress with Sarah Brady as president would still be better for gun owners than even a moderately anti-gun congress with Ron Paul as president.

This is because the president only has power to EXECUTE the law, not make it. All a president can do to MAKE law is to ask congress nicely to do something. If congress tells him to shove it, he has very little else he can do domestically.
If Ron Paul does not win the primary, I will vote for Hillary. I would love to see this country fixed, but have no problem voting for Hillary to watch it go downhill and help it get back up afterwards. I can't imagine leaving this mess for my kids to fix.
Vote your concience, and if the Republiocans lose, maybe they'll finally get the message. We survived 8 years of Clinton.

Do you really beleive front runner Giuliani is going to be a better 2nd ammendment choice than Hillary?

That's why we need to fight against Giuliani as the GOP candidate. AWB Part Deaux and Supreme Court appointees are very scary under another Clinton.

So if not Ron Paul, is it Thompson or Huckabee?

Who deserves the RKBA support?
Yes, please vote your conscience in the primary and general Presidential elections. I'm not a big Paul supporter, but if he wins at least he'll support our rights. But it IS critical that we increase the number of pro-2A congressmen just in case Mrs. Clinton wins. If the gun grabbers get the white house and the congress, we, good sirs and madams, are screwed beyond belief.
So what you're telling me is that since my preference of candidate doesn't cover down enough with the GOP to have a chance at the nomination, I should support a candidate that wants to take my guns and put cameras in my bathroom, and raise taxes or else we get a Democrat that wants to take my guns, put cameras in my bathroom and raise taxes? I should settle for a candidate that doesn't represent me in most issues because he does better in the polls? Is support for Paul, Thompson, or Huckabee akin to Nader skimming votes from gore in double ought?

Is this one of those "lesser of two evils" things, or is it a case of the two heads being part of the same dragon?
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