Ron Paul the flunkie

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Voting third party got us at least 4 years of Slick Willie.

And if the GOP had learned their lesson then, we'd have Republican front-runners that liberty-minded folks can stomach voting for. Apparently they didn't learn.

Seems to me the problem here is with the party leadership, and not with people who vote with their consciences.

I've been trying to let the Republicans around here who are talking about either not voting or voting Dem because they're so sick of being betrayed about Rep. Paul and/or third party choices. GOP's lost their vote this go around anyway.
Voting third party got us at least 4 years of Slick Willie.

And voting Republican, rather than conscience, has us sitting with tweedle Dee. The worst Clinton did was to get some extracurricular oral gratification. This clown has caused the death of thousands. I'm glad I voted my conscience.:cuss:

Well, if Paul is offended then he can come here and defend himself. Short of that everything I have said has been correct. He performed dismally in the straw poll. This may not be a very stastically valid assessment, but its still telling nonetheless. I don't know anything about Paul, and if I wasn't a member here I wouldn't know about him at all. He has ZERO national exposure. He has ZERO time on TV. You can't win a national election and not make use of the biggest mediums available to you. Its really that simple.
I honestly would not be surprised one bit to see him on here. I'm being serious. The only limitations would be time (he IS running for President, ya know) and internet savvy (he IS in his 70's). As for not having any exposure, a long time to the primary. Did you know who Bill Clinton was in March of 1991? Probably not unless you were from Arkansas. He's working on it, but it takes MONEY. Now, let's look at who has MONEY and EXPOSURE right now. Giuliani, and McCain, and to a certain extent, Romney. Do you want THEM as the Republican nominee? I don't. And your criticisms are largely invalid considering Tancredo has less exposure unless you're counting small blurbs on Lou Dobbs every now and then giving him props on his immigration stance (which he deserves, and if Tancredo got the nom, I'd likely vote for him in the general elections).

BTW, Ron Paul was on the Lou Dobbs show a little while ago, I'm sure Ron's put it on his myspace at or on his exploratory committee website at And it was more than a blurb, he was interviewed. He can get the exposure if he can drum up some money.

[QUOTETheres nothing conflicting about my statement. I follow politics closely. I have TV, the internet and newspapers to garner my information. Save this site, there hasn't been a single blip on the radar about Paul, except for the results from the straw poll. This isn't going to cut it.
Again, total ignorance. He was ON LOU DOBBS the other night. He's DOMINATING all the other Republicans in just about every internet poll I've seen (which have larger sample sizes that just 700 people in South Carolina, though neither are scientific or exact in any stretch of the imagination). He's getting lots of attention for this. He's immensely popular in the libertarian and true Constitutionalist/conservative sections of the blogosphere (again, not really very large in scope, I'll admit) and on forums of that same ilk.

He's going to be in the nationally televised April 4th Republican debates in Manchester NH. They're being sponsored by WMUR (our local station) and CNN, and hosted/moderated by Wolf Blitzer. I've heard Rudy and McCain are blowing us off and won't be showing up, which pisses off just about everyone I've talked to about it in NH. It shows that Rudy and McCain don't take NH seriously, so why should we vote for them when the time comes?

Badnarik has also given him his endorsement, and so will likely influence a lot of Libertarian Party types to register Republican so they can support him in the primary.

So as far as you saying "there hasn't been a single blip" about him, you're wrong. Don't mistake your own ignorance or lack of exposure for him not getting any attention from anyone else.

As far as Hunter goes, I didn't think he would be very viable either, which was why I was going to cast my lot with Tancredo. However Hunter must be doing something right since he is able to mix it up with the mainstream candidates.
Is Hunter coming to Manchester on April 4th? I honestly don't know, nore do I really care, but Ron Paul is, which shows that he "must be doing something right since he is able to mix it up with the mainstream candidates."

Its one thing to disagree with me, but if you guys were intellectually honest you would admit that Paul's chances for winning the nomination are virtually nonexistent. Thats not a knock on his beliefs or yours, but a rational assement of what is very likely to happen.
I would say that he's a long shot, but it's entirely within the realm of the possible, especially seeing the level of support he's getting in NH. He needs to light a fire under his staffers' asses though, and get the damn machine rolling and soon. He's got people coming out of the woodwork, with ZERO central direction from his campaign, demonstrating on the streets to support him and get his name out there. He's got people with ZERO direction from his campaign organizing a demonstration in support of him in Manchester next month during the debates, which will be nationally televised and will hopefully include mention of the demonstration.

You guys act like this is some dammed fantasy novel or fairy tail. Like rushing towards your doom valiantly is something to be proud of. You're out of your mind. I'm going to claw and scratch to stave off the end as much as I can. I'm going with what works.

A noble faster doom is just doom. I'll take the few extra moments of non-doom wherever I can get them. You're living in a fantasy world where "good intentions" are something that actually matters. You'll gladly let the Dems in and bring about our doom even faster just so you can pump up your own ego with thoughts of "well I voted noblely" "I voted with my heart".

I'll take a dirty conscience with some good effect over a clean conscience and a terrible effect any day. In the real world, one's feelings and conscience mean exactly zero when compared to ACTUAL EFFECT.
Again, you seem to be confusing a PRIMARY election with the general election. Anybody that's taken a beginner's course in American government should have been exposed to the theory that no party is permanent, and that the parties have indeed changed as new issues have come up. You may not get EVERYTHING you want when you vote outside the "party line", but the party is faced with the decision to try to make its platform more inclusive of the new bloc's views, or cut their losses and lose that new bloc.

THAT is why not voting for the what the party is trying to cram down your throat can work. Let's say Mitt somehow wins the nom (DOUBTFUL, how many Southerners are going to vote for a northern Republican? How much do you wanna bet the RNC KNOWS this and doesn't want to lose the Southern states to the Dems?) but someone like Paul or Tancredo or even Hunter get a lot of votes? What does this tell the RNC??? It tells them to stop running liberals or they're going to lose more support from those portions of the electorate that don't like their northern liberal republicans! Those Southerners can always just stay home and let the Dems steamroll into the White House, and the RNC KNOWS it!
Mathematics also wants me to believe it.

2004 election results:
50.7% Republican, 48.3% Democrat. 1% everyone else combined.

2000 election results:
48% Republican, 48% Democrat. 4% everyone else combined.

1996 election results:
40.7% Republican, 49.2% Democrat, 10.1% everyone else combined

1992 election results:
37.4% Republican, 43% Democrat, 18.9% Perot, .3% everyone else combined.

Interesting side note about those 1992 results. If even half of the people who voted for Perot voted for the GOP instead, there would have been no such thing as President Clinton.

Voting third party got us at least 4 years of Slick Willie. And it's going to get us at least 4 years of Obama or Hillary.
Again, we're talking about a PRIMARY RACE, not a GENERAL ELECTION!!!!!

Some people here REALLY need to take some basic political science type classes. I thought they taught this stuff in high school civics!!! But then, I have oh so little faith in the public schools anyways...

As for mainstream exposure or lack thereof, and how "90% of Americans" rely on what the MSM spoon feeds them, give it some friggin time. And don't blame Dr. Paul for your own ignorance of what's out there. In this day and age, there is no excuse for you not to be wheened off of the MSM's information teat, other than your own sloth.

It's almost a year off from the first primaries and caucuses. Since those RINOs who already have money and some name recognition are unacceptable, I'll be supporting someone else.
he worst Clinton did was to get some extracurricular oral gratification.

And he also signed the first AWB. The second incarnation of this is what we're all fearing.

And don't blame Dr. Paul for your own ignorance of what's out there.

See the thing is, there's other issues than firearms out there. There's abortion, gay marriage, and the war in Iraq. Ron Paul doen't have a firm stance on any of this or at least not one I can find on his website, which by the way, is the only place I can seem to find ANY info on this man, other than the lauding and laying of palm leafs at his feat on THR. I've never seen the man on TV, I've never seen a newspaper column even mentioning him. Sure the media may be run by the liberals, but if this man posed even the SLIGHTEST threat to them, he'd at least get a negative review in the NY Times or something.

And noone is confusing the general election with the primaries. We're merely saying that Ron Paul won't win either. A vote for this man is pointless. The only place I've seen people campaigning for him is at the Saxet gun shows. They get a little booth in the corner with a couple cheap fliers. The fact is HE is the one running. If he wants to win he needs to get more info out there. He doesn't have the campaign helpers, he doesn't have the money, and he doesn't have the personality. He's great for gun owners. How is he on Iran? How is he on taxes, health-care, federal budget, etc.? He's a nobody. He won't by a somebody in time for 2008 either, unless he wins the lottery and hires new campaign managers.
Clinton also launched his own dirty war, mainly to get something OTHER THAN his fellatio competing for column space and air time (you can whine about "genocide" all you want, but we sat around and did jack when the genocide was in Rwanda, and they were FAR less able to put up a fight in opposition).

Clinton wasn't just some amiable guy who likes the women and didn't do his damndest to take our rights, ya know...

Funny. You've been here for less than a month and you feel its appropriate to rely on name calling as opposed to argument. I guess I should have expected nothing less.

You have said over and over again that we need to get out of fantasy land and back an electable candidate of the repubs because they will some how help us poor gun owners. Well here is your front runner big guy. A solid anti with a proven record. More so than HC or BO.

Need I remind you whose husband brought us AWB 1. If we take Obama at his word, he is just as bad. RG is no saint when it comes to guns, but he's also very politically savy. The 2nd amendment issue has already been brought to his attention making him aware of the large support he stands to lose if he goes down the banning road. Its certianly possible that RG would sign an AWB. However its certianly possible that he would not sign it. The best anyone can say here is they don't know. When my only real choices are between I don't know and yes they will sign it, I'll take the I don't know.

And guess what? Gun Owners would be absolutely insane to vote for him the general election because he will do his best to repeal the 2A or make it ineffective by any means possible because that is what he did when he is Mayor.

See above. No doubt you skimmed over it.

You need to help the repubs get out of fanatsy land and figure out that freedom loving people will not tote any party line for the repubs.

I don't tote party line. I vote my rights, and in this election my rights wil be best served by a R in the whitehouse.

Go back to your masters and let them know. It will not happen. Are we done here? I am....

Good, your name calling was getting old.
The worst Clinton did was to get some extracurricular oral gratification.

And he also signed the first AWB. The second incarnation of this is what we're all fearing.

Which was delivered to him by a Republican Congress. Neither party can be proud of that.

And with the election season starting so early this time around, it seems that no one wants to touch AWB. I think it's taken on the status of the third rail.

And what are you doing to make him electable? The leading candidates--McCain, Romney, Giuliani--are all pretty bad choices. You mentioned Hunter and Tancredo, neither of whom are getting the big-time attention that the big three are seeing. So, what are you doing to make your candidates electable? Or are you just going to roll over and take it from whichever of the big three gets elected?

Paul isn't my candidate. Never has been. I like his stance on the 2nd form what others have said here, but he's certianly not my candidate.

Hunter may not be getting the big time attention, but he did recieve major news coverage when he announce he was running, on both CNN and FOX, and he's bee discussed several times since. Thats far and away from the coverage Paul has.

Hrm. In that case, I think you might find Reason very enlightening. And others, but that's the first one to come to mind.

My point exactly. A single website doesn't cut it. A couple of websites don't cut it. You need to have your mug on the screen every night to be viable. But what about Hunter you say? You're right, which is why I don't think he will win the nomination. However he has the best chance by far out of the non-mainstream candidates.

You're right, it's not like he's going to be on the debates, carried live on CNN or anything.

And how many people have dropped out in the past after a 7-8 person debate. Wait and see.
Again, we're talking about a PRIMARY RACE, not a GENERAL ELECTION!!!!!

Some people here REALLY need to take some basic political science type classes. I thought they taught this stuff in high school civics!!! But then, I have oh so little faith in the public schools anyways...

We do understand this. Its simply assumed that Paul won't win the nomination. I believe that post was address to people either intending to write his name in, or vote third party.
Completely believable. There isn't a single bit of evidence that suggests that Paul will even come close to winning the nomination.
Giuliani brought lawsuits against gun manufacturers, and enforced what was for all intents and purposes a total ban on CCW, a strong war against ownership... How, even remotely, has he been a friend to 2A?
Romney? Please. This guy believes in bans.
I'm really sorry to say this, but should either one win the (R)Nomination, I'd have to vote independent. I'd much rather vote for a strong 2A Democrat - and that would be a personal first.
Just too much flavor of 'winning the battle, but losing the war'.
Bad idea? As bad as proving that you can be as anti-gun as you want, but as long as you have an (R) next to your name, you've got our vote?
Oh, yeah, I nearly forgot - he bought an NRA membership. Well, thats' different, then.

Yeah, I'm a single-issue voter. Without this 'issue', there aren't any others.
True STAGE2, not with people like you who are willing to sell yourself out for the satisfation of choosing a 'winner'. You don't give a damn about this country, only being 'right'.
Good luck in your, I didn't mean that. The very title of this thread was trollish and you've proven yourself to be a troll throughout the thread.
I don't wish you good luck at all.

RE: Primary

I know I won't be voting for any antis or fundies, so Ron Paul is really the only choice I see, and an excellent one at that. I can't wait for the debate.
True STAGE2, not with people like you who are willing to sell yourself out for the satisfation of choosing a 'winner'. You don't give a damn about this country, only being 'right'.
Good luck in your, I didn't mean that. The very title of this thread was trollish and you've proven yourself to be a troll throughout the thread.
I don't wish you good luck at all.

Ah yes, lets insult someone because they point out the obvious. Usually your posts are pretty insightful biker, but I can't say the same for the last few. I'm glad that you know everything I've done or who I've supported in the past. I'm thrilled that you finally realized that I just don't care about this country. It's almost like you're peering over my shoulder as we speak looking at my hammer and sickle wallpaper and my hugo chavez bobble head that sits atop my monitor.

It will always amaze me why people cant resist the urge to take personal potshots. Maturity abounds folks.

Paul is a flunkie politically speaking. He didn't make it anywhere as a libertarian, and he won't make it anywhere as a republican. If this puts a sour taste in your mouth then take it up with Paul.

Furthermore, this has nothing to do about being satisfied about 'winning'. I'm not thrilled about the prospect of having to vote for yet another presidential candidate who I disagree more than I agree with. However, as with many things in life, if it comes down to any one of the big 3 R's versus hillary or Obama, I will stomach my distaste and vote with the party, since this is indisputably the best direction for protecting my rights.

The only thing worse to me than voting for someone you don't like, is casting a vote for a party/person that recieves such a small percentage of the vote that they recieve a token 1% because the talking heads don't want to sit down and do the math because there are too many numbers after the decimal point.

If nothing else, the fact that most of the posts here are personal rather than argumentative in nature tells me I've hit the funny bone. All this talk of integrity and such yet no one willing to admit it makes it even funnier.
If ,"going down with the ship does nothing," then the Americans who freely chose to stay at and defend the Alamo, well knowing their staying there was signing their death warrants, died for nothing. I believe the residents of the state of Texas would have something to say about that. Some people here just don't get it. It is not about winning, it IS about doing what IS right, regardless of the cost or loss! That is what always made America great! If we vote for a watered-down version of a canidate, and then repeat the process in the next two or three elections, then what will we eventually be left with one day, to stand for any remaining freedoms we may have then? I'm sick and tired of voting for the, "at-least-he-has-a-chance-to-win" wishy-washy candidate. After hearing Ron Paul on C-Span address the subjects of the war in Iraq, the Federal Reserve and other subjects, I feel like there is still hope for our country in a man like him. Isn't it time for a true leader? Haven't we had a belly-full of second-best? May those who come behind us find us faithful to the cause of restoring our great Republic to what it once use to be, with leaders unafraid to stand for and uphold our Constitution.
Reading this thread keeps making me think of the quote, "Better to be a live dog than a dead lion."
As a dog, you'll always be searching for a master, but as a lion...

Paul is a flunkie politically speaking. He didn't make it anywhere as a libertarian, and he won't make it anywhere as a republican.
I guess this is intended as no more than a dispassionate observation.

In Internet terminology, a troll is a person who enters an established community such as an online discussion forum and intentionally tries to cause disruption, often in the form of posting messages that are inflammatory, insulting, incorrect, inaccurate, absurd, or off-topic, with the intent of provoking a reaction from others.

In the spirit of dispassionate observation, your initiation of this thread and subsequent posts appear consistent with the actions of a troll.
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