rust never sleeps--or the eternal push for illegal immigrant amnesty

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When we had massive influx of immigrants before, the US was a different place. Unions almost didnt exist, there were alot more gun owners, minimal wage was minimal, and Politicians hadnt been using so much of the publics funds to hand out freebie programs to their electorate.

Immigrants are comming here because theres work. Problem is alot of that work is provided by employers out to bilk the system. The new guys wont get fair pay, wont get benefits, and if anything happens the state will be forced to pickup the tab. They will enevitably will get treated very unfairly and that wont do anything good for the nations development.
Im looking at the situation in france to see just where this ends, with us back in a 1960's setting and a new underclass.

If you want to accept millions of immigrants, you cant just wave a wand and turn all the illegals into legals. Alot of things have to change with how the US does business between its own citizens first.
Otherwise the only way to go from here is bankruptcy and civil unrest.

Not a good thing for our global standing, to say the least.
And these numbers don’t include the increase in H1B visas and the like.
What's wrong with more H1B (temporary workers, non agrigultural) visas? They have to be sponsored prior to entry. And this is a non-immigrant visa which also requires a period outside of the US before applying for a new one.
Biker said: "Buchanan has been fighting this battle for awhile now and his info has always been accurate. You might research the man a bit."
Let's actually do something about our immigration problems.

Biker -

I've done my research. However, you may want to research the "man" named Bay Buchanan a little bit yourself. At least, if you want to be taken seriously in any discussions about "him".

Start by looking for a picture. Or maybe some film of the man in action.
Here's how I feel:

Government should increase the number of H1B visas and streamline the naturalization process. If a person wants to come into this country with a special skill or knowledge base, we should be telling them "Welcome to your new home." Its the best way in the long run to keep America competitive on the global playing field.

Illegals crossing the border should not be given amnesty. Make it easier for Latin Americans to enter the United States legally if they are intending on working here, likewise make it easier for them to become citizens. Illegals who are found should be kicked out of country immediately, employers using illegal immigrants should be heavily fined.
I voted for Jorge Busho twice. The issues were a) morality, b) guns and
c) contempt for the Democrats.

But he has so completely prostituted his office and this country re the silent invasion by Mexico and other turd worlders that I no longer care.

I have voted in my last election.

In the immortal words of Davy Crockett............

(Can anyone fill in the above?)
Looks to me like the ruling class has decided to go ahead with some form of amnesty. Frist wants a bill out of committee. McCain and Teddy want a bill to be marked up by the committee. Bush is out there on the record saying he does not want amnesty but does want a guest worker program.Reid wants all republicans on record before the vote takes place. The fact that the only difference between Frist's bill and McCainTeddy's bill is terminology ought to be a great big red flag. Another indicator is the hard push to get it out and voted on quickly while there is a spot light says to me trouble ahead. If congress had any desire to do as the taxpaying class wanted, any discussion of amnesty and enforcement would be delayed until after the election.

Any legislation with any provisions other than enforcement will be interpreted south of the border as amnesty. What ever problem we have now will be made substantially worse. Bush's "Come Hither" speech caused an immediate 25% increase in border crossers. When surveyed as to why they came, the dominant answer was "Mr. Bush said we could come." I can only imagine the results when congress is believed to have said "Come Hither."

I think it is getting down to nut crackin' time. I'm convinced congress will heed its political doners at the expense of the Great Fed-Up. It will be interesting to see if there is an uprising as there was with Ports Fiasco I and as there evidently is regarding Ports Fiasco II, and Meiers nomination. Time will tell.
Government should increase the number of H1B visas and streamline the naturalization process. If a person wants to come into this country with a special skill or knowledge base, we should be telling them "Welcome to your new home." Its the best way in the long run to keep America competitive on the global playing field.

I agree with the special skills or craftsmans plan however the present plan
to keep America competitive on the "global playing field" is cheap labor and
in the end it will require a reduced standard of living=lower wages for the
American worker.

Amnesty/worker program will not work with Mexico unless the southern border
is completely sealed it will in fact only incease the numbers coming across,
employers don't want legal workers because it is more expensive and illegal
workers are easier to control.

America in my opinion is in trouble we outsource jobs, we continue to lose
our manufacturing plants, we import under educated labor, our rich grow
richer and the working class more poor, in time there will be no middleclass.
yep, we will be competitive as a third world country, all in the name of greed
by wealthy corporations. Is my opinion right or wrong only time will tell.
In the immortal words of Davy Crockett............

(Can anyone fill in the above?)

Let me guess... "...once conquor the Senate...he will put his foot on the Constitution and tell the Judicial powar to go to hell. "
There are a whole lot of people in Congress whose financial ties with Mexico and American business need to be uncovered. Radical journos, here's your chance!

I was listening a couple of days ago on the radio to a guy who headed up a Minuteman branch (not Chris Simcox or Jim Gilchrist). He estimates that three million Mexicans got through last year. Given the uptick as Mexicans anticipate some kind of amnesty for anyone who gets on our turf the projection for 2006 is FIVE MILLION. Folks, look at those numbers and start imagining what the "labor" market is going to be in this country in ten years and how much socialism it will require to "take care" of all the needs. We are on the edge of a cliff and about ready to step off. Willingly. At least our political representatives are willing--and the American citizen-taxpayer hasn't been consulted.

Yes, this is as obscene as "Dubai." Any "solution" to the illegal alien problem that does not mandate serious control of the border to stop unchecked influx is a joke. I want Bush and Congress to explain in detail to the American people what WE get from all of this new immigration, how it will benefit the average American. If they can't do that, dump the lot of 'em.
When something in politics looks "insane," it's usually time to follow the money. I don't think the decisions re immigration reform, as it's euphemistically known, have anything to do with the economics of chicken ranches or the glories of compassion. I think we are seeing America entering the realm of narco-politics, nothing less. There is no way that the economics of this kind of "reform" can be rationally justified, and, importantly, no one is really even bothering to try. People who have been bought and who are entrenched in power have better things to do than explain to the peons that they will soon be joined by more peons. Shut up and move over is the only message we're getting from "the top." As L.A. Police Chief Bratton famously remarked last year, when pressed about whether the police would do anythng about illegal immigrants, "If you don't like it, move." There you are, citizens--in your face, without apology, from "authority."
Immigration reform, so-called, is nothing but the domestic arm of the Neo-Con approach to politics. Of course the Neo-Cons have two other branches: the Neo-Comms, who spread the Gospel of Onehappyworld, and the Neo-Corps, whose borderless beneficence will eventually put a Wal-mart or Wang-mart in every 'hood on this planet.
from legal to political

The stat guys drive me crazy! We do not have the population density of many of the undustrialized nations; yes, and glad for it!

The next time you sit for hours on the clogged freeway, stand shoulder to shoulder trying to catch a nice trout on opening day, are ill and have to accept a doctor's appointment weeks from today, try, just try to get in to see one of our National Parks, etc. then you may reconsider the always room for one more view.

Why would Kennedy, Specter, be enthusiastic to legalize millions of these illegals? Perhaps demographics.
Maybe some poster who is a political analyist might respond. I'm supposing that the great majority of those illegals will be voting Democratic! If not for ideaology, then by grattitude and association.

What an ingenious way to sway elections and gain political power that thought and reasoning cannot bring them.

Why would Kennedy, Specter, be enthusiastic to legalize millions of these illegals?

Our wealthy live in a bubble, they don't shop walmart, go to an emergency room, etc. Frankly, I do not think they care one small bit for this country they see it as a money train and they will ride it into third world status and move elsewhere.:cuss:
Why would Kennedy, Specter, be enthusiastic to legalize millions of these illegals? Perhaps demographics.
Maybe some poster who is a political analyist might respond. I'm supposing that the great majority of those illegals will be voting Democratic! If not for ideaology, then by grattitude and association.

That would make sense for the Dems but not for the GOP, which is why it's no longer about two-party politics. Who gains? The latifundisti, aka the plantation owners. Rich is its own party. Always has been, always will be.
only so many carwashes

The only way the "immigration reform" bills make any sense is as part of a new FDR America where we have bucket brigades, in effect, of Mexicans resurfacing every roadway in America and laying high-speed rail track over the entire nation. Vast labor-intensive national projects, in other words, require massive manpower--where else are you going to put tens of millions of new workers? that what we want?

If that's not the plan, what is? Inquiring citizen minds want to know.

Waaaah. The same people who are bitching now about immigration are usually the same ones who want protection from foreign competition while simultaneously outsourcing to "keep their costs down".

We live in a global marketplace. A wall isn't going to stop the Canadians from entering, it won't make your lazy ass son productive, it won't keep America "white", it won't keep your waiting rooms empty, and it won't make your pockets full.

If you truly believe in "trickle-down" economics, then you should be calling up your senators today and DEMAND they start drafting bills with mandatory outsourcing requirements and illegal immigrant hiring minimums. That will make our business owners rich, and it will "trickle down" to everyone and therefore the whole world will be rich and taxes will be like 1% or so.
Dunno Seagull, but I don't see a million+ Canadians sneaking across our border each year. Do you?
Biker said:
Dunno Seagull, but I don't see a million+ Canadians sneaking across our border each year. Do you?

Biker... while the influx from the northern border may not get as much newspaper ink as the southern border, the threat is the same. Indeed, the northern border poses a far larger problem due to number of establihsed crossings and sheer size. Additionally, due to Canada's soft policy on terrorism and international airport and open immigration, the terror threat from the north is in some ways greater than the sourthern border. Wise border advocates are recommending tight policies on both borders, north and south!
Wise border advocates are recommending tight policies on both borders, north and south!

I thought the wise border advocates had been silenced by now, or imprisoned. Oh wait, that's coming. Of course a "wise" policy would mandate that we achieve as complete control of our borders, north and south, as possibly feasible. Yes, it will be expensive, maybe a month's budget of what we're spending in Iraq and Afghanistan, but then again it would change America's future, wouldn't it?

Mexico has its Forty-Seven families and we have our Forty-Seven Congressclowns. Que fiesta!
No, no, no. There should be a "north border" immigration policy, and a "south border" immigration policy, right Biker?

Maybe an East and West one too?

How about "east by northeast border policy" so we can specifically have rules that apply to the UK?
We live in a global marketplace. A wall isn't going to stop the Canadians from entering, it won't make your lazy ass son productive, it won't keep America "white", it won't keep your waiting rooms empty, and it won't make your pockets full.

We live in a global marketplace. We also live in a land of platitudes, apparently.

Since when is janitorial work, carwashing, dishwashing, and home gardening part of the "global marketplace?" What do we care how much people are willing to pay for busboys in Amsterdam or Beijing? Only in a few industries do illegal aliens have an impact on our exports, and I doubt that is any longer the bulk of their labor presence in America.

Well, hell, we needed to fix up our roads and tracks anyway? Go for it.
No, no, no. There should be a "north border" immigration policy, and a "south border" immigration policy, right Biker?

Maybe an East and West one too?

How about "east by northeast border policy" so we can specifically have rules that apply to the UK?

I think you're finally getting it. That's encouraging.
True enough CD, but but to reiterate, we have a million or so people crossing our southern border every year. Don't you think that this is where we should concentrate our efforts at first? Kinda the triage approach, if you will.
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