rust never sleeps--or the eternal push for illegal immigrant amnesty

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Only in a few industries do illegal aliens have an impact on our exports, and I doubt that is any longer the bulk of their labor presence in America.

I see you don't understand the system. Somehow you think the role of minimum and sub-minimum wage labor doesn't affect the rest of the economy. Do you even live in a border state?

Go see how much your local fast food place is paying (it's more than you think) and ask them if they are flooded with applicants. I assure you that it's not a result of too many immigrants.

It's naive and simplistic to think that immgrants are the root of every problem in America. But that won't stop you from trying to blame who you hate anyway.
Biker said:
True enough CD, but but to reiterate, we have a million or so people crossing our southern border every year. Don't you think that this is where we should concentrate our efforts at first? Kinda the triage approach, if you will.

How are you so sure that we don't have a "million or so" coming through our norther border as well? Or to use your analogy, when a surgeon finds two holes in a patient, he patches both, not just the one that is bleeding!
The only long term solution to the illegal immigration problem is to eliminate the welfare state. As Standing Wolf says, if you give them free money and easy citizenship, they will come.

Make it illegal, they'll come (those that haven't already come). Make it more illegal, they'll still come. Build a wall or fence to make it difficult, they'll still come. Give 'em amnesty, they'll still come. Kick 'em out, they'll come back. Catch 'em and put 'em in jail, they'll come for the free meals, clean sheets, and air conditioning.

Don't want illegals hopping the border? Then stop paying them to do it.
Don't want illegals hopping the border? Then stop paying them to do it.

DING DING DING DING. We have a winner!

Want to hire illegal labor? Great! We'll charge you taxes on the wages for every one you hire. What? You paid them $2 an hour? Too bad you'll be taxed on the national average for labor union members for that industry. Oh crap! Your labor costs just went up buy 15x? Maybe you should hire local.

Mr. Worker, you cut your arm and need to use the County hospital? Great! Let's see your green card, visa, or W-2.
Canada's population is roughly 30 million. If a million Canadians a year snuck into the USA beginning in 1976, they'd be outa bodies by now.;)
You and I both know that the most serious wound is treated first.

Who put sand in your thong? I hate nobody, and that's a fact. Well, there's a couple o' Mother-in-Laws, but we won't go into that.
Could you be projecting?:)
All I see is that you hate Mexicans, but aren't man enough to come out and say it in that few words.

Flap on, Seagull, flap on. That is so off the mark. I live in Los Angeles and have grown up around Latinos. My bitch is with unchecked illegal immigration, and it doesn't matter who's coming across.

Yes, I understand the system. Whether you pay an extra quarter for your meal at Denny's isn't going to seriously impact our competitive advantage or disadvantage with China. Let's get real. This is not about global competitiveness, it is about maximizing the earnings of a relatively small slice of the American business community--at the expense of the rest of us.

Headless' is right. The welfare state, easy benefits, and unscrupulous employers are the core.
Biker said:
Canada's population is roughly 30 million. If a million Canadians a year snuck into the USA beginning in 1976, they'd be outa bodies by now.
You and I both know that the most serious wound is treated first.
It is not Canadians or Mexicans I am worried about from either border! It is fanatical jihadi terrorists that concerns me! If you are worried about Mexicans or Canadians in this whole border issue, I believe you've missed the point! Fixing one broken barn door while both are open makes no sense whatsoever.

We should move the National Guard to both borders post haste while we task the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to build a proper barrier north and south. Anything less is foolish.
I am worried about unchecked immigration as well as terrorists. In any case, your last paragraph is a perfectly acceptable solution for me.
Damn, did we just agree on something? *shudders*:neener:
<Ladies and Gentlemen: Start your engines>

Mexico Optimistic of 'Breakthrough' on Immigration Wires
Thursday, March 23, 2006

MEXICO CITY –- Mexico said Wednesday it is optimistic that a major breakthrough granting legal status to some of the millions of its undocumented citizens in the United States could be on the way.

"There are a number of positive signs pointing to the possibility" of the kind of bilateral migration accord this country has been pushing for since 2001, said Ruben Aguilar, spokesman for President Vicente Fox.

Aguilar's comments came as Mexico heads into a pair of high-level meetings with the Bush administration, including a trilateral summit with Canada next week in the Caribbean resort city of Cancun.

Barring such an accord, Mexico at the very least believes a guest-worker program for hundreds of thousands of Mexicans could be approved by Congress, Aguilar said.

Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez will meet with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington on Thursday as part of the U.S.-Mexican Binational Commission, which annually brings together top officials from both sides to discuss a range of cross-border issues.

Next week, President Bush will travel to Cancun to meet with Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Aguilar said the Fox government continues to view the upcoming meetings with optimism – despite years of little progress, and despite the fact that Bush has said declaring a blanket amnesty for undocumented Mexicans would be a mistake.

"It's a complex issue," Aguilar said when questioned about Bush's comments. "He (Bush) also said there is a possibility of an agreement on temporary workers that could start with at least 400,000" people.

Fox's administration has made a possible bilateral migration agreement with the United States the centerpiece of its foreign policy since shortly after the president took office in December 2000.

Some kind of migration measure approved by the U.S. Congress looked like a possibility in early 2001, but the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks raised new concerns about security that complicated the issue.

Last year, the U.S. House passed a bill that would extend border fences along some stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border while strengthening efforts to curb illegal immigration.

A different bill being considered by the Senate, drafted by Majority Leader Bill Frist, focuses on law enforcement but also includes some increases in visas for unskilled workers.

The measure leaves open the possibility of replacing the Frist bill with one that is being drafted by a Senate committee and that could include a guest-worker proposal as well as some form of legal status for illegal immigrants.

Aguilar said Mexico was buoyed by the fact that "there is discussion within the United States that a wall will not resolve any problems."

In full-page advertisements published Monday in three U.S. newspapers, Mexico endorsed "a far-reaching guest workers scheme," but said that in order for it to work "Mexico should participate in its design, management, supervision and evaluation."

The ad said Mexico does not promote illegal immigration and has worked to crack down on smugglers who help hundreds of thousands of citizens slip into U.S. territory.

But it also said that undocumented Mexicans should be allowed to assimilate into the U.S. communities in which they now live and enjoy the same rights as everybody else.

© 2006 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed
Lemme see here. Vinny stokes the home folks, congress debates amnesty, Bush and Vinny and the New Dood meet to talk about North American integration. Looks to me like a hard push is on the way.
It's a done deal. Just a matter of whether or not we get any Vaseline.
Been voting Republican all my life. Time to vote 3rd party. With the Republicans in control of everything all they have done is sell the American people up the river.
1-A war based on nothing but lies
2-The Patroit Act
3-Campign Reform
5-Pushing for ammesty
6-The rulings the Republican appointed court has made the last few years

The Republicans are just as big an enemy of the Constitution as the Democrats are. The difference is the Republicans are way better at making you think they are a friend of our rights. Through voting for who I think is the lesser of the two evils. Evils is Evil their is no degree of Evil
The only long term solution to the illegal immigration problem is to eliminate the welfare state

I agree in theory, but what do you do from now until then when you still have a welfare state for the new arrivals to vote to keep? Do you really think a lettuce picker making 13k/yr will vote so that now he has to pay for his own medical care, heating, food, housing, and all that for his wife and children? That suddenly means he cant afford to work for so little and he priced himself out of the job market relative to his counterpart who will take advantage of those govt bennies.
Funny the main Republican in the Senate pushing for the bill is McCain. You see who the people who control the party are pushing for 08 don't you? That tell you were the Republicans really stand???
Stop blaming Kennedy and McCain. Illegal immigration was here long before Bush was born. If I was left with a decision to see my family starve or sneek into the USA and make some dinero to send back...guess what...I'm human just like you. It's called taking care of business.

A great deal of the 20 million or so illegals provide a service to this country. Someone mentioned a car wash. Okay, I pay $10 to get my Jeep washed. If the car wash hired only legals, how much would I be paying then? I wouldn't, and no one else would pay $25 for a car wsh. That business would go out of business, and the community would lose revenue from the taxes the car wash paid.

I love peaches, but at $4 a pound, I would rather buy a steak. Take away the migrant farm worker, peaches would go the way of the dinosaurs.

Federal Government banned pseudoephedrine because US citizens were buying them at Walmart and making meth with it. Now these same folks are having a love affair with Mexico because you can buy pseudoephedrine there.

Supply and demand. The US economy would collapse without cheap labor. If good-ole corn fed Americans would stop buying drugs, you would break the bank on a multi-billion dollar industry. Most of the prisons are filled with people due to drug offenses.

How many of you out there reading this had work done to your homes or businesses with the majority of the labor did not speak english? I can't afford to pay you enough to send your kids to Columbia University, but I can afford a contractor who cuts costs with, albeit illegal, but skilled laborers.

I think we should finally and for once, tighten up the borders. Give amnesty to the illegals that have not committed any crimes other than their presense. Make American businesses start paying taxes, benefits and workmans compensation. All the new amnesty citizens pay income tax and social security taxes. If the response from businesses who now have to pay legal wages to all employees is to raise the prices of their products or services, we got back to the way things used to low interest loans to people who wants to compete with these existing businesses for the American dollars. Walmart is so successful because they provide lower prices than the small business owner (who hires illegals) who wants to charge me $5 for a gallon of milk.

Whewww. I now relinquish the soapbox to the general floor...
Personally, I report every damn illegal I can and if that means I have to pay five bucks for a head of lettuce, I'll gladly do so. Overall, they cost us more than they save us.
If you washed your own jeep, could be those illegals would go home.
One last thing. Illegals are sending back over $13 billion US dollars every year back to Mexico. Old President Vincente Fox is laughing all the way to the bank. By giving amnesty to the existing people here, that $13 billion can be kept here and better used to provide welfare to Iraq!
A great deal of the 20 million or so illegals provide a service to this country. Someone mentioned a car wash. Okay, I pay $10 to get my Jeep washed. If the car wash hired only legals, how much would I be paying then? I wouldn't, and no one else would pay $25 for a car wsh. That business would go out of business, and the community would lose revenue from the taxes the car wash paid.
Then who would wash the cars? The people would wash their own cars. What would they need to do that? More soap and buckets and brushes and whatnot. Who makes that stuff? Oh yeah, workers here in the US who are getting paid more than the car wash employees.

Funny how that supply/demand thing works.

I love peaches, but at $4 a pound, I would rather buy a steak. Take away the migrant farm worker, peaches would go the way of the dinosaurs.
Who loves to pay $$$ for organic produce when you can get the regular stuff so cheap? Apparently lots of people do, so many in fact that Wal Mart itself is opening up a line of "organic" produce.

There's that supply/demand thing again. Price doesn't seem to keep people away like you think it will.

Federal Government banned pseudoephedrine because US citizens were buying them at Walmart and making meth with it. Now these same folks are having a love affair with Mexico because you can buy pseudoephedrine there.
Actually, no the Meth is being imported thru Mexico thanks to horrendously poor border control.

Thanks again supply/demand for helping point out even more reasons we need immigration control!
"The only long term solution to the illegal immigration problem is to eliminate the welfare state"

Not true, we could eliminate the illegals themselves :)

The bottom line is, North or South border, that there is no punishment for illegal entry. Start sending them home minus a finger or hand, see if they're still eager to bypass all th paperwork. Better yet, illegals who are caught should be bussed to Detroit to fill potholes before being sent home, at least then WE get somthing for catching them.

I'd hate to work for the Border Patrol. It'd be like catching fish you can't eat...except that the fish you miss on the border might kill you and will definately cost citizens money in the long run (since illegals don't pay taxes, but do use roads, schools, hospitals, and all the other things that FICA takes my money to fund).

Ah, but that 13 billion would still be sent home so the families of the illegals could hire some more coyotes to facilitate their parasitic trip across the border.
After all, it's just a matter of time before another amnesty, eh?
Failing that, all a woman has to do is drop an anchor baby on US soil (at our expense, no less) and the kid is a citizen and the mother can't be deported.
Ain't it cool?
Fox's administration has made a possible bilateral migration agreement with the United States the centerpiece of its foreign policy since shortly after the president took office in December 2000.

New definition of "bi-lateral." You bend over, I...never mind.

The real question to be asked now is how we can get Bush to STAY in Cancun.
biker said:
...all a woman has to do is drop an anchor baby on US soil (at our expense, no less) and the kid is a citizen and the mother can't be deported...
Can you blame them? Have you ever seen a Mexican delivery room? It's called "behind a cactus" to most in Tijuana! I don't blame the women for trying to find a better opportunity for their youth...
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