self defense stories/was I mugged?

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Dec 25, 2006
Anyone ever had to use a knife or other non-gun for self defense? How'd it work out for you?

The closest I ever came was years ago, back in my "anti-gun" days. I carried a Spyderco Co-Pilot as a money clip/utility knife. Late at night, walking out of a bar in Greensboro, I noticed my date's car had a flat tire. Set about changing it and was almost done when two homeless men came up to offer "advice" and "assistance" (got in the way, told me to buy fix-a-flat, etc.) then asked for money. I had $7 to my name, and gave each of them a dollar - one of them commented on the money clip but didn't seem to realise it was a pocketknife.

They wanted the five and I should have given it to them but I was dumb, and mad. They sort of crowded me against the car and kept demanding I give them the five, getting more insistent and angry. I held the knife open, but low and sort of hidden against my thigh, put my weight forward to avoid being put off balance against the car, and continued to politely but firmly refuse the money. The man who did most of the talking suddenly looked down and noticed the knife, didn't address it but suddenly got more polite, wished me a good night and started to walk off. His friend looked confused and started to argue with him ("Wait a minute-where you going?" etc.) but the first guy just grabbed his friend by the sleeve and pulled him away.

I've had no training at all in how to use a knife, and this one only had about and inch, inch and a quarter serrated blade, but it was enough of a threat to discourage those guys. I'm sure that if I hadn't had it, they would have continued to escalate the situation in hopes of separating me from my meager $5. I'm also sure that if I had held it up and flashed it, things would have gone differently.

That's not the only time when I've been "sort of" mugged, when someone's actions slowly crossed the line between aggressive panhandling and overt intimidation. I've noticed that some petty criminals will try to get by with the least amount of violence necessary to achieve their objective, and gradually escalate their attempts from verbal arguments to subtle threats, outright threats, then physical contact like pushing or bumping, then real violence. In such slowly escalating scenarios it's hard to know exactly how much force to use, and it's easy to get trapped by your own sense of politeness. I guess I should have told them I didn't have any money, or to [beat it], when they first approached me.
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My (115 lbs at the time) younger brother avoided a fight with an extremely large, 6'2" high schooler years ago by holding his pocket knife in a way that was visible but appeared as though he was trying to hide it. It worked, but it's a dangerous gambit.

In your situation, you should have held your tire tool in a way that would have forced them to keep their distance. If they closed that distance, you defend. Tire tools are more effective weapons than blades smaller than swords, anyway.

i agree with JShirley. id rather have a tire iron then a 1" blade to defend myself with. but i wasnt there and you were, who knows. sound like you did the right thing. screw giving some overaggressive bums your money, unless you think they would get violant in order to get it from you. in that case id prolly just throw em the $5.
Doc's, rules.

Be aware of your surroundings,
Avoid all confrontations.
State your intentions only once, dont repeat yourself.
When all the above fail, there can be only one winner - ME

Just my.02, YMMV
They walked away because one of them saw the knife and broke off the "interview". Ciminals are by nature, cowards, and are looking for an easy mark to hit. Not a fight in which they mayt be the ones that get hurt. Preditors don't want to get hurt.

Contrary to the mythical 250 pound weight lifting crack addict that soaks up 9mm's like a sponge, the typical street criminal is a thin, out of shape drunk or druggie, looking for money for his next high. In the face of stiff resistance, they will mostly run. Mostly, key word. If you make a threat, you have to be ready to back it up, and make them know it.

You did okay, but after the second time of "politly refusing" to hand over the 5, you should have gotten a bit offensive, like in telling him to back off in a very loud tone, and make it known to him he's about to get grievously injured over 5 dollars.

I know of one elderly lady, who when a would be mugger tried to rob her in a church, she drove him off with a pen. Little old lady. Another incident I personally know of, an older white whiskered retired gentleman was going to get mugged by three Latino street punks. The fact that they were going to have to deal with him fighting back with a stout walking stick was enough to make them back off.

Next time don't let them get that close. Pick up the tire iron and step back a pace or two to give yourself some swinging/manouvering room. Once the fight is a second away, odds are they will retreat. If not, be ready to follow through with you're threat all the way.

You're right in that criminals will "interview" you. Soon as it starts, you have to make it clear you're a bad candidate for him. Like your momma said, don't talk to strangers. Walk away if you feel the least uncomfortable, or if you can't, don't be afraid to get a little pushy. If they push, you push back hard. If they lay a single finger on you, thats assault, and you clobber them with whatever you have at hand. Don't let them esculate it on thier time track, de-rail the heck out of them. They're looking for an easy mark, make it clear you ain't him. Most of all, don't be afraid of making a scene. Thats the last thing they want. Go ahead and yell "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE, DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH!!!" Take the situation back from them by drawing uncomfortable attention to whats going on.

As it is, you did fine; you went home!
i've had to use non firearm weapons plenty of times; i grew up, and hung out in, pretty bad neighborhoods. mostly knives, but a few times with a baseball bat or club-type weapon, a broken bottle, my bookbag, and some aerosol hairspray and a lighter. the most recent situation was a few years ago, before i owned a gun, and resulted in me finally buying one, and getting a license to carry. long story short, 3 guys jumped me, weapons came into play, they got cut up, i got cut up, and when everything finally got settled, i was cleared. the local sheriff told me i might be better off just carrying a gun, so i took his advice.
Folks that have offered me violence over the years have been met with a variety of weapons, including firearms, a shovel, a golf club, a tow hitch, my vehicle, a tennis racket, a chunk of 2x4, a Carcano bayonet, and whatever else I had at hand at the time.

The most important weapon was paying attention to the environment and the attitude that the opponent was not going to profit from the encounter.
My gosh, what kind of neighborhoods did you guys frequent where you got into so many fights. I worked in South Central L.A. in the 60's and 70's and never ran into that much antagonism.

Got mugged once. I was on my way back from Texas headed to New Hampshire. Stopped at the bus station in Atlanta where i had like a 3 hour layover. so i decided i would take a lil walk and get some lunch. The neighborhood didnt look that bad. Went into a decent looking resturant. When I was in the restroom a man asked me if I was a cop, I said no. Kinda wierd question. Then He asked me if i wanted to by some "weed" from him. said no again, I dont smoke that. Then a moment later another guy I haddnt noticed behind me put me in a headlock from behind, like he3 was gonna choke me out. He pshed me down then the two of them ran out. I got up and my wallet was gone. So i walked outside to head back to the bus station. And about a block away i saw a cop, I was so happy. I told him I just got mugged and the two guys probable ran right by him. He was like "what do you want me to do about it"" sorry cant help you" I really felt like hitting that cop. I just got mugged and he totally brushed me off.

Then when i got to NYC i told someone my story while on another layover and the guy gave me $40. I was shocked. If anything I would have expected to get mugged in NYC. Not have a stranger give me money.

As far as defending myself. A friend and i took on 5 kids back in junior high. We won the fight because we grabed some marker sticks(those 1 1/2 x1 1/2 x 4' sticks with orange flags tied on the end you see around construction areas) when we heard these kids were after us. was supprised to see how much of an advantage a stick can give you.
i have been pleny of fights, but most of em fist/foot. i had about 8 months of Krav Maga (isralie). but i have use a beer can (full, unopened), stick, machitie (spellin?), and a knife four times.

when i used the beer can, he was a football player, so he lowered his sholder and chaged. so i grabbed the can and crumpled on his head. he had to get stiches.

the time i used a machitie, the guy had a skinning knife and was like:cuss:so i picked up a large, razor sharp cane knife and cut his middel arm.

all i can say is;
us a knife with a 3-4 1/2 in blade (1/2 or 1/3 sherraded is good),
Glass ash tray.Knife.Rock in a sock.Jack handle.Tool bag; swung by strap(had a wrench&socket set inside it-no time to access).Belt ;wrapped around fist;steel buckle dangling.Sliding door of van.The wierdest?Gasoline can and Bic lighter.
Sounds like a aggressive begging turned into an attempted (and failed) mugging.

Personally, I've never been mugged, though I'm pretty sure I've come close. I've had people follow me while walking down the street a number of times as well as 'cased' while I was doing something like going to a gas station at night; they were all evaded or easily dissuaded (looking them in the eyes with a rascally grin and wink and a shake of the head).

I've gotten into a couple unprovoked fights, though they were all before turning 18. The most intense when I was in middle school (or so - 6th grade?) and was in a strip of trees by the school (and behind a friend's grandmother's house, on her property) when we were attacked by some of our "peers". Nine of them to the three of us (me, my little bro, and friend). We were, coincidentally, building a "fort" and had a number of implements for defense - throwing stones, long and sturdy sticks, and slingshots w/ pebbles with us. They surrounded our fort (small area we cleared out and boarded up) and attacked us for about 20 minutes with sticks and stones. We came away with some scratches and gashes, but nothing serious (and nobody got in "trouble" for that, either).
I was moving equipment at night. I had just untied a loader and was putting the chains away when this moron tried to rob me with a knife. I'm still trying to figure out how he sneak up on me. I turned around and he was right there, about three feet from me he said to give me your money or I'll stick you.
My right hand was on a load binder, my grip tightened and I swing it with everything I have. It catches him across the side of the head and he goes down hard.
Cops said good job and took him to the hospital then to jail.
You did well. A little better positioning would have improved your situation, but you can keep that in mind for next time.
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