Serial number fell off.

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My self defense insurance has legal consulting for firearm related issues included in the cost. I doubt they were thinking this when they created the program but I'd guess this would qualify. Do you have a carry insurance with a similar benefit? Be worth a quick call. Of all the things I expected to not like about poly frame guns this was not an issue I would have thought.
Your dealer should be able to help you out. When they received the firearm, they enter it in their gun book. When they sold the firearm, they should have disposed of it in the same log book. I would think it wouldn't take much effort to look that up, and provide the manufacturer with that information. With that kind of information from the dealer, you would think it would remove any doubt of you trying to "scam" the manufacturer, and that they would want to take care of it ASAP.
Just my 2¢.
There are still a lot of suggestions here that aren't going to pass legal muster.

The serial number fell off and can't be found. It's GONE.

You can't recover from that in any legal fashion in the laws as written. You can't get the serial number from the dealer and engrave it. You can't get it from the manufacturer and engrave it. You can't get it from the original box and engrave it.


Because you can't prove the serial number from any of those sources actually belongs to that particular gun.

We may not like that, but that's the fact of the matter.
If you can snow the rest of your serial numbered stuff, FN may be more considerate and send your FFL a new frame...

I think that’s the best you can hope for.

Pichers, please.

Really interested.
Demill the frame according to the ATF. Then contact FN. Get something on official letterhead, or at least a company email. Then, if they do this, trash them on every forum, and every range you can get to listen. Thats what I would do. Thats just trashy.
I would contact the ATF after demill and explain what happened and see what they thing about a such a flimsy setup.
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