Shooting fast at CQB distances.

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Excuse me!:eek: I was going to post about Close Quarters BATTLE, and I see this thread is about games.:mad: Talk amonst yourselves, topic: How many 'race guns' are on the front in Iraq bringing BATTLE to the feyadeen?:evil:
entropy, since my game is primarily 3gun, most of the M4 carbines I see being used in Iraq look suspiciously just like the M4geries that are the most common guns I see used in matches. Strangely enough, a bunch of the guys I shoot competition with are currently deployed to Afghanistan (19th SF out of Camp Williams UT) and are occupied killing very bad people using guns very similiar to what they shoot in competition. When they step off of the plane I'll be sure to tell them that they are bunch of crying nancy boy gamers. :)
I learned about point-shooting from Rex Applegate and Bill Jordon. Fortunately I was able to know both. Also got to know Jeff Cooper and learned his "New Technique." Basics I picked up at Camp Perry.

At this point, (pardon the pun) Point Shooting has become more important to me in regards to close-up-and-personal because age has robbed me of fine eyesight. With my glasses I do fine, but I have to conclude that in a fight they'd probably get knocked off and then everything would be a blur - especially in low light.

The bottom line of all this is that over a half-century of experience has taught me to experiment with different techniques and methods. No single one is "right" for every situation. Therefore be aware of what's out there and don't hesitate to try something new. Don't reject anything until you've practiced enough to know for sure that it doesn't work, at least for you. And never get the idea that what's good in a particular game will work as well on the street - or whatever. A good man (or woman) with a handgun can take out a target close enough to touch in under a second, including the draw - or hit a man-sized target at 300 meters.
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