Sons of Guns

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People will watch anything, let's get that straight. New Jersey, New York Beverlly Hills Housewives, are all good examples of no brain tv. So we can't go by what is good tv vs Bad tv,by getting more people to watch it as a rule of thumb, brings in the bucks, because look at who is deciding, most of the people who are more screwed up than the people in the shows. Jersey shore kids get 80 grand an episode each, The Situation made 10 million dollars last year, and wrote 2 books. As did that little drunk dwarf, Sucki or whatever her name is. So we can't judge what America thinks is good or bad, as they are too far our there with their values. Sorry to get off topic but our ability to define a good tv show has lost it's meaning when Charlie Sheen get's over 2 million an episode, and wants a raise.
They will one day be replaced by animated characters who don't complain, and are never out late because they had a drunken cocaine binge. I may not love the gun shows that are on, but at least they are on.
Anyone see the last episode with the new guy having to sweep up all the dog stuff.
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Sons of Guns?? Is this like American Chopper, or American Idol, or Survivor, or The Biggest Loser, or the dance show??

Holy Moly! - a "new" kind of modern day show that sets itself apart from the rest. Who would've thunk? :rolleyes:
Alrighty, someone definitely needs to start making these boxed guns; they are cool, practical, and there would definitely be a market for it (maybe there is already something out there that I just don't know of?).

Anyways, the Red Jacket one came out better than I expected, but once you see the Magpul one, it doesn't come close...

Anyone else watch ?
I have never watched that show before tonight and it is super retared. They are the FIRST people ever to do the same things others have already done every ten min. Well im on my fourth epospde tonight so it cant be that bad.
I've got a question, in the episode Double M16s, they take two M16s and mount them together on a small patrol boat, supposedly at the behest of some Navy sailors looking for a weapon system to boost their firepower. My question is what the hell is the point of jerry rigging a couple of M16s together with Beta mags and a complicated water cooling system? Why not just utilize a M240 or an M249 if you're dead set on using the 5.56mm round? These are platforms designed from the ground up for sustained fire and have proven their effectiveness. Sure its a pretty cool system, and it seems to have worked fairly well. Now I know the answer to every why question a shooter will ever ask like this one will inevitably be, "why the hell not?" However, I want to know, why someone would request this complex system in lieu of an existing, proven system. Another thing, those who took delivery of and tested the system were using what looked to be an old bass boat and didn't strike me as active duty military personnel. Looking forward to some insight.
Both the Magpul (Glock based) and Red Jacket (Mac 11) gun end up being an SBR/NFA item so you'll pay for the novelty.

Still, it's pretty cool and made a lot more sense than the twin 16.
I hear you jerkyman, I just watched that episode too, may find some discussion about it earlier in the thread since that episode was aired a while ago. Even more so than your concern was that the customers insisted that they keep the exact same set up. Why do you need rails on a turret mount? And why couldn't they get like a heavy barreled version? (maybe it was I couldn't tell).

As for the tackle box gun...I was a lot more impressed with it when I saw that they fit all that other survival gear but I don't see why you need 2 flashlights, it seems like just one could do double duty somehow. Also how many legal hurtles do you have to jump through to have one of those?

And to all the haters (haven't had time to read the whole thread) but I don't know why you hating so much. This and top shot are basically just reality tv for guys, what's wrong with that? I mean its like american idol or top shot, what would you choose? I think sons of guns did a really good job with adding a lot of variety, they had something new every show.
but hasn't a flip out gun been done before? They acted like they were treading virgin territory.
Also, $1200? Really??

Not only has it been done before (introduced Shot Show 2008) but Magpul did it and its called the FMG9 and is WAY nicer overall than their lunch box POS
Make a lot of noise like blow stuff up, scream and yell at the help, and belittle them as much as possible, make believe you invented something that already has been done many times before, and do every project in less than a week. = recipe for great tv show. not
Do many middle aged women walk off the street and buy saiga shotguns as their Home Defense weapon? And didn't they see "no country for old men", because it looked like they were trying to pretend that they were the only ones to supress a shotgun.
I put it on last night just to see what I missed, "it's juat as stupid as most tv shows are, like I mentioned before". But I just hope it does more good than harm. Too much focus on auto and military style weapons, great for black ops types, but they really should focus more on the average Joe, events, and maybe some competitive shooting, and protection of home and family. Just my 2 cents, try to get the family demographic, instead of limiting it to gun people. I know most folks aren't interested in the cyclonic rate of an m4, but perhaps a show about what makes a good home defense weapon and how and where to get the proper training would draw a larger audience, I doubt that the make it through the second season if this is all they are going to concentrate on. And that's a shame, because there is an oppertunity there to educate and enlighten some people who were on the fence about owning a gun. But showing these 300 round ammo burners is just what will turn them off.
And didn't they see "no country for old men", because it looked like they were trying to pretend that they were the only ones to supress a shotgun.

If you watch the episode, Will actually mentions No Country For Old Men by name. They totally didn't hijack that idea or anything.

I can't believe how much hate for the show there is here! It's not the best show in the world, but I do find it pretty entertaining! Some episodes are definitely better than others and the show is doing very well from what I hear. I just don't get how people blast the heck out of the show, then watch it every week, lol. (You gotta admit, what else comes on at that time worth watching? I sure as heck ain't watchin' American Idol!)

Also, yes the magpul is better looking, but it doesn't have the little survival kit in it, and it wasn't built in like a week. I don't think the final product looked that bad at all considering how fast they built it.

I think season 2 will be a lot better when they tweak their editing and story lines. A lot of people are taking this show too seriously. I think they are doing a lot of their guns we see on TV for entertainment purposes and people need to relax a little and just enjoy being entertained!

PS anyone notice how the History channel is getting a taxidermy show called 'Mounted in Alaska' and at the same time, Discovery channel is getting a taxidermy show too, lol, called 'Taxidermy USA' ???
No its not a fantastic show, but it isn't terrible. I would like to see them make a custom long range gun or something that doesn't require a $200 tax stamp though
I like sons of guns. People hate it alot. But hey, they are doing something right, they are making bank and most of us are not. If I could put two m-16's together with a cooling system and charge 3000 bucks for it I would. That's a no brainer. You can't deny the skill and workmanship of all the guys at Red Jacket, and any one of em would probably run circles 99% of the people in this forum in a gunsmith shop.
Will posted this on another forum:
We've been in the business a long time and the worst anyone can really say after a decade is that we aren't good actors ..... well, never claimed to be...guess I'll just have to take solace in the fact that we've grown 20% every year we've been in business and I'm pretty sure this years growth will set a record for any business ;)
On the 'lunchbox':
The prototype shown will never be a production item . We built it to check out the concept , we think the concept's got leg's but it needs to be designed and built as a ground up movement , not a modification of an existing firearm . Our design and fabrication capabilities are worlds away now from what they where when we did that build but I still think we'll be a couple years before we have a production model ready . To many irons in the fire right now .
OK, you guys who have all the answers.

Why don't you create and produce a show that:

1. Shows custom builds on bolt-action rifles or 1911's.

2. Explains the laws every week (especially 922r)

3. If they happen to venture into NFA territory, make sure they explain those laws every week also.

4. See what kind of ratings you get

5. See how long it lasts.
You can't deny the skill and workmanship of all the guys at Red Jacket, and any one of em would probably run circles 99% of the people in this forum in a gunsmith shop.

Yeah, OK. No denying the workmanship of spraypaint and dremel's.... oh and poorly executed COPYS.

IM just so glad its over so i can stop watching it. I just couldn't stop watching and picking my jaw up off of the ground thinking "You have GOT to be kidding me".

Their "Survival Kit" was a joke... what was it? waterproof matches and 3 spare rounds? YAY! That's what i want with me in case of emergency. Also, he was talking about carrying that stupid thing while walking his dogs or something like that.... how about traditional CCW? Or Open Carry? a quality handgun on your hip is far more useful than that awful thing... and that even goes for the Magpul design.

The part i loved was when my Fiancee says "Hasn't this been done before?" LOL!... she's barely into guns and she called their B.S. hahahaha... I loved it.

Anyhow, Im just glad its over. sheesh
OK, you guys who have all the answers.

Why don't you create and produce a show that:

1. Shows custom builds on bolt-action rifles or 1911's.

2. Explains the laws every week (especially 922r)

3. If they happen to venture into NFA territory, make sure they explain those laws every week also.

4. See what kind of ratings you get

5. See how long it lasts.

There's no genius residing in one more schmuck with a camera crew behind him. Are the Teutuls really geniuses or did they actually reach their wealth and stardom primarily on the backs of the networks? Think about it.

What would be the sense in making one more reality show?? It would be better television if all of the reality shows went away and script writers actually had to use their brains for a change.

Oh I get it ... if we're not being dumbed down enough then we should dummy up, right? If not "down" then "up". ;) I get it. I don't follow it, but I get it.

I'm all for making more original 30 minute sitcoms or 60 minute shows. This reality type garbage is just what it is "garbage". I mean right from the get-go in the introduction of "Sons of Guns", the owner or whoever says, "Don't try this at home." What do you mean don't try this at home?! It's shooting guns and it looks like fun! Why shouldn't I try this at home if I have enough space and can do it safely?

EVERY STINKIN' WHERE I turn on the channels it's either #1 another reality show being forced down our pipes #2 the news the Government Media Complex thinks we're entitled to #3 MTV and VH1 shows which really aren't music at all and #4 QVC/home shopping channels.

Glad to see that my $108/month cable payment is going to nothing but "the highest quality service" available. :rolleyes:
oh kingofthehill, what are we gonna do with you? lol

if that magpul knockoff had a waterproof solar powered GPS and an emergency thanksgiving turkey dinner in it, you'd have something negative to say about it haha...

I do think it's very funny how you can't have a lil' self control and not watch it lol ;-P

and I like the concept of only basically using it for walking the dog or taking out the trash or what not... It's practical in a non-threatening way (ie, using the flashlight) and it's practical if the shtf with a bad guy/animal...

I really figured it'd get great reviews from everyone on a gun forum! Oh well, to each his own!
only basically using it for walking the dog

So this can be manipulated with 1 hand? I doubt it. If being attacked by a animal, you're going to drop the leash so your dog you love can be mauled by said animal? :rolleyes: I'll take my CCW over this and the magpul version any day of the week, while keeping my doggie from being eaten or killed.
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