Spending on Gun Legislation Doesn't Match Rhetoric

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Dec 26, 2002
Open Secrets does a nice job of evaluating the spending on gun legislation since Sandy Hook for both gun rights and gun control groups. The big shocker; gun rights groups have not spent that much more.

The bigger shocker, despite Bloomberg's claims of spending millions to support gun control, his actual reported expenses are very modest.
NRA paid caller called yesterday. Offered to extend my membership 5 years for $100. I said, "I am a life member. Are you offering to extend my life 5 years for $100?" She got flustered and hung up. :uhoh:
If the NRA offered a special double priced life membership that would GUARANTEE they'd never call, email or mail me EVER I'd sign up in a heartbeat. I like them, but I hate the junk they feel compelled to send you every other day.
If she had stayed on the line, I might have made a donation. Having worked for non-profits and political action committees, I know that soliciting for funds is a volume activity, can be annoying, but has to be done for survival. Like any cold calls, only a small percentage of contacts will respond, maybe 2%, so you have to call 50 people to get one positive response. I don't mind saying "No". It just increases the odds that their next contact will say "Yes", so I feel I am helping in a small way whatever I do. :scrutiny:
The big shocker; gun rights groups have not spent that much more.

The gun control groups don't have to spend much when the media is happy to spread anti-gun rhetoric for free.
doubled its lobbying expenses between the end of 2012, when it spent just $50,000, and the first three months of this year when it spent $100,000.

While the gross isn't much the fact that they were able to double their expenditures is important. Also, there is a lot of effort that isn't reflected in that $50,000 increase exhorting their members to put the word out.

Still for all the claims of money being spent to change America it is nice to see that MAIG and Bloomberg are cheap so-and-so's and that while making their grandiose claims that they appear to be even bigger losers than we knew.
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