Tell me the meaning of your screen name.

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Where is Catsdienow when we need her? She has a great internet moniker!

bad_dad_brad means bad are my initials, dad because I am a dad, and brad because that is my first name (nickname).

Co-workers used to call me bad dad when I was raising three teenage boys (try it some time) and I had the habit of treating young miscreant men I had to work the same as my sons.

They are all grown up now thank God (my sons that is - the miscreants I have to work with still abound.)
Powderman--because I do lot--and I mean a LOT of reloading and shooting.

Also because the guy that handled explosives in the mines of the early 1900's was called the powderman. Kind of a tribute to my military days when I engaged in my favorite pastime--blowing things up in really spectacular fashions!!
Ian Sean is my youngest boy, I'm Patrick Sean, been through a lot of different forum handles over the years with all kinds of meanings. Keeping it simpler now.

A touch of the Irish in name only, 1st generation German actually.
Many dogs at this house - I am the one named John:cool:


PS - "TheFrontRange" it's a tough job, but someone has to do it! Two weeks ago the AF Academy had their graduation ceremony - Damned Thunderbirds rocketing around disrupted our staff meeting - had to go outside and watch them till they stopped;)

A compression tool used in leatherwork, also a plierlike device used to set fuses into blasting caps/detonators for demolition work. Worked (briefly) in a quarry, and helped set chages, also do leatherwork. The "D" refers to a 'D ring' I've used to make gun harness. I had trouble when registering finding an unused nickname... this worked:)
Devonai is a name I made up for role playing back in 1995 because it "sounded Jewish." Turns out it really is a Jewish name. Go figure. Plus my real name is Dave so it's easy for my friends to remember.
Glamdring: from The Hobbit a book that I read a long time before I ever heard of Jeff Cooper. Then I read Cooper. He likes to label bad guys Goblins. Makes sense to me :D

Also read a short story Frost and Thunder about a guy from the bigdays of IPSC that gets dragged back in time long enough to help vikings using his cutomized 1911. The vikings called him Thor...and his friend from current days felt that guns should be named. When he comes back to the present he names his 1911 Mjolner (sp?) after Thor's Hammer.

Glamdring was a sword made to fight Goblins. The name is supposed to mean "Foe Hammer". And it is easier to spell :) than Mjolner.
The name is supposed to mean "Foe Hammer".

It does mean that, though it's slightly complicated. "1 Actually, the literal translation of glam is 'noise', not 'foe'. 'Foe-hammer' comes from glamhoth dring, 'noise-host hammer' - glamhoth is an Elvish term for Orcs. "

And yes, Elvish is a real language and yes there are people who can actually speak it. ;)
I'm into 1940s Willy Jeeps. The flatfender MBs, GPWs, CJ2As. I collect quite a few of them and only have time to restore a few. Simple, elegant, fun.

I also collect and restore 1960s Honda motorcycles. Mainly the Dreams and the Trail series (Z50, CT70, CT90, ect).

I used to use HondaDream as a name, but flatfender is less used.
I'm small, or maybe just slight, as anyone who was at the bay area shoot last weekend can testify. :)
Who am I ?

12-34 is my numerical designation that i use as a peace officer in the county i work in.

hom = the first three letters of my last name.

Hence = 12-34hom.

Surprisingly, not taken when I signed on at TFL and GT. But ... I'm shaving rather regularly again these days (thinking maybe some extra growth might go back north ;) )

Name already taken at 1911forums, so I went with "DCSA RSO". Denton County Sports Assn. Range Safety Officer - quite a mouthful for a "grunt".
Here I am - home from school.

I was very upset with my roommate's cat after it decided to start calling my name while I was home alone one night. Scared me half to death. Coincidently, I needed a screen name shortly afterwards that same night.

For some reason it's never taken. :D
After the character in the poem "Rabbi ben Ezra" by the Victorian poet Robert Browning, which famously begins

Grow old along with me!
The best is yet to be!
The last of life, for which the first was made . . .

The entire poem pretty much sums up my philosophy of life. I first encountered these lines in Isaac Asimov's "Pebble in the Sky" while a lowly 7th grader, then discovered a copy of Browning's complete works years later in the Atlanta airport while waiting for a flight home from college. BTW, Robert Browning was husband of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, of "Sonnets from the Portuguese" fame (unfortunately no relation to either Mr. Barrett of .50 BMG fame or John Moses Browning:D).
AMerican for the PREservation of the CONstitution.......I thought it was creative and well, I just so happen to love our Constitution. If only the rest of America did.
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